All U-Reach flash duplicators are made specifically for data backup with legal authorities
from copyright owners. Any unauthorized action of copyright is strictly prohibited, and
U-Reach Inc. disclaims all warranties or representations of illegal actions by users.
U-Reach Inc. also disclaims any liability for any loss or damage due to not being able
to perform its undertakings or provide any of the services attributed to any events or
circumstances beyond our control. Users agree and accept all statements above as soon as
purchasing our products.
This manual contains materials that should be intended for personal use. All right reserved.
No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted or transcribed without the expressed
written permission of the manufacturer. The information present in this manual is subject to
change without prior notice.
Index Content
Disclaimer of Warranties 2
Index conrent 3
Before you start 4
1. Features 7
2. Package contents 8
3. Outlook Introduction 8
4. Power Adapter 9
Function table
1. USB Flash Drive Duplicator 11
2. ComboSD(SD/microSD) Flash Duplicator 14
3. microSD(TF) Card Flash Duplicator 17
4. CF(Video) Card Flash Duplicator 20
Operation Guide
1. How to make a copy 23
2. How to prevent from "can't copy" situation 26
3. How to make sure of copy correctness 27
4. How to check flash device's quality,
speed and capacity 28
Function Overview
1. Copy 31
2. Compare 31
3. Copy + Compare 31
4. Media Check 31
4.1 H3 Safe 100% 32
4.2 H5 R/W 100% 32
4.3 H6 Safe RW 100% 32
4.4 Setup Range % 32
4.5 Setup Range MB 33
4.6 Setup Error limit 33
4.7 Minimum Read Speed 33
4.8 Minimum Write Speed 34
5. Information 34
5.1 Flash information 34
5.2 System Information 34
6. Utility 34
6.1 Do Format 34
6.1.1 Auto Format
6.1.2 FAT Format
6.1.3 FAT32 Format
6.1.4 Set FAT 16 Cluster Size
6.1.5 Set FAT 32 Cluster Size
6.2 Measure Speed 35
6.3 Capacity Check 36
6.4 Quick Erase 36
6.5 Full Erase 37
6.6 DoD Erase 37
6.7 System Update 37
6.8 Calc. CheckSum (Available in CF series) 38
6.8 Calc. CRC64
(Available in UB, SD, TF series) 38
• Read the complete operation instructions carefully. This contributes to better operation.
• Make sure the source device is correct and workable.
• To guarantee data consistency, it is strongly suggested that the capacity of source and
targets should be the same.
• It is strongly suggest to use "Copy+Compare" to achieve perfect duplication.
Safety Precautions
• The warranty will expire if damage is incurred resulting from non-compliance with these
operating instructions.
• Please turn off the power before replacing the socket.
• Never turn off the power while processing the firmware update.
• Use only approved power sources.
• The product is only suitable for operation in a dry, dust free, clean environment.
Do not allow liquids or foreign objects to enter. Failure to do so may severely damage
your duplicator.
Flash/ Flash media/ Media
Flash media including SD/microSD memory card, Compact flash card, USB flash drive.
The maximum data amount that can be contained in a Flash memory card.
Total capacity
Disclaimer of Warranties
A mechanical construction used to connect two applications.
USB Flash Drive Duplicator
ComboSD(SD+microSD card) Flash Duplicator
Disclaimer of Warranties
microSD Card(TF Card) Flash Duplicator
CF Card(Video Card) Flash Dupicator
1. Features
Apart from inheriting the high-speed performance and well-recognized compatibility with
diversified media, the Intelligent 9 duplicators support not only duplication of large target
count and capacity to meet high-volume demands, they also help users examine flash
cards by providing the most accurate testing functions known today. Through user-friendly
interface, the new Intelligent 9 duplicators can be operated standalone with no steep
learning curve for users to climb. Their ergonomic design facilitates efficient operations by
letting users easily insert and remove flash cards, and the 80%-reduced footprint compared
with their peer in the market has led to better space utilization and freight savings.
With diversified media duplicator offerings and customer-oriented philosophy, U-Reach has
long been recognized as industry leader. The new Intelligent 9 Series, which have broken the
traditional thinking & limit from of duplicator, is anticipated to soon take up crucial role at the
diversified media duplication stage; and it will certainly become must-have tools for people in
search of high-end quality.
• Ultra high transmission speed up from 1.5GB/m(SD/TF/USB series) to 3.9GB/m (CF
series). Each flash slot channel is independent from each other.
