The ESL Supervised Commercial W ireless Smoke Detector is UL Listed (UL 268) for use in commercial applications. The unit
combines a photoelectric smoke detector with an integrated fixed 135°F temperature and rate-of-rise heat detector, and a
Learn Mode transmitter for use with compatible wireless control panels (see “Specifications” on back page).
Sounder vent
Detector Operation
Under normal non-alarm conditions, the detector LED (light-emitting diode) flashes once every nine seconds while monitoring the surrounding conditions. The detector transmits a supervisory signal every 64 minutes indicating its status, which the
panel receives and processes accordingly.
In an alarm condition due to smoke or heat, the LED changes from flashing to on and the built-in sounder emits a temporal 3
pattern (a repeated series of three beeps followed by a short pause). The detector also transmits an alarm signal, which the
panel receives and processes accordingly.
A built-in tamper switch activates whenever the detector is removed from its mounting base, causing the detector to transmit
a tamper signal which the panel receives and processes accordingly.
The detector is powered by two 3-volt lithium batteries (included). When the battery voltage gets low, the detector transmits
a low battery signal which the panel receives and processes accordingly. If the batteries are not replaced within seven days,
the detector’s built-in sounder emits a short beep or chirp every 45 seconds.
The detector also includes self-diagnostics, automatically adjusting its sensitivity accordingly to reduce the number of
detector cleanings. When cleaning becomes necessary, the detector has a field-replaceable optical chamber.
General Guidelines
•Before mounting detectors, program (learn) them into panel memory and perform a sensor test from the detector’s
intended location, to ensure good RF communication to the panel.
•Locate the detector in environmentally controlled areas where the temperature range is between 40° and 100°F (4.4° and
37.8°C) and the humidity is between 0 and 90% non-condensing.
•Locate detectors away from ventilation sources that can prevent smoke from reaching the detector.
•Locate ceiling mounted detectors in the center of the room or hallway, at least 4 inches (10cm) away from any walls or
•Locate wall mounted detectors so the top of the detector is 4 to 12 inches (10 to 31cm) below the ceiling.
•In rooms with sloped, peaked, or gabled ceilings, locate detectors 3 feet (.9 meters) down or away from the highest point
of the ceiling.
•When mounting to suspended ceiling tile, the tile must be secured with the appropriate fastener to prevent tile removal.
Note: Do not mount the detector to the metal runners of suspended ceiling grids. The metal runners can draw the magnet’s field away
from the detector’s reed switch, causing a false tamper alarm
ESL Wireless Smoke Detector
O f f i c e
O f f i c e
O f f i c e
S t a i r w e l l
M e n s
L a d i e s
O f f i c e
C o n f e r e n c e R o o m
E l e v a t o r
C l o s e t
H a l l
O f f i c e
I n c o m m e r c i a l b u i l d i n g s a s m o k e d e t e c t o r
s h o u l d b e l o c a t e d i n e a c h r o o m .
O f f i c e
S t a i r w e l l
O f f i c e
L o b b y
O f f i c e
H a l l
O f f i c e
H a l l
A s m o k e d e t e c t o r
s h o u l d b e l o c a t e d
o n e a c h l e v e l .
T h i r d F l o o r
S t a i r w e l l
S e c o n d F l o o r
E l e v a t o r
F i r s t F l o o r
I n m u l t i f a m i l y d w e l l i n g s , s m o k e a l a r m s / d e t e c t o r s s h o u l d
b e l o c a t e d i n h a l l w a y s a n d s t a i r w e l l s o f e a c h l e v e l .
D i n i n g
R o o m
L i v i n g
R o o m
m o k e a l a r m s / d e t e c t o r s s h o u l d b e l o c a t e d i n t h e l i v i ng a r e a , h a l l w ay, a n d i n e a c h b e d r o o m o f t h e a p a r t m e n t .
K i t c h e n
B e d r o o m
C l o s e t
B a t h r o o m
C l o s e t
B e d r o o m
C l o s e t
A p a r t m e n t
S t a i r w e l l
A p a r t m e n tA p a r t m e n t
B e d r o o m
C l o s e t
B a t h r o o m
D i n i n g
A r e a
A p a r t m e n t
L i v i n g
R o o m
K i t c h e n
A p a r t m e n t
H a l l
A p a r t m e n t
B e d r o o m
C l o s e t
B a t h r o o m
C l o s e t
B e d r o o m
C l o s e t
Figure 2. Detector Placement
NFP A Guidelines
NFPA 72, Total (Complete) Coverage. If required and unless otherwise modified by through, total
coverage shall include all rooms, halls, storage areas, basements, attics, lofts, spaces above suspended ceilings, and other
subdivisions and accessible spacesas well as the inside of all closets, elevator shafts, enclosed stairways, dumbwaiter
shafts, and chutes.
E l e v a t o r
NFPA 72,* Partial Coverage. Where partial coverage is required, detection devices shall be provided in all common
areas and work spaces, such as corridors, lobbies, storage rooms, equipment rooms, and other tenantless spaces where
detection operation is in accordance with this Code for environment in those spaces.
