WiFi Smart Socket
The distance between user and products should be no less than 20cm
(WiFi Smart Power Plug)
App Dow nload
App d ownlo ad link f or
iOS sy stem
Met hod 1: Scan the Q R code f rom the packi ng box o f
Met hod 2: D ownload the f ree B roa dli nk App from the
th e sma rt so cke t to do wnlo ad an d ins tal l
the Ap p
Apple Store or Google Play by searching for
"Br oadl ink e- cont rol"
App d ownlo ad link f or
And roid sy stem
Conne ct to WiF i
WiF i Smart
Pow er Sock et
Plu g in
WI- Fi Rout er
Sma rt Phon e
Bef ore sta rting t o setup t he devi ce(sm art soc ket), m ake
sur e your sm artph one con necte d to the Wi Fi netw ork at
you r home.
Device List
ON/ OFF Butt onON/ OFF Butt onON/ OFF Butt on
Produ ct Para meter s
Voltag e: AC1 00~ 240 V
Max loa d cur ren t: 10 A
Max pow er: 2 200 W
USB out put : 5V/ 1A
Netwo rk: W iFi 2 .4G Hz b/ g/n
Secur ity : WEP /WPA -PS K/W PA2- PSK
Product Manual
Set up Sc hedul ed Time r
Set up Co untdo wn Time r
Sign up
Ope n the App “E -Cont rol” an d enter y our ema il addr ess,
pas sword , nickn ame to re giste r
Set up Cy cled Ti mer
Set up Ch argin g Prote ction
Add Dev ice
A: Plu g the devic e(smart
soc ket) in a n anoth er
soc ket,l ong pre ss the
but ton(O N/OFF ) on
the d evice u ntil th e
ind icato r light t urns to
red a nd blue l ight
(Wi Fi indi cator l ight)
fla sh
B: En ter the W iFi
pas sword a nd pres s the
“Co nfigu re” but ton to
add d evice
Common Probl ems and S oluti ons
Wha t doe s the d evic e’s Wi -Fi l ight indi cat e
in di ffe ren t cond iti ons ?
The Wi Fi lig ht(b lue) fl ashes q uickl y, it indic ates
the orig ina l state(f act ory de fau lt) , pres s the
“Co nfigu re” bu tton i n “Ad d dev ice” t o add t he
If th e
WiF i lig ht( blue ) fla sh on ce a sec ond
after th e pro cedu re of c onf igur ati on in dica tes
that the conf igurat ion is failed .Plea se configu re it
again af ter r eset tin g
How to kno w if th e conf igu rat ion is s ucc ess ful?
If th e WiF i lig ht(b lue ) tur ns off a fte r quic k-f las h
Please c hec k the de vic e lis t, it in dic ate s the
config ura tion i s suc ces sful
How to res et th e devi ce?
Long pre ss th e butt on( ON/ OFF) o n the d evi ce
until th e ind icator li ght t urns t o red a nd bl ue
light (W iFi i ndic ato r lig ht) fl ash
Statu s Switc h
Cli ck to go
to th e setti ngs pag e
Dev ice sta tus
Not ice
This device supports wireless network 2.4G only, 5G is
not available
FCC Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits
for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment
generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from
that to which the receiver is connected.
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate
the equipment.