• Real multi-task processing capability. No matter copy, compare, media check and format
are all independently executed. Each flash slot has an independent control processing
unit. So, during asynchronous copy, it can use button to check the status of each flash
media status and progress.
• Powerful H3/H5 quality check machine for speed and flash quality check.
• Not a PC system, no risk of virus infection. Instant power on and off.
• One-touch copy. Real time information will be shown on the LCD screen.
• Support Synchronous and Asynchronous copy/ compare/ erase/ format/ media check /
speed check.
• Ultra high speed bit-for-bit hardware comparison.
• Different copy speed selection is available for different quality level flash media.
• Special speed selection function to filter out qualified flash media in QC process.
• Burn-In test & Log Report function are built in for advanced industrial application.(Only for
Golden series)
2. Package contents
V 3.1
the Duplication Expert
Flash DuplicatorPower CordUser Guide
3. Introduction
Source port
Red: Operation fails
Green: Operation Succeeds
Power Adapter
Front Side
Control Button
OK : Confirm
: Backward
ESC : Escape
: Forward
Power switch
Power supply(12V 9A/12.5A)
USB socket for PC-Link
Back Side 1
Power switch
Power supply(12V 5A)
USB socket for PC-Link
Back Side 2
4. Power Adapter
Each model may need different power adapters according to its need. Table 1 is three kinds
of power adapters, and Table 2 is the adapter supplying situation for each series.
AdapterConnector Size
12V, 5ASmall
12V, 9A
12V, 12.5A
Port volumeAdapter
1012V 9A11
2012V 12.5A12
3012V 12.5A12
4012V 12.5A12
5012V 12.5A13
6012V 12.5A14
7012V 12.5A14
8012V 12.5A14
12012V 12.5A16
Adapter volume needed
when copying USB
USB Flash Drive Duplicator Series
Adapter volume needed when
copying USB HDD
Port volumeAdapter
3212V 5A1
4012V 5A1
4812V 5A1
6412V 5A1
12012V 9A1
Adapter volume needed when
copying SD Card
ComboSD(SD+microSD Card) Flash Duplicator Series
Port volumeAdapter
812V 5A1
1612V 5A1
2412V 5A1
3212V 5A1
4012V 5A1
4812V 5A1
6412V 9A1
8012V 9A1
12012V 9A1
Adapter volume needed when
copying microSD Card
microSD(TF) Card Flash Duplicator Series
Port volumeAdapter
812V 5A1
1612V 5A1
2412V 5A1
3212V 5A1
4012V 9A1
6012V 9A1
8012V 12.5A1
12012V 12.5A1
Adapter volume needed when
CF(Video Card) Flash Duplicator Series
copying CF Card
Function table
Function table
1. USB Flash Drive Duplicator
1. CopyData only or whole media duplication.
2. CompareBit-for-Bit comparison between the source and all other copied flash medias.
3. Copy + Compare
4. Media check
5. Information
6. Utility
To make a copy first and then compare the copied flash media with the source immediately after
the copy has finished.
4.1 H3 Safe 100%
To check the quality of flash by reading it. This safe check will not change flash’s content and
4.2 H5 RW 100%
To check flash’s quality by reading and writing the flash. This function will change flash’s content
and format.
4.3 H6 Safe RW 100%
To check flash’s quality by writing and reading its empty space. This function will not change
flash’s content and format.
4.4 Setup Range %
To set the checking range of flash from 1%~100%.
4.5 Setup Range MB
To set the checking range of flash from 1MB~9000MB.
4.6 Set Error Limit
To set the % of tolerance range of error when checking the flash.
4.7 Minimum Read Speed
To set the minimum read speed criteria for H3/H5 checking.
4.8 Minimum Write Speed
To set the minimum read speed criteria for H3/H5 checking.
5.1 USB Info.
This feature will show flash’s information of data; file format, content size, and capacity.
5.2 System Info.
This feature will show information of the duplicator system, including machine model number and
software version.
6.1 Do Format
To Execute flash FAT 16/32 format
6.2 Measure Speed
This function can measure the flash reading and writing speed. This function will damage the
format and content.
6.3 Capacity Check
To check real capacity of the flash.
6.4 Quick Erase
To erase the content of flash media. It will keep the FAT format.
6.5 Full Erase
To completely bit for bit erase data of flash including format and content, but it takes more time.
