Urc TKP-9600 User Manual

Order Number
: GETEC-C1-18-270
Test Report Number
: GETEC-E3-18-017 Page 1 / 1
EUT Type: Network keypad
Owner’s Manual
Introducing the TKP-9600
Thank you for purchasing URC’s TKP-9600 In-Wall Network Keypad. Its easy and intuitive use helps to simplify your life while adding control of more things than thought possible.
Table of Contents
Features and Benefits..........................................................................................1
Online Help:
Visit the URC Home Page for downloads, training materials, and frequently asked questions.
Contact Support:
Total Control is a URC product sold direct or through distribution. For questions or assistance contact your Custom Installer/Programmer.
My Installer/Programmer:
or URC Technical Support at: techsupport@universalremote.com
(914) 835-4484
Universal Remote Control, Inc.
500 Mamaroneck Ave
Harrison, New York 10528
Toll Free: (800) 901-0800
Parts List.................................................................................................................3
Main Menu: Navigation.......................................................................................6
Title Bar..................................................................................................................7
Room’s Menu...................................................................................................9
Room Linking.................................................................................................10
Now Playing..................................................................................................11
Core Buttons.........................................................................................................12
Shortcut Popup Menu..................................................................................13
Status Bar......................................................................................................15
Navigating the Intercom Menu..................................................................19
Making Calls: Audio-Video........................................................................20
Making Calls: Audio Calls..........................................................................22
Making Calls: Baby Monitor......................................................................24
Making Calls: Audio Broadcast.................................................................26
Do Not Disturb Mode...................................................................................28
Scenes Menu.......................................................................................................29
Settings Menu......................................................................................................30
Limited Warranty Statement.............................................................................39
Features and Benefits:
The TKP-9600 In-Wall Network Keypad is one of URC’s most advanced devices that is optimized for usage with Total Control 2.0.
Enjoy these key features:
Updated User Experience:
This device has the capability of using URC’s Total Control 2.0 software suite. Using this software provides this device with a modern “look and feel” giving the end-user an improved user experience in terms of graphics, performance, and features.
Audio-Video Interface:
Communicate with any other URC Intercom-Enabled device in the system with this feature. The end-user can make Audio-Video, Audio, or Baby Monitor calls directly from the TKP-9600.
Proximity Sensor:
This feature allows the TKP-9600 to spring into action automatically. Utilizing its proximity sensor, the keypad can detect distances from up to three (3) feet away. This setting can be adjusted in the device’s Settings menu.
Flexible Orientation:
The TKP-9600 offers the ability to display the device in either portrait or landscape mode making it the perfect keypad for almost any room. This feature can only be set from within the Accelerator 2.0 software, speak to a custom home professional prior to installation.
Part List:
Mounting Ring
Mounting Screws
Included in the TKP-9600:
1x - TKP-9600 Network Keypad
1x - Mounting Ring
4x - Mounting Screws
4x - Spacers
Mounting Ring
The TKP-9600 is wall mountable and fits into a standard dual gang (J-box or Mud Ring) opening. Prior to installation, make sure power is available at the preferred location.
Power can be supplied to the TKP-9600 through an Ethernet (RJ45) cable connected to a PoE (Power over Ethernet) in either of the following ways:
PoE Injector
Power over Ethernet describes a system that passes electrical power safely, along with data, along Ethernet cabling. A shielded Ethernet cable is preferred. The IEEE standard for PoE requires a Category 5 or higher for high power levels.
Using the Spacers:
Use the spacers when installing the mounting ring on to a gang box. The spacers are NOT needed when using a p-ring.
Included in the box are four (4) spacers that are to be used at specific installation sites. Most new homes are retrofitted with plaster ring boxes (p-ring) that allow the TKP-9600 to be mounted flat and flushed to the wall without the user of spacers.
However, in some instances, the only boxes that are in the home are dual-gang boxes. In those situation spacers are REQUIRED in order to install the TKP-9600.
Use the spacers as a buffer between the mounting ring and the dual-gang box, this can be done by using a screw to secure the mounting ring to the box.
With this the TKP-9600 can sit flush and flat on its mount without the risk of bending or breaking the dual-gang box.
Wall Mounting:
Mounting Ring
Dual-Gang Box
Follow the steps below for installation:
1. Assure the dual-gang opening is fitted with the standard two-gang retro-box (available at almost any electronic supplier).
2. Mount the wall-plate to the two-gang retro-box.
3. Connect the Ethernet cable to the rear of the supplied TKP-9600.
4. The TKP-9600 easily snaps into the wall-plate.
The keypad mount rotates to accommodate landscape or portrait viewing modes. The viewing mode is set from within the Accelerator 2.0 software.
Main Menu Navigation:
Although specific screen design and certain options are dictated by the custom integrator that programmed the Total Control 2.0 system, the general layout remains the same.
