Hit Beach Balls with your controllers!
Hit Beach Balls with your extra Vive Trackers!
Thumbpads = Spawn more balls
Menu Buttons = Open Minigame Selection Mode
Triggers – More beach balls
Grips – mind control! (hold grip / move hand)
Vive Trackers
Extra trackers can be assigned to these roles:
➢ Left Foot
➢ Left Elbow
➢ Right Elbow
➢ Right Foot
➢ Waist
Each tracker is an identical paddle, so it doesn’t matter where you attach them, or if you let other
people hold them!
The receiver dongles generally need to be located far away from your computer on the included
extension bases to work most reliably. Also, it’s theoretically possible you could add your own custom
bindings for up to 11 different motion sources.

Hit the beach balls through the big square rotating hoops.
Each additional hoop scored adds the number of hoops the ball has scored to your score.
Try to score over 1,000,000 points.
Mountain Avalanche Goalie
Keep them out of the goal, or let them in!
Strength Game
Hit the beach ball all the way up to the top!
Play with your friends
Space – Toggle Hotkeys Tips / Full Screen
H = Hoops Game
J = Goalie Game
K = Strength Game
C – Add an edible coin (Players can eat these!)
G – Toggle Giant Mode
Z – Toggle Zero Gravity
D – Attract Beach Balls (Rapid fire this for best (or worst) results)
A – Attract a single Beach Ball
S – Beach Ball Jumps
B – Spawn a huge Beach Ball
E – Launch a Beach Ball (from clouds in the front)
W – Launch a Beach Ball (from the hill)
P – Beach Balls roll away
Delete – Beach Balls fly away into the sky
End – Fade out and remove all beach balls
Home – Fade in to a fresh game!
ESC – Quit Game (but why?)