6.6 DoD Erase
Erase flash three times complying with USA Department of Defense (DoD) standard.
6.7 System Update
System firmware updating via the flash media.
6.8 Calc. CRC64
Calculate the CRC64 value of the flash media in the source port.
6.9 A2 Fake Picker
To check if an USB flash contains fake capacity.
6.1.1 Auto Format
6.1.2 FAT Format
Format media to be FAT16.
6.1.3 FAT32 Format
Format media to be FAT32.
6.1.4 Set FAT 16 Cluster Size
Set the size of FAT16 Cluster.
6.1.5 Set FAT 32 Cluster Size
Set the size of FAT 32 Cluster.
Function table
7.1 Start-up Menu
To select which function is shown first when the system is turned on.
7.2 Copy Area
7.3 Button Beep
To choose whether to hear a beep or not when a button is pressed.
7.4 Target Tolerance
To set the tolerance % of capacity gap between the source and target. The default setting is “No
7.5 Asynchronous
“Enable “ to open Asynchronous function, “Disable” to close the function.
7. Setup
(Available in Golden
7.6 Check Before Copy
To set if you would like to check the flash media before copy.
7.7 Power Off Time Between Copy+Compare
To set the power-off time between Copy and Compare when executing “Copy+Compare” function
7.8 Language
Set system language interface i.e. English, Japanese.
7.9 Working Mode
To select the speed of data transmission among “Fastest”, “Faster”, “Normal”, “Slower”, and
7.10 Set HDD Mode
Set if you would like to copy USB HDD or USB devices only.
7.11 Adjust Clock (Available in Golden Series)
To adjust the time clock of duplicator showed on the LCD monitor.
7.12 Use Port 2 as Compare Source (Available in Golden Series)
Double-source setting. When “enable” this function, Port 2 will become the source of comparing.
7.13 Restore Default
Back to original manufacturer setting.
8.1 Do Burn-In
To start the Burn-In test.
8.2 Set Burn-In Time
To set up how long the Burn-In test last for. (from 30mins to 30days)
8.3 Set Loop Count
To set how many loops of Burn-In test (Each test loop contains a writing & comparing test)
8.4 Set Test Range
To set the test range of flash card (from 1 to 100%)
8.5 Set Bad Limit
To set the error tolerance when doing Burn-In test(from 1 to 10000 sectors)
8.6 Set Data Pattern
To set the writing pattern used in burn-in test. (Auto or customer defined)
8.7 Compare Count Per Loop
To set how many times of data comparing (reading) in each loop.
8.8 Power Off Between Loop
To set the power-off time between each data comparing (reading) in a loop.
7.2.1 System and Files
The system can automatically analyze the format of source
data and only copy the data area.(Available for FAT16, 32/
NTFS/ Linux (ext2, ext3, ext4) )
7.2.2 Whole Media
The system will copy the whole content of flash including the
empty space.
9 Log Manager
(Available in Golden
Function table
9.1 Out Today Report
To output today’s log records.
9.2 Out Recent Report
To output the log records in recent 1day to 28 days.
9.3 Out Period date
To output the log records in a specific date
9.4 Out all database
To output all the log records which are kept in the duplicator.
9.5Advanced Function
To clean out the log records and
setup the password.
9.5.1 Clear all Log
To clean out the log records after entering the password.
9.5.2 Setup Password:
To set up the password for cleaning log records.
Function table
2. ComboSD(SD/microSD) Flash Duplicator
1. CopyData only or whole media duplication.
2. CompareBit-for-Bit comparison between the source and all other copied flash medias.
3. Copy + Compare
4. Media check
5. Information
6. Utility
To make a copy first and then compare the copied flash media with the source immediately after
the copy has finished
4.1 H3 Safe 100%
To check the quality of flash by reading it. This safe check will not change flash’s content and
4.2 H5 RW 100%
To check flash’s quality by reading and writing the flash. This function will change flash’s content
and format.
4.3 H6 Safe RW 100%
To check flash’s quality by writing and reading its empty space. This function will not change
flash’s content and format.
4.4 Setup Range %
To set the checking range of flash from 1%~100%.
4.5 Setup Range MB
To set the checking range of flash from 1MB~9000MB.
4.6 Set Error Limit
To set the % of tolerance range of error when checking the flash.
4.7 Minimum Read Speed
To set the minimum read speed criteria for H3/H5 checking.
4.8 Minimum Write Speed
To set the minimum read speed criteria for H3/H5 checking.