NFPA 72,* Selective Coverage. Where codes, standards, laws, or authorities having jurisdiction require the protection of selected areas only, the specified areas shall be protected in accordance with this Code.
NFPA 72, Nonrequired Coverage. Where installed, detection that is not required by an applicable law, code, or
standard, whether total (complete), partial, or selective coverage, shall conform to the requirements of this Code.
Exception: Spacing requirements of Chapter 5.
NFPA 72, Where nonrequired detection devices are installed for a specific hazard, additional nonrequired detection
devices shall not be required to be installed throughout an entire room or building.
NFPA 72, 5.6 Heat-Sensing Fire Detectors Heat-sensing fire detectors shall be installed in all areas where required by other
NFPA codes and standards or by the authority having jurisdiction.
NFPA 72, New Apartment Buildings, Detection. Where required by applicable laws, codes, or standards for the
specified occupancy, approved single-and multiple-station smoke alarms shall be installed as follows:
(1) In all sleeping rooms
(2) Outside of each separate sleeping area, in the immediate vicinity of the sleeping rooms
(3) On each level of the dwelling unit, including basement
NFPA 72, Apartment Buildings, Detection. Where required by applicable laws, codes, or standards for the
specified for specified occupancy, approved single- and multiple-station smoke alarms shall be installed as follows:
(1) Outside of each separate sleeping area, in the immediate vicinity of the sleeping rooms
(2) On each level of the dwelling unit, including basement
Exception: Single-station smoke alarms without a secondary (standby) power source shall be permitted..
ESL Wireless Smoke Detector
Locations to Avoid
Do not install smoke detectors:
•in or near areas where combustion particles are normally present such as in kitchens, garages, near furnaces, hot water
heaters, or gas space heaters.
•on the ceiling in rooms next to kitchens where there is no transom between the kitchen and such rooms.
•in damp or very humid areas or next to bathrooms with showers. Locate detectors at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) away from
•in very cold or very hot areas.
•in dusty, dirty, or insect infested areas.
•near fresh air inlets or returns or excessively drafty areas. Heating/air conditioning vents, fans, and fresh air intakes can
drive smoke away from smoke detectors.
•in dead air spaces at the top of peaked ceilings or in corners where walls and ceiling meet. Dead air may prevent smoke
from reaching a smoke detector.
•near fluorescent light fixtures. Locate smoke detectors at least 10 feet (3 meters) away from these fixtures.
Smoke detectors may not work under all conditions. Smoke detectors cannot provide total protection of life or property and
are not a substitute for insurance. All detectors are subject to possible compromise or failure-to-warn for a variety of reasons.
For example:
•This smoke detector will not operate and an alarm will not sound if its batteries are dead, removed, or not installed
•Radio signals transmitted by this smoke detector may be blocked or reflected by metal objects. Adjacent devices or
systems using radio frequency signals may interfere with the operation of this detector. Test the system weekly to
ensure signals are transmitted and received properly.
•Closed or partially closed doors and distance can block or reduce the alarm sound from this detector. This detector is
not designed for the hearing impaired.
•Smoke detectors cannot detect smoke inside chimneys, walls, roofs, or smoke blocked by a closed door.
•Smoke detectors may not detect smoke on other levels of the building.
•Smoke detectors may not warn in time when fires are caused by smoking in bed, explosions, improper storage of
flammables, overloaded electrical circuits, or other hazardous conditions.
This section describes the basic steps for programming (learning) the detector into panel memory. For complete programming
instructions, refer to the specific panel installation instructions.
1.Separate the detector from the mounting base by turning the detector counter clockwise about 15 degrees. The detector
should snap off of the mounting base.
2 .Slide the battery cover away from the detector to unsnap it and lift it off. See Figure 3.
3 .Observing polarity, insert the two lithium batteries (included) into the battery compartment and replace the battery cover.
4.Attach the detector to the mounting base by lining up the alignment tab on the detector with the alignment arrow on the
mounting base, then put the detector on the base and turn it clockwise about 15 degrees. The detector should snap into
place. See Figure 4.
5 .Put the panel into installer programming mode and proceed to the Learn Sensors menu.
6.Select the appropriate sensor group (or type) and the desired sensor number.
7.When prompted by the panel to trip the sensor, activate the detector tamper switch by separating the detector from the
mounting base (see Step 1). The panel confirms programming by displaying the next available sensor number.
8.Attach the detector to the mounting base (see Step 4).
9.Exit from installer programming mode.
Verify Programming and Detector-to-Panel RF Communication
Before mounting, verify that the desired detector location provides good RF communication to the panel.
1 .Put the panel into Dealer Sensor Test mode (refer to the specific panel installation instructions).
2.Take the detector to the desired mounting location.
3.Press and hold the detector test button for 4 seconds. The detector transmits a test signal.
4 .Listen for the appropriate response from system sirens to determine signal integrity from the detector to the panel (refer
to the specific panel installation instructions).
5 .Exit from Dealer Sensor T est mode.
ESL Wireless Smoke Detector
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