Instruction Manual
TS-100 20-100 1/4 Female
TS-30 6.0-30 1/4 Female
TS-35 6.0-35 1/4 Female
TS-3M 0.7-3.5 1/4 Female
TS-SN-1 20-150 1.25-9.38 0.14-1.06 1.44-10.81 1/4 Female
TS-SN-2 128-640 8.0-40 0.9-4.52 9.22-46.1 1/4 Female
TT-1 5.0-20 Universal
TT-SN-1 5.0-30 0.04-0.21 0.36-2.16 Universal
Adjustable Model (US Standard)
Adjustable Models (US Standard)
Adjustable Model (Metric)
TS & TT Series
Torque Limiting Screwdrivers
TS-30 TT-1TS-SN-1 TT-SN-1

Torque Limiting Screwdrivers
Recalibration of the Utica Adjustable Torque Screwdrivers
Proper calibration equipment is required to ensure accuracy!
Adjust to the min.
torque output.
TS-30 = 6 in-lb
TS-35 = 6 in-lb
TS-3M = 5 cm-kg
TS-100 = 20 in-oz
TT-1 = 2 in-oz
If calibration is not
correct, adjust the
screwdriver to achieve
an output equal to that
shown in step 1.
Turn adjusting knob to
equal setting of measured
torque output.
Torque output should
equal the reading on
the tester within ±4%.
2 3
Adjust to the max.
torque output.
TS-30 = 30 in-lb
TS-35 = 35 in-lb
TS-3M = 30 cm-kg
TS-100 = 100 in-oz
TT-1 = 20 in-oz
4 5 6
Turn clockwise
to increase
and counterclockwise to
decrease the
torque setting.
Recheck the
screwdriver with the
maximum setting.
Recheck the setting
shown in setp 2.