Actual navigation is performed via screen swipes:
Left Swipe: Swipe left to reveal additional Main Menu pages. The amount of pages available on the Main Menu is dictated by the custom integrator.
Right Swipe: Swipe right to reveal the Scenes Menu. The Scenes Menu contains URC Scenes that are created by the custom integrator. Return to the Main Menu by swiping left from the Scenes Menu.
Button Tapping: On the Main Menu selecting each of these areas provide the end-user with control:
1. Category/Device Ribbon: Select a Category button to reveal the associated submenu OR select a Device located here to access that devices menu. This is dictated by the custom integrator.
5. Main: Select this to return to the Main Menu regardless of what page the device is
currently on. This can be changed to return to the Scenes Menu, speak with the custom integrator to program the TKP-9600 this way.
2. Rooms Menu: Select the Room Name to access the Room’s Menu. This menu allows the end-user to control another room and more.
3. Volume Control: Tap the minus (Vol-) to lower the volume, plus (Vol+) to increase the volume, and Mute to mute the volume.
4. Shortcuts: Select this button to reveal the Shortcuts Popup menu. The end-user can add up to six (6) items on this menu.
6. Room Power Off: Select this button to turn off the current room.
7. Now Playing: Select the Now Playing button at the top to instantly jump into that
device/activity’s menu pages.
Main Menu: View Modes
Total Control 2.0 features two different view modes for the TKP-9600. Each view mode has its own unique properties that compliment the user experience.
The view mode must be programmed from within the Accelerator 2.0 software, speak to a custom home integrator for more details.
1. Ribbon View: This is the default view mode and it contains up to six (6) items per page.
Grid View (Landscape & Portrait):
Ribbon View (Landscape & Portrait):
2. Grid View: This view mode contains up to
fifteen (15) items per page.
Title Bar:
Current Room
Now Playing
The Title Bar is always present regardless of what menu and/or room the TKP-9600 is currently using.
On the left of the Title Bar, the current room the TKP-9600 is controlling is displayed. Selecting it reveals the Rooms Menu.
At the right of the Title Bar is the Now Playing area. This displays which device/activity is currently active. Selecting it returns the interface to the device/activity’s menu for control.
The Title Bar is located at the very top of the display. To access its menu, swipe down as depicted on the image to the right. There are three (3) selectable options here:
1. Close: Select this to hide the Title Bar Menu.
2. Weather Module: Select this to display the Time and Weather
Module, this feature requires the home location. This location is set from within the Accelerator 2.0 software.
3. Intercom: Select this button to display the Intercom Menu. This
menu displays all available Intercom-Enabled device (clients). Please see this documents Audio-Video Intercom section for more details.
4. Settings: Select this button to access the TKP-9600’s Settings Menu. The various parts of the Settings Menu are explained in detail in a later section of this document.
Room’s Menu:
Tap on the Room Name located on the left in the Title Bar to display the Room’s Menu.
The Room’s Menu contains every room programmed into the system. Specific rooms may be hidden from certain interfaces, speak to the custom home integrator for that option.
Each room is given a Room Name and customized image to represent that room. Additionally, the Room’s Menu can be used for controlling volume, turning off the lights, or completely powering off a specific room.
Here are the selectable buttons in the Room’s Menu:
1. Volume Control: Select this button to reveal the Vol +, Vol -, and
Mute icons. This button is available on any room with audio sources.
2. Lights Off Action Command: This button is programmed by the
custom integrator and can be set to turn off all the lights in a particular room.
3. Room Off: Select this button to turn off all the devices in that
particular room. This button can only be used to turn off a room.
4. Now Playing: This section displays what device/activity is currently
active in that room. Selecting this jumps the TKP-9600 to that device/activity’s menu for control.
5. Room Linking: This feature is only available on DMS Audio device. It is used to link DMS Zones/Areas. This means having one menu that controls volume for multiple zones simultaneously or individually.
Room Linking:
Remember, Room Linking can only be used by DMS Zones/Areas. The following steps take place from within the Room’s Menu:
1. Select the Room Link button, this displays the Room Linking Menu.
2. Select which rooms in the system to link. Only rooms that are DMS Zones/Areas appear on the Room Linking Menu.
3. Select the Check to confirm.
These rooms are now linked. It is possible to control volume on all of these rooms from one menu (see below). Control the volume of each Linked Zone/Area individually or simultaneously using the All Linked Rooms volume slider.
Now Playing:
On the right hand side of the Title Bar is the Now Playing area. The Now Playing area always dictates what activity is currently playing in the room.
In the example at the right, Now Playing reads “SNP-2 Pandora”. This means that in the Home Theater the SNP-2 is using Pandora currently.
Tapping the Now Playing area jumps the TKP-9600 to the menu for the device in that section. In the example this mean that, once tapped, the interface jumps to the SNP-2 device menu for control.
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