5.1 SD Card Info.
This feature will show flash’s information of data; file format, content size, and capacity.
5.2 System Info.
This feature will show information of the duplicator system, including machine model number and
software version.
6.1 Do Format
To Execute flash FAT 16/32 format
6.2 Measure Speed
This function can measure the flash reading and writing speed. This function will damage the
format and content.
6.3 Capacity Check
To check real capacity of the flash.
6.4 Quick Erase
To erase the content of flash media. It will keep the FAT format.
6.5 Full Erase
To completely bit for bit erase data of flash including format and content, but it takes more time.
6.6 DoD Erase
Erase flash three times complying with USA Department of Defense (DoD) standard.
6.7 System Update
System firmware updating via the flash media.
6.8 Calc. CRC64
Calculate the CRC64 value of the flash media in the source port.
6.9 A2 Fake Picker
To check if an USB flash contains fake capacity.
6.1.1 Auto Format
6.1.2 FAT Format
Format media to be FAT16.
6.1.3 FAT32 Format
Format media to be FAT32.
6.1.4 Set FAT 16 Cluster Size
Set the size of FAT16 Cluster.
6.1.5 Set FAT 32 Cluster Size
Set the size of FAT 32 Cluster.
7. Setup
(Available in Golden Series)
Function table
7.1 Start-up Menu
To select which function is shown first when the system is turned on.
7.2 Copy Area
7.3 Button Beep
To choose whether to hear a beep or not when a button is pressed.
7.4 Target Tolerance
To set the tolerance % of capacity gap between the source and target. The default setting is “No
7.5 Asynchronous
“Enable “ to open Asynchronous function, “Disable” to close the function.
7.6 Check Before Copy
To set if you would like to check the flash media before copy.
7.7 Power Off Time Between Copy+Compare
To set the power-off time between Copy and Compare when executing “Copy+Compare” function
7.8 Language
Set system language interface i.e. English, Japanese.
7.9 Working Mode
To select the speed of data transmission among “Fastest”, “Faster”, “Normal”, “Slower”, and
7.10 Check WP Switch
The duplicator will detect if the writing-protection switch is on before any writing mission, such as
copy or writing test.
7.11 Purge Before Copy
To clean out data and format of target device first, and then run into the “Copy” process.
7.12 Adjust Clock (Available in Golden Series)
To adjust the time clock of duplicator showed on the LCD monitor.
7.13 Use Port 2 as Compare Source(Available in Golden Series)
Double-source setting. When “enable” this function, Port 2 will become the source of comparing.
7.14 Restore Default
Back to original manufacturer setting.
8.1 Do Burn-In
To start the Burn-In test.
8.2 Set Burn-In Time
To set up how long the Burn-In test last for. (from 30mins to 30days)
8.3 Set Loop Count
To set how many loops of Burn-In test (Each test loop contains a writing & comparing test)
8.4 Set Test Range
To set the test range of flash card (from 1 to 100%)
8.5 Set Bad Limit
To set the error tolerance when doing Burn-In test(from 1 to 10000 sectors)
8.6 Set Data Pattern
To set the writing pattern used in burn-in test. (Auto or customer defined)
8.7 Compare Count Per Loop
To set how many times of data comparing (reading) in each loop.
8.8 Power Off Between Loop
To set the power-off time between each data comparing (reading) in a loop.
7.2.1 System and Files
The system can automatically analyze the format of source
data and only copy the data area.(Available for FAT16, 32/
NTFS/ Linux (ext2, ext3, ext4) )
7.2.2 Whole Media
The system will copy the whole content of flash including the
empty space.
Function table
9.1 Out Today Report
To output today’s log records.
9.2 Out Recent Report
To output the log records in recent 1day to 28 days.
9.3 Out Period date
9 Log Manager
(Available in Golden Series)
To output the log records in a specific date
9.4 Out all database
To output all the log records which are kept in the duplicator.
9.5Advanced Function
To clean out the log records and
setup the password.
9.5.1 Clear all Log
To clean out the log records after entering the password.
9.5.2 Setup Password:
To set up the password for cleaning log records.
Function table
3. microSD(TF) Card Flash Duplicator
1. CopyData only or whole media duplication.
2. CompareBit-for-Bit comparison between the source and all other copied flash medias.
3. Copy + Compare
4. Media check
5. Information
6. Utility
To make a copy first and then compare the copied flash media with the source immediately after
the copy has finished.
