Uptime Devices Sensor Hub, Sensor Hub Pro Quick Start Manual

Sensor Hub Quick Start Guide
Before you start you should have the following:
Sensor Hub (supplied)
DC Adapter (supplied)
Temperature Sensor (supplied, and a Humidity Sensor if you have an SH-2+ or SHPro)
Ethernet Cable
Web Browser ( Netscape Navigator v 4.0 and up, or Microsoft Internet Explorer v4.0 and up)
on your computer or workstation to operate.
1. Plug in Power and Sensors
Power: Plug in the DC Power Adapter to the DC Power Port of the Sensor Hub. The red “Power” light should illuminate.
Ethernet: Plug your straight-through CAT5 Ethernet cable from your network to the Ethernet port on the back of the Sensor Hub. The yellow “Link” indicator should illuminate.
Sensor: Plug in sensor into either of the sensor ports. Because the Sensor Hub is equipped with auto-sense, after a few seconds, the green sensor light corresponding to the port you have utilized will come on. If the green light is blinking, the sensor is in a warning or error condition. You will be able to adjust the thresholds once you open the browser interface.
2. Establish an IP Address
After connecting the Sensor Hub to your network, the next step is to identify the device to the network by assigning an IP address. Consult your network administrator to obtain an IP address that is appropriate for your network, as well as a subnet mask and default gateway address.
There are three methods of assigning the IP address-see the user manual for all three options. If your network uses static IP addresses and your computer has a Windows operating system, you may use the
IPSET.exe program included on the CD that came with your unit.
IMPORTANT: These steps must be done on the same network segment where the Sensor Hub is connected.
Default IP address is Default Subnet Mask is
To do this:
1. Insert the Sensor Hub CD in the CD drive.
2. Click on the Start button, then on Run.
3. In the Run window, click on Browse to locate the le IPSET.exe on the CD, highlight the lename and click Open.
4. In the Run window, click OK. The IPSet window opens, as shown on the following page.
5. In the IP address box in the Target area, enter the IP address for your unit. Note: The IP address must be unique on the network - not assigned to any other device.
6. Enter the Subnet Mask of your network in the Subnet box. (Depending on your IP address, some or all of the Subnet Mask might be entered automatically after you enter the IP address.)
7. Enter the default gateway address in the Default box.
8. In the MAC address box, enter the MAC address of your device. Note: The MAC address is found on a sticker on the bottom of the device.
9. Click on the Apply button. If the device identication is successful, the message “Successfully set IP address” appears in the Status box. (If not, the message “No response from target” appears in the Status box.)
10. Click on the Close button.
© Uptime Devices 2008 www.uptimedevices.com
3. Using the IPSET.exe tool
4. Logging in for the rst time
Enter a unique IP address
Subnet Mask
Default gateway address
Enter the unit’s MAC address (located on bottom of unit
Apply Button
This is your Login screen. In order to Login and setup your Sensor Hub please enter in the “User Name” eld: “admin”. There is no password and this will allow you to edit your Sensor Hub’s set up.
You are now looking at the Summary View. It is being generated by your Sensor Hub! Press the Sys Info button on the Sensor Hub’s Menu Bar.
© Uptime Devices 2008 www.uptimedevices.com
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