Upgrading everyday security Commpact User Manual

User Manual
For quick user information please refer to the CommPact
Quick User Guide provided on our website: www.electronics-line.com
Quick Reference Guide
Function Press… Additional Information ARM
One-Key Arming is disabled on the Control System, enter your user code when arming.
The default master code is 1234.
Hold down this key until “Instant Arming OK?” is displayed. Then
Instant arming cancels the e n try delay after Part or Perimeter arming. This feature can be enabled by your installer.
DISARM [USER CODE] Entering your user code also
silences the siren in the event of an alarm.
Press these buttons together and hold them down to generate an
then [USER CODE]
Use the menu navigation buttons
) until the required menu item
is displayed then press
Alternativ ely, enter the shortcut
(e.g. 21 for Bypass Zones). CHECK TROUBLE
Use this key scroll the system trouble list
Pressing  also silences any trouble tones that may be sounded by the system.
then 30 Enter 30 for PGM.
“Dialing” is displayed. The number
dialed for the service call is
programmed by your installer. GLOBAL
Use the menu navigation buttons
) to choose enable or disable,
then press .
After recording a message,
“Message Waiting” is displayed until
the message is played back.
The Message Center is an optional
feature that is included with certain
versions of CommPact Control
Telecontrol Commands
Function Press… Function Press… 2-WAY AUDIO
Table of Contents
Quick Reference Guide .................................................................................... ii
Table of Contents ........................................................................................... iv
1. Introduction and Overview ...................................................................... 1
1.1. Documentation Conventions ...................................................................... 1
1.2. Security System Components .................................................................... 2
1.3. System Monitoring ................................................................................... 3
1.4. Self-Monitoring ........................................................................................ 3
1.5. Telephone Control .................................................................................... 3
1.6. Vocal Message Annunciation ...................................................................... 4
1.7. Web Access ............................................................................................. 4
2. The User Interface ................................................................................... 5
2.1. Front Panel ............................................................................................. 5
2.2. Alarm Sounding Patterns .......................................................................... 7
2.3. Keyfobs .................................................................................................. 8
2.4. Wireless Keypads ..................................................................................... 8
3. Arming and Disarming ........................................................................... 10
3.1. Arming Modes ........................................................................................ 10
3.2. Arming the System ................................................................................. 10
3.3. Disarming the System ............................................................................. 12
3.4. Arm Status and Other System Status Indication ......................................... 12
3.5. Arming Tones ......................................................................................... 13
3.6. Remote Arming/Disarming ....................................................................... 14
4. Panic Alarms .......................................................................................... 16
4.1. Keypad Alarms ....................................................................................... 16
4.2. Keyfob Panic Alarm ................................................................................. 17
4.3. Medical/Panic Emergency ......................................................................... 17
5. PGM Control ........................................................................................... 18
5.1. Keyfob Control ....................................................................................... 18
5.2. Telephone Control ................................................................................... 18
5.3. SMS Control ........................................................................................... 18
6. Telecontrol ............................................................................................. 20
6.1. Calling your Home .................................................................................. 20
6.2. Service Call ............................................................................................ 22
6.3. Two-Way Audio after an Alarm ................................................................. 22
6.4. Two-Way Audio Follow-Me ....................................................................... 22
6.5. Simplex Mode ......................................................................................... 22
7. Advanced System Operation .................................................................. 23
7.1. Cancel Report ......................................................................................... 23
7.2. Zone Bypassing/Unbypassing ................................................................... 24
7.3. User Codes ............................................................................................ 24
7.4. Follow-Me .............................................................................................. 26
7.5. Event Log .............................................................................................. 26
7.6. Service Menu ......................................................................................... 27
Appendix A: Menu Structure .......................................................................... 32
Appendix B: Web User Application ................................................................ 33
Log In Page ...................................................................................................... 33
The Main Page .................................................................................................. 33
Options Available from Main Page........................................................................ 35
Video ............................................................................................................... 41
Appendix C: Glossary .................................................................................... 42
1. Introduction and Overview
CommPact User Manual
1. Introduction and Overview
This user manual explains all you need to know about your CommPact security system and provides step-by-step instructions for all the system’s user functions. In addition to the explanation you will receive from your installer, we urge you to read this manual so that you can take full advantage of your system’s features. Keep this manual in an accessible location for future reference.
The CommPact system has many features in order to suit a wide range of applications. This manual outlines all of these features but it is likely that there are options that are not relevant to your system. If you have any questions regarding the availability of the features described in the manual, please ask your installer.
1.1. Documentation Conventions
In order to simplify the procedures that appear in the rest of this manual, the following conventions are used:
Item… Description…
Select… Use the arrow buttons to scroll through the options and press
From the Event Log Menu, select Clear Log.
Enter the main menu by pressing
and entering your user
code. Using the arrow buttons, navigate until you reach Event Log and press
. Using the arrow buttons, navigate
until you reach Clear Log and press
From the Service menu, select Set Time/Date, Set Date.
