
MSG10K Plus Multi-Service Gateway
MSG10K Plus is the w orld’s first carrier-grade
Multi-Service Gateway that com bines routing,
switching, WLA N gateway and acce ss controller
functionality into a unified mul ti-core system , and
is designed to mee t multiple servi ces requirements
with robust band width for the next generation mobile
networks. Unli ke other wireles s LAN systems, the
MSG10K Plus supp orts layer2 and layer3 fu nctions,
and is ideal for the l arge-scale car rier-grade networks,
to meet high perfo rmance and a high availability
wireless LAN req uirements that c an be deployed in
the core network t o achieve robust A P centralized
management and c onfiguration .
Product Advantages
A wide range of Netw ork Flexibilit y
MSG10 K Plu s is indepen dent of access re strictio ns
which c an be deployed tr ansparen tly i n a variety of
mobil e networks such a s 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi.
High Performan ce
MSG10 K Plu s provides v ery-high perf ormance, t hanks
to the Du al CPU structur e (8 cores and 32 thr eads per CPU )
and Dis tributed Soft ware Archi tecture. Supp orting up to
700 use rs pe r second for D HCP and Authent ication.
Large Capacity
Suppo rting up to 120,0 00 APs and 1,320, 000 client s per
devic e, the MSG10K Plu s easily ser ves c arrier-g rade
deplo yments.
Multi-Service Integration
MSG10 K Plu s seamless ly integra ted w ith curren t
funda mental mobile n etwork tec hnologies suc h as WLAN
Gatew ay, BNG, Access C ontrolle r, et c. MSG10K Pl us
reali zes data, VoIP an d multimed ia se rvices wit h excellen t
servi ce flexibilit y
Powerfully WLA N Gateway Functi ons
The MSG 10K P lus integr ates WLAN Gatew ay Functio ns,
such as H igh performan ce DHCP server, D HCP relay,
Broad cast Suppress ion, Lawfu l Int erceptio n, Various t unn els
to carr y the 3rd party APs , whitch inc lud e standard C APWAP,
Ether IP/GRE tunnel s.
Excellent BNG ab ility
MSG10 K Plu s also can be de ployed as a BNG/B RAS.
Addit ional to the basi c BRAS funct ion, MSG provid es some
advan ced features fo r transpor t net work, bett er QoS archi tec ture
and saf er authentica tion serve r protection, s uch as 802.1 Q,
,OSPF , VRRP, HQoS, Web A uthentic ati on and EAP-S IM, etc.
Advanced Access Controller Fea tures
Advan ced wireless ne tworking f eatures inclu de Central ized AP
Manag ement, Intell igent RF Man agement, Rogu e/ Interfe ren ce
AP Dete ction, Loadin g Balance, S eamless L2/L3 R oaming, Us er
based R ate-limitin g, Hotspot 2 .0 an d Network Mo nitoring, etc .
High Availability
MSG10 K Plu s supports 1 +1 real-time ba ckup funct ionality. All
servi ces will be autom atically s witched to the ba ckup devic es
seaml essly as soon as th e device fai ls.
Supported Capa city
·Suppo rt up to 120,000 ac cess points
·Suppo rt up to 1,320,00 0 users
·Suppo rt up to 1,536,00 0MAC addresse s
·Suppo rt up to 4096VLAN p er line card
· throu ghputSuppo rt up to 240Gbps

MSG10000 Plus Specification
Software Features
Layer-2 functi on
Layer-3 functi on
WLAN function
VLAN, S uper VLAN,
Link Ag greation
Broad cast Suppress ion
Suppo rt DH CP server, DHCP relay
Suppo rt VR RP protoco l
Suppo rt static routi ng protoco l
Suppo rt OSPF protoco l
Hotsp ot 2.0
AP mana gement and cont rol
Rogue A P det ection
Inter ference detec tion
RF mana gement
Load ba lancing
Suppo rt Et herIP (RFC 3378), GRE,
Perfo rmance monito ring and sta tistics
Seaml ess roaming
Authe ntication typ es:
Authe ntication cli ent:
Encry ption:
Suppo rt Web p
Suppo rt WI SPr authen tication
Suppo rt MA C address au thentica tio n
Suppo rt RFC 3579 RADIU S authenticat ion
Suppo rt RFC 3576 RADIU S authenticat ion
Suppo rt RF C 3580 IEEE 80 2.1X RADIUS
Suppo rt a variety of EAP a uthentic ation:
Suppo rt RA DIUS Clien t/Proxy
Suppo rt LDAP/ SSL Secu re LDAP
Suppo rt TA CACS+
Suppo rt WE P: 64 and 128b it
Suppo rt TKIP
Suppo rt CC MP/AES
Suppo rt SS L,TLS: RC4 1 28-bit,
RSA10 24 an d 2048bit
Role-bas ed user poli cy
ortal a uthenticati on
Multimedia &QoS
高可用 性
High Redundanc y
Hardware Featu res
Line ca rd slot
RTM car d slo t
Switc h card
Shelf m anager card
Line ca rd
RTM car d
Switc h card
HQoS (B ase on VLAN, Port )
Layer -2 and Layer-3 80 2.11e
User Ba se Po licy
1+1 red und ancy
Activ e-active/ac tive-sta ndby
2 x10GE
10 x 1GE
2 x 10GE
8 x10GE
4 x 10/10 0/1 000BASE- T
Network Manage ment
网络管 理
Confi guration base d on CLI
Suppo rt Co nsole,SS H,Telnet
Syslo g system monito r
SNMP v1 , v2c , v3
Physical Chara cteristics
Dimen sion(W*D*H) mm
Weigh t(kg)
Maxim um power consum ption
Envir onment
Direc t power supply
Alter nate power supp ly
(opti onal)
Tempe rature
- Worki ng temperatur e:5°C~40°C
- Stora ge temperatur e:-40°C~+85° C
Humid ity
- Worki ng humidity:5%~8 0%
- Stora ge humidity:5%~9 5%
Input v oltage:-40.5 VD C~ -72 VDC
Input c urrent:25A
Input v oltage:100VAC -250VAC
Input c urrent:12.5A
483x 50 7 x 572
75.5 Kg (fu ll load)
3400W (full load)
Unite d States
UTSta rcom, Inc.
48249 L akeview Bl vd, Sui te A
Fremo nt, CA., 945 38 USA
Tel: +151 0 996 7681
Fax: +1 510 996 7273
http: / /w ww.utst ar.com
http: / /w ww.utst ar.co.j p
UTSta rcom Japan K .K.
The Fro nt Towe r Shiba koen 2 -6-3,
Shiba -koen, Min ato-k u,
Tokyo, Ja pan
Tel: +81- 3-6430-8 600
Fax: +8 1-3-6430 -8599
Zip cod e:105-00 11
UTSta rcom R&D Cen ter.
Build ing3#, No. 1576 Ch unbo Road,
Letel H igh-Tech Par k, Binj ian g
Distr ict, Hangz hou 310 052 P RC
0571- 8192888 8
Fax: 01 0- 85201122
Post co de: 310052