Preparation In cold weather during gypsum panel joint finishing, minimum surface, water, mix, and air temperature of 45 °F
must be ensured until joints are completely dry.Adequate ventilation shall be provided to carry off excess moisture.
Gypsum Panel Position and apply SHEETROCK®Brand Gypsum Panels in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
Joint Treatment Mix S
HEETROCK Brand Setting-Type Joint Compound according to directions on bag.If using S
Gypsum Panels, SW Edge, prefill the “V” grooves formed by abutting tapered eased edges of the panels with
URABOND 45 or 90. Apply compound directly over “V” groove with a flexible 5 or 6 joint finishing knife. Wipe off
excess compound that is applied beyond the groove. Allow the prefill compound to harden prior to the next application. Cover joint with a thin layer of compound and embed tape, leaving about 1/32 of compound under feathered edge and a thin layer over the tape. After compound has set,apply second coat, feathering out approximately
2 beyond first coat. After setting,apply third coat, feathering out 2 beyond second coat.After each coat is
applied, smooth away any tool lap marks or other imperfections prior to setting action. Finish fastener heads with
three coats of joint compound; finish corner bead and inside corners as required with at least two coats, feathered
and smoothed out onto panel faces.
For priming and decorating with paint, texture, or wallcovering, follow manufacturer’s directions for materials
used. All surfaces must be dry, dust-free, and not glossy. A prime coat of S
Brand First Coat or a goodquality interior latex flat wall paint with high solids content should be applied undiluted and allowed to dry before
decorating. Walls to be covered with wallpaper or vinyl wallcovering should be sealed per manufacturer’s
recommendations. To improve fastener concealment where gypsum panel walls and ceilings will be subjected
to severe artificial or natural side lighting and be decorated with a gloss paint (eggshell, semigloss, or gloss),
the gypsum panel surface should be skim-coated with joint compound to equalize suction before painting
(see USG publication J510).
Use with Veneer Plaster Apply according to normal procedure. However, when building temperature/humidity conditions may result in
rapid drying (see USG publication PM5), or when steel-framed systems at 24 o.c. with single-layer gypsum base
and single-coat veneer plaster finish are specified in either rapid or normal drying conditions, use S
Brand Joint Tape embedded with S
HEETROCK Brand DURABOND Setting-Type Joint Compound (90).A fill or cover coat
that completely hides the tape is required. This cover coat must be allowed to set before plastering.Plaster prefill
is not required over S
HEETROCK Brand Setting-Type Joint Compound.
Filling and Finishing Grind high plane differences in concrete level with adjacent area; also remove any form oil, efflorescence, and
over Interior Poured greasy deposits. Prime exposed metal with a good rust-inhibitive primer. Fill offsets or voids with a S
Concrete Ceilings Brand Setting-Type Joint Compound.Apply additional coats of S
HEETROCK Brand Setting-Type Joint Compound as
necessary, after each coat has set, but not necessarily dried. After final coat of joint compound has dried,apply
undiluted coat of S
HEETROCK Brand First Coat or a good quality latex flat wall paint with high solids content over
entire surface and allow to dry. For textured ceiling, apply S
Brand Ceiling Spray Texture–QT in a uniform
coat at a rate not exceeding 10 ft.
Exterior Joint Mix S
HEETROCK Brand Setting-Type Joint Compound according to directions on the bag.Do not overmix or use in
Treatment temperatures below 45 °F (7 °C). Prefill joints of S
Brand Exterior Gypsum Board with SHEETROCK Brand
Setting-Type Joint Compound.After prefill has set, embed S
HEETROCK Brand Joint Tape centered over joint. When
compound has set, immediately apply fill coat.Apply S
HEETROCK Brand Setting-Type Joint Compound over flanges
of zinc control joints, corner beads, and metal trim.Spot fastener heads. After fill coat has set,apply finishing coat
of S
HEETROCK Brand Setting-Type Joint Compound.Completely cover all joints, angles, beads, control joints,and
fasteners. After the S
HEETROCK Brand Setting-Type Joint Compound joint has dried,apply one coat of a good-quality
oil or latex exterior primer. Then follow with at least one coat of a good-quality latex exterior paint.
Setting-Type Joint Compounds
Application Tips
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