The same as above only this time you are navigating through three menu levels.
[7012] The shortcut to a specific menu item from the main menu. In
this case, this is the shortcut for Set Date. These appear in the procedures as an additional aid to menu navigation.
[#5] A shortcut to a specific item in a sub-menu. For example,
[#5] is the shortcut to Bell enable disable in the sub-menu that is opened once you have selected the detector you want
to program.
, buttons
buttons that appear on the keypad (
, )
5. Interface Test
The text that actually appears on the LCD display (italics).
Important caution, please pay attention.
1. Introduction and Overview
CommPact User Manual
1.2. Security System Components
Your security system is made up of a Control System, various detectors and a number of optional peripheral devices. This section explains the role of each component in your system.
Control System
The Control System is the brain of the system. It communicates with all the devices connected to the system. For example, in the event of a burglary, a detector sends a signal to the Control System indicating that it has sensed motion on the premises. On receiving this signal, the Control System makes the decision to report the alarm to your monitoring service and activate the siren.
Detectors are the devices that protect your home, alerting the Control System when there is a breach in security. Magnetic contacts protect your doors and windows while motion detectors are able to detect an intruder moving across its field of view. Vibration and glassbreak detectors are able to sense low-amplitude vibrations and forced break-in attempts around vulnerable access points. Additionally, smoke, carbon monoxide, gas leak and flood detectors can be installed to provide an early warning in the event of a fire, the presence of dangerous gases or the potential for flooding.
Keyfobs are hand-held transmitters that are used to operate the system. Various keyfobs are available providing a number of functions. For example, arming/disarming the system and sending panic and medical
assistance alarms.
The keypads enable you to communicate with the Control System in order to perform a number of different functions. The main function you can perform using a keypad is to arm the system when leaving your home and to disarm on your return.
Sirens and Strobes
While the Control System includes a built-in internal siren, it is possible that you also have an external siren and strobes installed. The sirens are sounded and the strobes are activated during certain alarm conditions serving to warn you and ward off intruders.
1. Introduction and Overview
CommPact User Manual
1.3. System Monitoring
When an event occurs within the system, the Control System sends a message to your monitoring service describing the exact nature of the event. This enables the monitoring service to take the required action. System monitoring can implement either regular telephone or cellular communication.
There is a communication delay of 30 seconds in this Control
System for non-fire alarms. This delay can be reduced to 15 seconds or it can be
increased to 45 seconds at the option of the end user in consultation with the
installer. Fire, gas and flood alarms are communicated immediately.
1.4. 15BSelf-Monitoring
In addition to the ability to report to a monitoring service, the system can also send you and other users notification when an event occurs. This may be in the form of vocal messages played over the telephone or, if your system supports cellular communication, you can receive information on system status via SMS. If an alarm occurs on the premises, you are informed no matter where you are in the world.
1.5. 16BTelephone Control
50BDTMF Telecontrol
The CommPact offers a range of “Telecontrol” features that provide remote access via the telephone (PSTN or Cellular). These features include remote arming/disarming, PGM output activation/deactivation, siren cancel and Two-Way audio via the Control
System’s built-in microphone and speaker – see p.20, 6 Telecontrol.
The Two-Way Audio features allow you to contact your home directly in the event of an alarm or simply to check your home while you are away.
51BSMS Control
Using your cellular phone, you can also send SMS commands to arm/disarm the system, to turn on/off the PGM output, and get confirmation when the command is received. – see p.13, 3.5 Arming Tones.
A detector detects.
The Control System is alerted.
An alarm is generated and the
monitoring service is notified.
1. Introduction and Overview
CommPact User Manual
1.6. Vocal Message Annunciation
Vocal message annunciation is an optional feature that, if enabled in programming, causes the system to play short messages that indicate system status.
1.7. Web Access
The Web Application provides an interface to your security system from your Internet browser. Via the Web you can perform a wide range of tasks such as arm/disarm, zone bypass, and user code management. Additionally, you can set up the contacts whom you wish to be alerted (by email or text message) when selected events occur.
The application also allows you to check your home at any time either by viewing a history of recent events that have occurred or by viewing streaming video from cameras installed on the premises. For further information, see p. 33, Appendix B: Web User Application.
2. The User Interface
CommPact User Manual
2. The User Interface
There are several methods you can use to operate the system. Apart from the keypad on the front panel, your system may include a number of peripheral devices such as keypads and keyfobs.
This chapter provides a brief introduction to each of the devices you can use to operate the system. It is important that you familiarize yourself with these devices before reading the following chapters that describe system operation in further detail.
The front panel is the main user interface that provides you with all the functions you need to control your security system.
2.1. Front Panel
LCD Front Panel display and LEDs inform you of system arming status, power failures, and system trouble conditions. Its alphanumeric keypad enables you to enter your user code when arming and disarming, and to silence the siren in the event of an alarm.
