Urschel® Model J9-A
Belt-fed Dicer & Strip Cutter
Length: ..................... 99.08" (2517 mm)
Width: .......................44.34" (1126 mm)
Height: ..................... 61.92" (1573 mm)
Net Weight: ..................... 930 lb (420 kg)
Motor: ..........................5 HP (3.7 kW)
The Urschel Model J9-A produces dices or strip cuts from various
products including spinach, greens, peppers, citrus peel, celery, broccoli,
parsley, and frozen-tempered meats. The machine features continuous
operation for uninterrupted production, and is designed for easy cleanup
and maintenance.
When feeding a rm product using the Model J9-A equipped with
standard parts, maximum infeed thickness is 3/8" (9.5 mm). When
feeding a rm product using the Model J9-A equipped with an optional
feed roll, maximum infeed thickness is 1/2" (12.7 mm). The Model J9-A
will also accept thicker products depending on the product’s degree of
Product is delivered to a high speed conveyor belt [ 1 ] which carries
the product to the dicing unit. The feed roll [ 2 ], mounted directly over
the end of the feed belt, serves to compress some types of products
and assists in feeding these products into the knives. The product is
cut into strips by circular knives [ 3 ] that run in narrow slots in the
stationary feed plate [ 4 ]. The strips of product move directly into the
rotating crosscut knives [ 5 ] where the product discharges as cubes or
rectangular pieces.
Circular Knife Cuts: 3/16 to 3" (4.8 to 76.2 mm)
Crosscut Knife Cuts: 3/16 to 3" (4.8 to 76.2 mm)
If your product application is not mentioned on this page, contact your local Urschel representative to determine the most effective solution to your size reduction needs.
Urschel® Model J9-A
Dimensional Drawing
You Are Invited to Test Cut Your Product
Urschel Laboratories has a complete network of test facilities and
experienced service and sales representatives around the world
ready to work for you on any size reduction application. Contact your local Urschel Laboratories’ representative to schedule
a comprehensive, no-obligation test today at www.urschel.com.
®Urschel is a registered trademark of Urschel Laboratories, Inc. | L2580 November 2013 (s.s. L2461)