4.1 H3 Safe 100%
To check the quality of flash by reading it. This safe check will not change flash’s content and
4.2 H5 RW 100%
To check flash’s quality by reading and writing the flash. This function will change flash’s content
and format.
4.3 H6 Safe RW 100%
To check flash’s quality by writing and reading its empty space. This function will not change
flash’s content and format.
4.4 Setup Range %
To set the checking range of flash from 1%~100%.
4.5 Setup Range MB
To set the checking range of flash from 1MB~9000MB.
4.6 Set Error Limit
To set the % of tolerance range of error when checking the flash.
4.7 Minimum Read Speed
To set the minimum read speed criteria for H3/H5 checking.
4.8 Minimum Write Speed
To set the minimum read speed criteria for H3/H5 checking.
5.1 SD Card Info.
This feature will show flash’s information of data; file format, content size, and capacity.
5.2 System Info.
This feature will show information of the duplicator system, including machine model number and
software version.
6.1 Do Format
To Execute flash FAT 16/32
6.2 Measure Speed
This function can measure the flash reading and writing speed. This function will damage the
format and content.
6.3 Capacity Check
To check real capacity of the flash.
6.4 Quick Erase
To erase the content of flash media. It will keep the FAT format.
6.5 Full Erase
To completely bit for bit erase data of flash including format and content, but it takes more time.
6.6 DoD Erase
Erase flash three times complying with USA Department of Defense (DoD) standard.
6.7 System Update
System firmware updating via the flash media.
6.8 Calc. CRC64
Calculate the CRC64 value of the flash media in the source port.
6.9 A2 Fake Picker
To check if an USB flash contains fake capacity.
6.1.1 Auto Format
6.1.2 FAT Format
Format media to be FAT16.
6.1.3 FAT32 Format
Format media to be FAT32.
6.1.4 Set FAT 16 Cluster Size
Set the size of FAT16 Cluster.
6.1.5 Set FAT 32 Cluster Size
Set the size of FAT 32 Cluster.
Function table
7.1 Start-up Menu
To select which function is shown first when the system is turned on.
7.2 Copy Area
7.3 Button Beep
To choose whether to hear a beep or not when a button is pressed.
7.4 Target Tolerance
To set the tolerance % of capacity gap between the source and target. The default setting is “No
7.5 Asynchronous
“Enable “ to open Asynchronous function, “Disable” to close the function.
7. Setup
(Available in Golden Series)
7.6 Check Before Copy
To set if you would like to check the flash media before copy.
7.7 Power Off Time Between Copy+Compare
To set the power-off time between Copy and Compare when executing “Copy+Compare” function
7.8 Language
Set system language interface i.e. English, Japanese.
7.9 Working Mode
To select the speed of data transmission among “Fastest”, “Faster”, “Normal”, “Slower”, and
7.10 Purge Before Copy
To clean out data and format of target device first, and then run into the “Copy” process.
7.11 Adjust Clock (Available in Golden Series)
To adjust the time clock of duplicator showed on the LCD monitor.
7.12 Use Port 2 as Compare Source(Available in Golden Series)
Double-source setting. When “enable” this function, Port 2 will become the source of comparing.
7.13 Restore Default
Back to original manufacturer setting.
8.1 Burn-In(Copy+Comp)
To do the Burn-In test on flash targets by continually copying & comparing data of source
8.2 Burn-In(Auto Data)
To do the Burn-In test on flash targets by system automatically.
8.3 Set Burn-In Time
To set up how long the Burn-In test last for. (from 30mins to 30days)
8.4 Set Loop Count
To set how many loops of Burn-In test (Each test loop contains a writing & comparing test)
8.5 Set Test Range
To set the test range of flash card (from 1 to 100%)
8.6 Set Bad Limit
To set the error tolerance when doing Burn-In test(from 1 to 10000 sectors)
8.7 Set Data Pattern
To set the writing pattern used in burn-in test. (Auto or customer defined)
8.8 Compare Count Per Loop
To set how many times of data comparing (reading) in each loop.
8.9 Power Off Between Loop
To set the power-off time between each data comparing (reading) in a loop.
7.2.1 System and Files
The system can automatically analyze the format of source
data and only copy the data area.(Available for FAT16, 32/
NTFS/ Linux (ext2, ext3, ext4) )
7.2.2 Whole Media
The system will copy the whole content of flash including the
empty space.
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