Next diagram shows the Control System's back panel that provides access to the SIM card and the USB Connector.
Navigation Keys
2. The User Interface
CommPact User Manual
Arming Keys
Three arming keys are available: Full, Part, and Perimeter. These buttons arm the system using one of the three arming methods. One-key Arming is an option that is programmed by your installer.
Service Call Button
The Service Call button enables you to contact the monitoring service and talk to an operator.
To initiate a service call, press the up arrow button
, then press and hold down the
Service Call button
Vocal Message Recording and Playba ck
Front Panel allows you to record a short message that may be played back later by
another user – see p. 27, 7.6. Service Menu, Message Center.
System Status LEDs
The System Status indicators provide essential information on the status of the system such as arm, disarm, alarm and power failure conditions.
OK LED Status
Off Both AC and Battery power are disconnected.
On Green System Power status is OK and there is no System Trouble.
Flashing Green Open Zone. Check that the windows and doors are closed and no
movement is detected by the detectors within the protected area.
On Yellow System Trouble.
Flashing Yellow (slow) Battery low from the Control System or transmitters.
2. The User Interface
CommPact User Manual
OK LED Status
Flashing Yellow (fast) AC loss.
Flashing Yellow (intermittent)
System Trouble in addition to AC loss/Low Battery.
LED Status
Off The system is disarmed. On Green The system is armed. Flashing Red An alarm has occurred. Alarm indication is cleared the next time
you arm the system or view the relevant arming event in the event log.
Alarm indication is not displayed after a silent panic alarm.
System Trouble Indication
In the event that the system detects a trouble condition, “System Trouble” appears on the display. To identify the problem, scroll through the trouble list by pressing .
Scrolling the trouble list also silences system trouble tones that may be sounded if enabled in programming. When the trouble condition is restored, it is removed from the system trouble list.
2.2. Alarm Sounding Patterns
The following table summarizes various alarms sounded by the control system.
Alarm Alarm Sounding Pattern Description
Burglary ON (continuously)
Fire ON - ON - ON, 1.5-second pause, ON - ON – ON......
Gas ON - ON - ON - ON (short bursts), 5 second pause, ON - ON - ON
- ON......
Medical ON (continuously) – only applicable for Medical alarm from zone
4 rapid tones sounded once per minute (same as Trouble tones)
2. The User Interface
CommPact User Manual
2.3. Keyfobs
The CommPact supports up to nineteen keyfob transmitters. The functions of the buttons on each keyfob are shown in the examples below.
2.4. Wireless Keypads
The system supports up to four wireless keypads. You can use the keypad (EL-2620) as an arming station, and generate a panic alarm in the event of emergency.
Numeric Keypad
The numeric keypad allows you to arm or disarm the system by entering a user code.
Arming Keys
Three arming keys are available: Full, Part and Perimeter. These keys arm the system using one of the three arming methods. One-key Arming is an option that is programmed by your installer. If this option is disabled, you must also enter a user code when arming.
B2: Perimeter
Arm, PGM,
B1: Part Arm,
Full Arm
Battery Status
2. The User Interface
CommPact User Manual
Panic Alarm
Simultaneously pressing the Full and Perimeter buttons generates a panic alarm.
The Cancel key clears the keypad in the event that you pressed a key by mistake. For example, when entering your code you enter a wrong digit, the system waits for you
to enter all four digits before it decides that the code is incorrect. Pressing the Cancel key causes the keypad to disregard what was previously entered enabling you to start again.
Battery Status LEDs
Every time a key is pressed, one of the Battery Status LEDs is lit. When the battery needs to be replaced, the red Low Battery LED is lit.
3. Arming and Disarming
CommPact User Manual
3. Arming and Dis ar ming
Arming can be defined as activating the system. When the system is armed, it monitors the zones that are protected by the detector. If a detector senses an intrusion, the system generates an alarm.
3.1. Arming Modes
Three arming modes are available: Full, Part and Perimeter. These modes enable you to arm your system accordingly to suit different circumstances.
You can only disarm all the active arming modes.
Full Arming
Full arming activates the entire system. This arming method is used when you intend to leave your home, leaving the premises empty.
Part Arming
This arming method enables you to arm a section of your home while remaining on a different part of the premises.
Perimeter Arm ing
Perimeter arming enables you to activate the perimeter zones (the windows and doors of your home) enabling you to move freely within the protected area.
Certain detectors, such as smoke, carbon monoxide, gas and flood detectors, are always active regardless of system status.
3.2. Arming the System
Before arming the system, check that all doors and windows are secured so that the system is ready for arming.
Arming with the Keypad
To arm the system using the front panel/wireless keypads:
Press one of the three arming keys, the exit delay begins to count
down. At the end of the exit delay, the system is armed.
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