Select the Unisight DVR Server icon. This icon is a blue monitor that says DVR
located on the Windows Desktop. Once the application loads you will be presented with a
log-in screen. The default selected username is Supervisor. The password for this user is left
blank for the initial setup. To log-in select the Ok button. (Fig. 1-0)
(Fig. 1-0)
The first time the Unisight DVR Server application is run you must select your video
standard. If you are inside the United States select the 'NTSC' radio button and click the Ok
button to finish the Initial Setup. (Fig. 1-1)
(Fig. 1-1)
Unisight Digital Technologies
Live Preview Mode
After you have started the Unisight DVR Server application you will be looking at the
main DVR screen (Live Preview Mode). (Fig. 1-2) This screen contains the DVR Information
Window, the Camera Status LEDs, the Channel Grid, the Grid Layout buttons, Extra Function
buttons, and the DVR Control buttons.
(Fig. 1-2)
Unisight Digital Technologies
DVR Information Window
The top of the DVR Information Window display the current date followed by the
current time below. The current time is formatted using the 24 hour time format. The CPU
Usage is also displayed. This meter is displayed in % of CPU cycles used from 0% to 100%.
Remote client connections are displayed underneath the CPU Usage meter and is labeled
Link. This meter will increase by 1 for each channel that the Unisight Remote Client
application or the Unisight Remote Web Client connects to. There are two rows of gray
squares. This is the Available Storage display. For each partition configured as a storage
location a gray square will light up blue. If the Unisight DVR Server application is currently
writing video footage to that partition the blue square will begin flashing green. The Available
Storage display will also tell you which drive letter is currently being used and also how much
storage space is free (in Mb). (Fig. 1-3)
(Fig. 1-3)
Camera Status LEDs
The Camera Status LEDs will tell you how each video recording channel is currently
functioning. (Fig. 1-4)
RED: Video signal lost.
YELLOW: Motion mode recording.
BLUE: Continuous mode recording.
GREEN: Manual recording.
BROWN: Guard Schedule activated.
GRAY: Video signal confirmed, but not recording, and/or unused video channel.
(Fig. 1-4)
Unisight Digital Technologies
Channel Grid
The Channel Grid contains the Live Video Preview. This is where you will see all of
your video camera feeds. You can select each channel by left-clicking the mouse to activate
the Live Audio Preview for that channel if live audio is connected to the audio harness for that
individual channel. To maximize a video channel, double-click the video feed. To restore the
Channel Grid double-click the video feed. There is also a full screen mode that you can
toggle by clicking the right mouse button on any video channel.
Grid Layout Buttons
The arrangement of the Channel Grid is easily configured by 12 buttons. (Fig. 1-5)
Hover your mouse cursor over these buttons for a description of each of the layout button
(Fig. 1-5)
The Reset Screen Status button allows you to quickly set the Channel Grid to the
original layout as detected by the software on startup. (Fig. 1-6) This will allow you to set a
grid configuration layout of more than 16 channels.
(Fig. 1-6)
If you choose to display fewer channels than the total number of channels on the
Unisight DVR Server you can automatically cycle through all connected video feeds. (Fig. 1-7)
The Screen Auto Switching button toggles this feature.
(Fig. 1-7)
Once you select the Screen Auto Switching button the Setting Switch Interval dialog
box appears. (Fig. 1-8) Here you are able to start and stop the automatic screen switching.
You can also set the time interval at which the screen will automatically switch.
(Fig. 1-8)
Unisight Digital Technologies
Extra Function Buttons
These Extra Function buttons are shortcuts to many of the features available through
the Extra Functions dialog box. (Fig. 1-9) Hover your mouse cursor over the icons for a
description of the button.
