EN Instructions for fitting and use
Kit 5, Kit 8

Kit 5 and Kit 8 Wheelchair and occupant restraint kits
The following manual is an important part of the product, providing you with
information on how to achieve maximum performance and safe operation.
Keep the manual in a safe place so that you can refer to it when necessary.
If you have any questions about your equipment, please contact Unwin.
Once again, thank you for placing your confidence in our products!
Thank you for choosing
Safe vehicle adaptation solutions
For your safety Unwin products are
designed and tested according to current
directives and standards.
Kit 5 or Kit 8
from Unwin!

Safety information
Fit and use
After care
Limitations of use
General guidance
Before installing and using the kits
Fitting & using the wheelchair and occupant restraint kits
Floor rail - Kit 5
Floor anchor - Kit 8
Equipment storage and maintenance
Wheelchair and occupant restraint kits Kit 5 and Kit 8
“Declaration of conformity” at the end of the manual.

Limitation of use
Safety information
The development of Unwin kits is a continuous process. Applications are added on a
regular basis. For more detail contact Unwin or look on the Unwin website.
Kit 5 and Kit 8 Wheelchair and occupant restraint kits

Kit 5
Kit 8
Wheelchair and occupant restraint kits Kit 5 and Kit 8

General guidance
• Wheelchair Accessories that have not been approved by the Wheelchair Manufacturer must be
removed from the wheelchair and secured in the vehicle during transport to reduce the potential for
injury. Refer to ‘Instructions For Use in Transport’ provided with the wheelchair or contact wheelchair
manufacturer for further guidance.
• These wheelchair & occupant restraint kits comply with all applicable requirements of ISO 10542,
including a 48km/h, 20g frontal impact test using a forward facing 85kg surrogate wheelchair and an ATD
(test dummy) with a mass of 76.3kg. The test dummy was restrained by both a pelvic and upper-torso
restraint. Use of a pelvic only belt may compromise the performance of the WTORS system and should
be avoided.
• If the installation is to be used with an occupant head rest anchored to the vehicle, then a vehicleanchored back rest must be provided to minimise rearward deflection of the wheelchair seatback,
preventing neck injury.
• Regular inspection of all parts is recommended and the equipment should be used only if all
components are in good condition.
• Warning: protect webbing from contacting sharp edges and corners. Replace equipment if the
webbing does becomes cut, contaminated or frayed.
Kit 5 and Kit 8 Wheelchair and occupant restraint kits

• Any restraints which have been subjected to a crash situation from which the vehicle must be towed
should, in the interest of safety, be replaced.
• Do not attempt to modify the equipment. For further advice on the installation and use of this tie-down,
please contact Unwin. Please read this manual fully before use.
• Avoid contact with corrosive liquids. Care should be taken to prevent contamination of the webbing
with polishes, oils and chemicals.
• The restraint kit anchorages should be installed by an experienced technician/vehicle converter.
Anchorages should not be installed into unsound materials such as corroded metal, wood, plastic and
fibre glass panels, without additional and suitable reinforcement.
• The equipment has been tested in a configuration similar to that recommended by Unwin, and any
deviation from the recommendations here is the responsibility of the installer/user. These instructions
refer use with both Unwin rails and Solo anchors, however the equipment may be used with any Unwin
proprietary rail product.
Wheelchair and occupant restraint kits Kit 5 and Kit 8

Before installing and using the wheelchair & occupant restraint kits
• Ensure that the wheelchair is correctly maintained and that the settings of any adjustable parts are made
according to ‘Instructions for Use in Transport’.
• Whenever possible remove any items of luggage etc that may be attached to the wheelchair and secure
or store separately during transport in order to reduce the potential for injury to other passengers
travelling in the vehicle.
• Extra care must be exercised when using vehicle boarding aids such as passenger lifts or ramps during
the loading process. Refer to ‘Instructions For Use’ for information on safe slopes.
• Position the wheelchair facing forward - centrally in the designated region of the vehicle. Ensure the
wheelchair brakes are applied.
• To minimise the potential for head injuries in an impact, allow a clear space of at least 400 mm behind
and 650 mm, (FCZ, front clear zone), in front of the head of the wheelchair user, (Fig A). The shoulder
belt anchorage must be roof or side-wall anchored at a height level such that the belt webbing passes
over the midpoint of the occupant shoulder and at a height that is at or just above the level of the
occupants shoulders so as not to impose downward loads on the spine.
• A height provision (HHT) ranging from 1000mm to 1550mm should be made, depending on the size
of the passenger. There should also be 200 mm of clear space either side of the wheelchair centre line.
If these clear space dimensions cannot be provided then any should be adequately padded and comply
with impact performance requirements of ECE Regulation 21 ‘FMVSS 201’. All vehicle padding should
comply with the flammability requirements of ECE Regulation 118 ‘FMVSS 302’.
Note: seated head
height (HHT)
ranges from as low
as 1000mm for a
6-year-old child to
1550mm for a tall
Kit 5 and Kit 8 Wheelchair and occupant restraint kits