The Security Alarm System UNOTEC SAS comprises the Central Control Panel (CCP), sensors, signal repeaters and
fully wireless sirens has the following technical possibili es:
• Supports up to 10 remotes (remote control), 50 keychains proximity (RFID tags), 50 wireless sensors and
several sirens.
• The other has 4 wired zones (Normal + 24h + Siren + Relay Mode) allowing you among other things perfectly integrate any IP camera that have alarm input and display enabling him live what mo vated no ce.
• An sabotage which triggers the alarm when an element of it is intended to be manipulated. Subs tuent
of self-checking of the wiring systems.
• Holds 5 phone numbers to alert by SMS in case of alarm.
• Store another 5 phone numbers to no fy them by phone call.
• direct or remote access to voicemail stored in the Central Control Panel.
• Ability to set speed dial call by pressing a bu on.
• Ability to call other numbers from the Central if they are marked in full.
• Store a number to no fy you by SMS when and who disarm the system with proximity key.
• It has delayed ac va on for a more comfortable entry and exit.
• There is another specifi c delay for the desired sensors.
• SMS alert disconnect Central Control Panel power.
• SMS alert reset the power.
• SMS alert low ba ery Central Control Panel.
• arm and disarm the system by SMS or free call.
• Status Monitoring System remotely by telephone.
• Speaker and microphone to CCP for bidirec onal communica on.
• integrated into the CCP deterrent siren and possibility of adding addi onal ones.
• The CCP includes 2 backup ba eries, lithium 800 mAh each, which provide a range of 5 h at rest in case
of power failure
• The CCP has integrated antenna mul band GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz.
The four main roles of our Security Alarm System UNOTEC SAS are:
Besides being a clear deterrent, the main feature of System Security Alarm UNOTEC SAS is that warns
you, to you even if you are kilometers away and their neighbors, where there has been a port in the area
patrolled unauthorized.
Remote controls have a “panic bu on” or SOS that when pressed, the Central Control Panel (regardless
of which state you are in) will ac vate the sirens, send SMS and call phone numbers stored. Par cularly
useful for lonely older people with mobility diffi cul es in an emergency, or to manually ac vate all alarms
if anything unusual is detected.
Safety sensors will alert 24h to tell if a gas leak occurs, there is a fl ood, a window is broken, a fi re, an earthquake ... In all these cases, mely ac on to occur is the key separates a scare of a catastrophe.
Thanks to ad disarmament SMS with RFID tags keychains proximity you will always know who and when
has accessed your home. Very useful to employees.