Port 0 (P0.0 - P0.7): Port 0 is an 8-bit input only port when used
in its default mode. When configured for their alternate function,
five of the bits are bi-directional EDAC check bits as shown in
Table 1.
Port 1 (P1.0 - P1.7): Port 1 is an 8-bit, quasi-bidirectional, I/O
port. All pins are quasi-bidirectional unless the alternate
function is selected per Table 2. When the pins are configured
for their alternate functions, they act as standard I/O, not quasibidirectional.
Port 2 (P2.0 - P2.7): Port 2 is an 8-bit, multifunctional, I/O port.
These pins are shared with timer 2 functions, serial data I/O and
PWM0 output, per Table 3.
AD0-AD7: The lower 8-bits of the multiplexed address/data
bus. The pins on this port are bidirectional during the data phase
of the bus cycle.
AD8-AD15: The upper 8-bits of the multiplexed address/data
bus. The pins on this port are bidirectional during the data phase
of the 16-bit bus cycle. When running in 8-bit bus width, these
pins are non-multiplexed, dedicated upper address bit outputs.
HSI: Inputs to the High Speed Input Unit. Four HSI pins are
available: HSI.0, HSI.1, HSI.2, and HSI.3. Two of these pins
(HSI.2 and HSI.3) are shared with the HSO Unit. Two of these
pins (HSI.0 and HSI.1) have alternate functions for Timer 2.
HSO: Outputs from the High Speed Output Unit. Six HSO pins
are available: HSO.0, HSO.1, HSO.2, HSO.3, HSO.4, and
HSO.5. Pins HSO.4 and HSO.5 are shared with pins HSI.2 and
HSI.3 of the HSI Unit respectively.
Table 1. Port 0 Alternate Functions
Port Pin Alternate
Alternate Function
ECB0-ECB4 Error Detection & Correction
Check Bits
Input Port Pins
P0.7 EXTINT Setting IOC1.1=1 will allow P0.7
to be used for EXTINT (INT07)
Table 2. Port 1 Alternate Functions
Alternate Function
P1.0 P1.0 I/O Pin
P1.1 P1.1 I/O Pin
P1.2 P1.2 I/O Pin
P1.3 PWM1 Setting IOC3.2=1 enables P1.3 as
the Pulse Width Modulator
(PWM1) output pin.
P1.4 PWM2 Setting IOC3.3=1 enables P1.4 as
the Pulse Width Modulator
(PWM2) output pin.
P1.5 BREQ Bus Request, output activated
when the bus controller has a
pending external memory cycle.
P1.6 HLDA Bus Hold Acknowledge, output
indicating the release of the bus.
P1.7 HOLD Bus Hold, input requesting control
of the bus.
Table 3. Port 2 Alternate Functions
Alternate Function
P2.0 TXD Transmit Serial Data.
P2.1 RXD Receive Serial Data.
P2.2 EXTINT External interrupt. Clearing
IOC1.1 will allow P2.2 to be
used for EXTINT (INT07)
P2.3 T2CLK Timer 2 clock input and Serial
port baud rate generator input.
P2.4 T2RST Timer 2 Reset
P2.5 PWM0 Pulse Width Modulator
output 0
P2.6 T2UP-DN Controls the direction of the
Timer 2 counter. Logic High
equals count down. Logic low
equals count up.
P2.7 T2CAPTURE A rising edge on P2.7 causes
the value of Timer 2 to be
captured into this register, and
generates a Timer 2 Capture
interrupt (INT11).