First you must enter the progr amming mode by dialing < # # 7 7 >. Then
press <
> and the register numbe r you wish to read back.
• First, you press < # # 7 7 > on your touch tone phone to enter the pro-
gramming mo de.
• The USR Ca ll Director responds with a < PROC EED > tone
• You press <
0 6 > (telling the USR Cal l Director to audibly read back
the value in Register 06)
• The USR Call Director tra nsmits 2 < Beeps > sig nifying the value < 0
> (the feature is tu rned off)
• After a short pause, the USR Call Director will tra nsmit an < OK > tone
followed by a < PROCEED > tone.
• At that ti me you may either < READ BACK > or program any regis ter.
For Registers Containing More Than A Single Value — Some registers can
(or are required to) contain more t han a single value, i.e. Registers 11 to 15.
Here’s a short sample of what a < READ BACK > would sound like where more
than 2 digits or symbols a re programmed in the regist er. Let’s say the register
you want to < READ BACK > is number 13, the Secu rity Access Code for the
MODEM port, and it is progr ammed as <
7 5 >:
• You first enter the progr amming mode: < # # 7 7 >
• Press <
1 3 > to < READ BACK > Register 13.
• The USR C all Director transm its < Beep Beep Bip ( pause) Beep Bi p
Bip (pause) B eep >
(Equivalent to <
7 5 >)
• The US R Call Director i mmediately transm its the < OK > an d < PRO-
Note: You will receive an < ERROR > t one when entering an incorr ect Regis-
ter Number on audible < READ BAC K >. Never fear – TRY AGAIN!
• Save To Memory/ Exit — After progra mming all featu re values you wish
to m anipulate, you will need to save the program to memory and exit the
programmi ng mode. This can be done by dialing < 8 0 >. At that time you will
hear the < OK > tone twice. The LED wi ll go back to normal op eration, Even
if there is a power loss to the USR Ca ll Director, all programm ing is saved.
• No Save/ Exit — If you w ish to < DUMP > any programmi ng you’ve done
and exit the prog ramming mode, dia l < 9 0 >. At that time you will only hear
the < OK > tone once. The LED w ill go back to normal operation.
• Set Reg isters To Factory Pres et — This com mand sets all program registers to the fac tory presets. When you d ial < 6 0 > all regist ers automatically
revert ba ck to fac tory p reset. the USR Call Di rector will a nswer wi th an
< OK > tone followed immediately by a < PROCEED > tone. Dial < 8 0 > to save
and exit.
For Optimal Per formance...
Install the USR C all Director At The “Demarca tion Point”
• < PROCEED > – Three high-pitch tones in rapid succession tell you the
USR Call Director is r eady to program a register or receive more com mands
in the form of touch tones – Be e-Bee-B eep.
• < OK > – One high-pitch tone immediately followed by a mid-pitch tone
means that the numbers that you have entered are acce ptable and within range
for the Register Number and feat ure value – Bee-Bip
• < ERROR > – A single low-pitch tone indicates that t he Register Number,
feature value or program com mands (we talk a bout those next) you h ave entered are invalid. Com mon errors committe d when programming could be :
– Entering the register number for a feature, let’s say it’s < PRO-
>, and you enter only part of the number. The
register number for < PR OTECTED HOOK FLAS H > is < 02 >. If you
enter < 2 >, the USR Call Director will give you an < ERROR > tone.
– Entering a feat ure value that is out side of the program range. As
an example, we wil l use < PROTECTED HOOK FLASH > a gain. You
are only allowed to progra m this feature value as < 0 > (OFF ) or < 1 >
. If you enter the number < 2 > after the correct register number,
the USR Call Direc tor will give you an < ERROR > tone.
• Fax Tone Detection — This feature, when activated, tells the USR Call Direc-
tor to detect the presence of CNG/fax tones which may be transmitted by a calling
fax machine or PC Fax card. All calls accompanied by CNG tones, whether they
be from a fax machine or PC Fax card, are routed through to equipment connected
to the device port labeled FAX. If no fax type equipment is used on the USR Call
Director, simply deactivate this feature. Factory preset is < ON >.
The first thing you should do is place a local call to someone you know. Ask
him or her to lay their phone receiver down for a moment…but don’t hang it up.
After placing a call to your friend, wait at least five seconds before proceeding.
First, dial < # # 7 7 > on your telephone key pad. The LED light will begin blink-
ing rapidly. Immediately listen for three rapid high-pitch beeps in your handset.
Three high-pitched tones indicate that you have entered the programming mode
and may < PROCEED >.
At this time, you should enter the Register Number of the feature you wish
to program and the proper value(s). (Example: to t urn off Fax Tone Detection,
press < 0 1 0 > then press < 8 0 > to save.) If the proper register number and
programming value(s) are entered, the USR Call Director will answer with
a high-pitch tone immediately followed by a mid-pitch tone. It sounds like <
Bee-Bip >
. That means < OK >. If the numbers you enter are invalid (either for
the feature register or program value), the USR Call Director will respond with
a single low-pitch < ERROR > tone. In either case, three rapid high-pitch tones
will immed iately follow telling you to < PROCEE D >. At this time you may
either access and program a new feature register or correct the previous attempt
by entering new numbers.
USR Call Director
You have purchased the highest quality voice/fax/
modem call processor in the industry – the
USR Call
Director! This manual has been designed to get you,
your communications device a nd
USR Call Director
operating on the phone line with a m inimal amount
of work.
When installed on a phone line, the
USR Call Di-
rector automatically answers all inbound calls and
“screens” for fax tones (CNG–CalliNG tones). While
performing the “screening” function for both types of
tones the USR Call Director is transmitting phone
company–simulated “ring back” tones to the calling
party. After the screening function is performed, the
call is routed to the proper device.
USR Cal l Director’s performa nce is depen-
dent on how it is installed on a home or business
phone line and what programmable features are ac
The next sections explain the different features
which optimize the
USR Call Director’s perfor-
mance in particular installations.
The USR Call Director is compatible with Ca ller ID (CID), a service
available from th e phone company. In the U.S. a nd Canada, CID is transmitted as a Bell 202 modem signal b etween the 1st and 2nd rings. the USR Cal l
Director default fa ctory setting is 0 rings to answer; t herefore the Rings-To-
Answer count must be ch anged to at least two or more r ings to accommodate
the passing of the Cal ler ID info.
To delay the Rings-To-Answer count in register 14 to 2 (minimum), simply make the following programming change:
• Fro m a touch-tone phone on the USR Call Director, make a call to an-
other num ber (like your cell phone) then enter the following from the
• Ent er < # # 7 7 > then wait for triple tone (Bee -Bee-Be ep),
• Ent er < 1 4 2 > then wait for double (Bee -Beep) a nd triple tone (Bee-
Bee-Be ep)
• Enter < 8 0 > then you will hear two double tones indicating save and exit.
You are done programming. CID will now be rec eived through the USR
Call Director on a ll incoming calls.
The USR Call Direct or is compatible with Digital Subscr iber Line (DSL)
service available from the phone compa ny. Remember, the USR Call Direc-
tor is an analog device just like your ph one while your DSL service is digital.
Simply insure that t he DSL filter, which should be provided by your DSL service provider, is installed bet ween the DSL ser vice connection and the Lin e
jack on the USR Call Dire ctor.
No additional filters a re required on any devices attached to the USR Ca ll
The DSL modem must be con nected direc tly to the DSL service co nnection...NOT THROUGH the USR Call Di rector. That’s all there is to it.