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Version 1.0
Q4 (09/15/2014)
UPS Complete View® Trailer September 16, 2014
User Guide Version 1.0
7.6 SEARCHING A LOAD'S SYSTEM LOG ................................................................................ 26
7.7 SORTING A LOAD'S SYSTEM LOG ..................................................................................... 26
WORKING WITH SYSTEM LOGS .................................................................................................. 27
8.1 ACCESSING SYSTEM LOGS ............................................................................................... 27
8.2 WORKING WITH SYSTEM LOGS' ROW HEADINGS .......................................................... 27
8.3 SORTING SYSTEM LOGS' ITEMS ....................................................................................... 29
INDEX .............................................................................................................................................. 30
UPS Complete View® Trailer September 16, 2014
User Guide Version 1.0
Introduction to UPS Complete View® Trailer
UPS Complete View® Trailer has a Dashboard that provides you with a high-level view of trailer
destinations and numbers, their sort dates, when they were created, what their sort keys are and what
their statuses are. You can also sort this information using a simple drop-down interface. You can perform
various tasks using Dashboard tools, such as add a load, edit a load, add tracking numbers, and manage
load details.
Connect in UPS Complete View® Trailer allows you to easily assign shipments from ConnectShip via
Sort Keys by specifying the Destination Trailer and clicking Upload Shipments.
Load Manager allows you to upload / import new tracking numbers from a .CSV (comma-separated
values) file by simply clicking on the menu or by clicking on an icon, selecting the file, and clicking Import.
Once you upload the new tracking numbers, you can review the system logs for that load. From the Load
Details screen, you can depart a load, remove all tracking numbers from a load, delete a load, export
tracking numbers, search a load's system log, and sort a load's system log.
You can also review System Logs for ALL loads in the system, which provides you with the Load ID, ULD
Number (Trailer Number), Log Level, Action Performed, Log Message, and Timestamp. The System Logs
screen also allows you to sort the logs by Days Ago, Level, Load Id, and Results.
Working with the UPS Complete View® Trailer
UPS Complete View® Trailer's Dashboard offers you a simple interface that allows you to review several
types of loads and sort them so that you can easily find the load for which you are looking.
The Dashboard is composed of:
• Destination, ULD Number, Sort Date, Created, Sort Key, and Status rows
• Drop-down list sorting
• A Trailer Legend: Load is aged and not Ready; Load is aged and not Departed
UPS Complete View® Trailer September 16, 2014
User Guide Version 1.0
2.1 Dashboard Row Headings
UPS Complete View® Trailer’s Dashboard row headings appear in the following area on the screen and
their descriptions follow in the table below:
Row Headings Descriptions
Destination The Destination value lists the friendly name for the load's destination. An
example of a friendly name is Chicago as opposed to a destination code, which
is alphanumeric.
ULD Number The ULD Number value is the trailer number.
Sort Date The Sort Date value is the date in which the trailer contents were sorted.
Created The Created value lists the date and time the trailer was closed.
Sort Key The Sort Key value lists the sort key's addition to each transaction.
Status The Status value lists one of the following trailer statuses:
• Departed: When the trailer departed the hub
• Empty: The trailer has not departed
• Ready: The trailer is almost ready to depart the hub
UPS Complete View® Trailer September 16, 2014
User Guide Version 1.0
2.2 Dashboard Sorting
UPS Complete View® Trailer’s Dashboard drop-down sorting values appear in the following area on the
screen and their descriptions follow in the table below:
Drop-Down List Value
Days Ago The Days Ago drop-down list allows you to sort the trailers by the amount of
days in which the trailer was closed.
Status The Status drop-down list allows you to sort by one of the following trailer
• Departed: When the trailer has departed
• Empty: When trailer has not departed
• Ready: When trailer is almost ready to depart
• Error: When there is an error with the trailer
Results The Results drop-down list allows you to sort by a certain number of trailers, with
the most recent appearing first. You can sort by 10, 15, 20, 25 and so on up to
UPS Complete View® Trailer September 16, 2014
User Guide Version 1.0
2.4 Dashboard Icons
UPS Complete View® Trailer's Dashboard Edit, Add Tracking Number, Connect Tracking Numbers
and Manage icons appear in the following area on the screen and their descriptions follow in the table
Icons Description
The Edit icon takes you to the Add / Edit Load screen that allows you to add or
edit load information, such as Destination ULD (trailer) #, and SortDate.
Add Tracking
The Add Tracking Numbers icon takes you to the Upload screen that allows
you to upload / import a tracking number or list of tracking numbers to a
destination trailer from a .CSV (comma-separated values) file.
Connect Tracking
The Connect Tracking Numbers icon takes you to the ConnectShip Upload
screen that allows you to easily assign shipments from ConnectShip via Sort