(Fig. 1-9)
DVR Control Buttons
These buttons will allow you to control and configure the Unisight DVR Server
application. (Fig. 1-10), (Fig. 1-11)
(Fig. 1-10)
(Fig. 1-11)
The Extra button brings up the Extra Functions dialog box. The Audio button toggles
the Live Audio Preview for all channels. A highlighted Audio button indicates that Live
Preview is currently enabled on all channels. The Record button toggles manual recording
for the currently selected video channel. The Motion button toggles motion based recording
for the currently selected video channel. The Guard button toggles the alarm sensors. The
Lock button toggles the availability of the DVR Control buttons on the Live Preview mode
until the correct username and password are entered. The Hide button will minimize the
Unisight DVR Server application. The Exit button will close the Unisight DVR Server
application. The PTZ button will expand the PTZ Control buttons and allow you to control
PTZ cameras that are connected to the system. The E-Map button will bring up the electronic
map. The Playback button will switch to the Playback mode. The Setup button will allow you
to configure the system.
Unisight Digital Technologies
Locking/Unlocking and Exiting
The Lock button will disable the buttons that appear on the Live Preview mode. This
locks out unauthorized access to the Unisight DVR Server application. Pressing the Lock
button when the system is already locked brings up the Unlock System dialog box. (Fig. 1-12)
Select your username from the Username drop down box, type your password in the
Password field and select the Ok button to unlock the system.
To exit the Unisight DVR Server application, select the Exit button. A dialog box similar
to the Unlock System dialog box appears. (Fig. 1-12) Follow the above instructions to exit the
DVR software.
(Fig. 1-12)
Unisight Digital Technologies
Server Setup
Setup Button
Selecting the Setup button will open the Setup dialog box. (Fig. 2-0) The Setup dialog
box is divided into nine different tabs. These tabs allow for the configuration of the Unisight
DVR System.
(Fig. 2-0)
Unisight Digital Technologies
Camera Tab (Fig. 2-0)
Channel List: Using the Channel List you can select the desired channel by left-clicking
on the channel name. You can configure different settings for each individual channel or
apply them to multiple channels using the Copy To button.
Video Scheme: You can configure up to three different video schemes and apply them
at different times using the Schedule tab. 10 levels of Compression are available. 1 is the
most compression which will give you the smallest file size but with lower video quality. You
can set the Frame Rate from 1fps to 30fps. The higher the frame rate, the smoother the
video. You can also choose to encode the video using VBR by enabling the VBR Enabled
check box. VBR is Variable Bit Rate. During low motion situations the bit rate will decrease
creating a smaller file size. There are four different resolutions available to record: QCIF –
176x144, CIF – 352x240, DCIF – 528x360, 2CIF – 704x240. The Video and Video/Audio
radio buttons set the audio recording mode – either video recording only or video recording
with associated audio channels. The Change On Alarm feature allows a separate Video
Scheme to be used during an alarm condition. Use the Setup button next to the Change On
Alarm check box to configure the video settings. Compress Trans, if enabled, allows you to
set a different video quality for all the client connections by using the Setup button next to the
Compress Trans check box. This allows you to raise or lower the client video quality to adjust
the bandwidth usage for varying network speeds.
Others: The Disk Group drop down box selects which Disk Group each video channel
records to. The Signal Lost Alert will write a log entry when a video feed is disconnected from
the DVR when enabled. The Show Preview check box will toggle the Live Video Preview on
the main DVR screen. The Memo feature allows an additional description for the video
channel to be input when the Manual Record button is pressed. (Fig. 2-1) The Allow
Network Access check box toggles the ability for remote clients to connect to that video
channel. The OSD Position will allow you to move the On Screen Display based on X and Y
coordinates. X is the horizontal position, Y is the vertical position.
(Fig. 2-1)
Unisight Digital Technologies
Color/Motion Tab (Fig. 2-2)
The Color/Motion tab can be used to setup the motion detection areas and the video
signal parameters such as brightness, contrast, saturation and hue for each individual video
(Fig. 2-2)
Multiple motion detection zones can be configured for each selected video channel. A
different motion sensitivity can be set for each of these zones. 1 is the most accurate
sensitivity, 100 is the least accurate sensitivity To create a motion detection zone left-click
and drag a box around the desired area and set the desired sensitivity level. Set a higher
sensitivity number for objects that appear closer in the field of view and a lower sensitivity
number for objects that are further away in the field of view. To switch between motion
detection zones use the Switch button. The currently selected motion detection zone will
highlight white while the others will be red. The Delete button will remove the currently
selected motion zone while the Clear All button will delete all motion detection zones. If no
motion detection zones are configured the entire video feed will act as a single motion
detection zone, which will not be as accurate as individual motion detection zones. The Mask
Unisight Digital Technologies
button will create a black box over the currently selected motion zone. This is a privacy mask
and the same black box will appear in the recorded video files.
There are five configurable Schemes for video signal parameters which can be applied
at different times using the Schedule tab. You can adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation,
and hue for varying video signal situations such as low light and direct sunlight. Pressing the
Default button will restore the video signal settings back to the factory default for the currently
selected scheme.
Schedule Tab (Fig. 2-3)
You can set separate schedules for Continuous Mode, Motion Mode, Color, Video, and
Allow Network Access. Each different schedule tab has a user definable schedule.
(Fig. 2-3)
Pressing the Clear button will clear the schedule for the currently selected schedule
tab. The Activate Schedule check box toggles each schedule on and off for each selected
video channel in the Channel List. The Modify button will bring up the Set-up Time Schedule
dialog box and will allow any of the 16 different time schemes to be applied. (Fig. 2-4)
Unisight Digital Technologies
(Fig. 2-4)
The Time Period drop down box will allow you to apply any of the 16 different time
schemes. To apply the time scheme to any day simply check the box next to the day. Use
the Select All button to quickly check all days including Holiday. Use the Invert button to
change the day selection to the opposite of the currently selected. To clear the schedule
select the Clear button.
The Time Schedule button brings up the Setup Time Schedule dialog box. (Fig. 2-5)
Here you can change the configured time periods for each of the schemes. Use the Time
Period drop down boxes to select the starting hour/minute and the ending hour/minute. You
can use the Standard drop down box to quickly apply the pre-configured common time
periods. Use the Clear button to erase all configured time periods for the selected scheme.
Unisight Digital Technologies
(Fig. 2-5)
The Holiday button will bring up the Holiday Setting dialog box. (Fig. 2-6) Use the
Select A Date drop down box to bring up a graphical calendar to select individual dates. Click
the Add button to add the date to the Holiday Date List. Use the Clear button to quickly erase
all added dates from the list. To delete an individual date select the date, then select the
Delete button.
(Fig. 2-6)
Alarm Actions Tab (Fig. 2-7)
Unisight Digital Technologies
(Fig. 2-7)
The Device Selection button will bring up the Device Select dialog box. (Fig. 2-8)
Select your supported alarm relay controller from the Type drop down box. To configure the
communication settings for your alarm relay controller select the COM Port button, which will
bring up the Communication Port dialog box. (Fig. 2-9) Set the correct device settings, refer
to the manufacturer's specifications, using the associated drop down boxes. The Camera
Priority button will open the Camera Action Priority dialog box. (Fig. 2-10) Here you can raise
or lower the priority of individual channels. When either the Alarm Trigger Single Screen or
Motion Trigger Single Screen feature is enabled, the channel with the highest priority will
remain visible. This feature brings the alarm condition to your attention and will not change
without user input, either by double-clicking the single screen or by selecting one of the Grid
Layout buttons. The Popup E-Map check box enables the automatic showing of the E-Map
when an alarm condition is detected. The Pre-recording check box, when enabled, will record
10-20 seconds of video before the alarm condition happened. This will help aid in
determining what events led up to the alarm condition.
(Fig. 2-8)
Unisight Digital Technologies
(Fig. 2-9)
(Fig. 2-10)
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