unotec SAS, 20.0101.00.00 User Manual

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User Manual ENG
This device is an excellent security product that incorporates GSM / SMS / RFID technology.
You are at a complete wireless alarm system with touch keypad and communica on of warnings via phone SIM card. You only need to have GSM coverage in the loca on of your CCP to keep an eye on your home or business. All this without any fee or monthly subscrip on (excluding costs of SMS and calls). You will receive on your mobile phone alerts no ces sent directly by the alarm. Also, being a completely wireless system, you will not be forced to connect diff erent computers together via cables. Loca on fl exibility, ease of installa on and cap va ng aesthe cs.
This revolu onary Wireless Security Alarm System with touch keypad UNOTEC SAS has all the features of a profes­sional electronic security system, yet is easy to use and confi gure.
The confi gura on and system management is done through the Central Control Panel through its touch keyboard, SMS or phone calls. At any  me you can check the status of the system and if you want, whenever someone acces­ses the monitored area disarming the UNOTEC SAS Keychain RFID you will be no fi ed through an SMS containing informa on on who and when agreed the monitored area. And always maintaining a comprehensive what happens in your home or offi ce control.
Central control panel with: mermaid, microphone and speaker, touchpad, RFID card reader, ba ery back up
and power adapter.
Keychains proximity RFID tags.
PIR wireless mo on sensors with ba eries and out­door LED status and immune to movements of pets.
Wireless signal repeaters or integrated with feeder included, ideal for extending the range of range of su­pplements to 500 meters radius. RT-101 / RT-110
4-bu on remote controls and 6 func ons with built-in ba ery.
PIR wireless mo on sensor ba ery status LED for in-
Intelligent wireless adapter included with sirens, stro­be lights and LED status. There are indoor, outdoor, fueled by sunlight, ba ery-backed, an sabotage, pos­sible delays ...
Wireless gas sensor status LEDs, built-in siren and verbal warning.
Wireless magne c sensors for doors and windows, with ba ery and LED status.
Adjustable Wireless smoke sensor with built-in siren, ba ery status LED.
Presence sensor equipped with wireless IR beam barrier 10 meters powered ba ery charged by solar energy, built-in siren, strobe lights and LED status.
Adjustable sound sensor Wireless Glassbreak with status LED, including feeder and wired outputs.
Wireless sensor ba eries included fl ooding and status LEDs.
Wireless remote control keypad with smart keychains RFID reader for access to contro­lled area compa ble with electronic locks.
Wireless vibra on sensors with ba ery, status LED and adjustable sensi vity.
The Security Alarm System UNOTEC SAS comprises the Central Control Panel (CCP), sensors, signal repeaters and fully wireless sirens has the following technical possibili es:
• Supports up to 10 remotes (remote control), 50 keychains proximity (RFID tags), 50 wireless sensors and
several sirens.
• The other has 4 wired zones (Normal + 24h + Siren + Relay Mode) allowing you among other things per­fectly integrate any IP camera that have alarm input and display enabling him live what mo vated no ce.
• An sabotage which triggers the alarm when an element of it is intended to be manipulated. Subs tuent of self-checking of the wiring systems.
• Holds 5 phone numbers to alert by SMS in case of alarm.
• Store another 5 phone numbers to no fy them by phone call.
• direct or remote access to voicemail stored in the Central Control Panel.
• Ability to set speed dial call by pressing a bu on.
• Ability to call other numbers from the Central if they are marked in full.
• Store a number to no fy you by SMS when and who disarm the system with proximity key.
• It has delayed ac va on for a more comfortable entry and exit.
• There is another specifi c delay for the desired sensors.
• SMS alert disconnect Central Control Panel power.
• SMS alert reset the power.
• SMS alert low ba ery Central Control Panel.
• arm and disarm the system by SMS or free call.
• Status Monitoring System remotely by telephone.
• Speaker and microphone to CCP for bidirec onal communica on.
• integrated into the CCP deterrent siren and possibility of adding addi onal ones.
• The CCP includes 2 backup ba eries, lithium 800 mAh each, which provide a range of 5 h at rest in case of power failure
• The CCP has integrated antenna mul band GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz.
The four main roles of our Security Alarm System UNOTEC SAS are:
Besides being a clear deterrent, the main feature of System Security Alarm UNOTEC SAS is that warns you, to you even if you are kilometers away and their neighbors, where there has been a port in the area patrolled unauthorized.
Remote controls have a “panic bu on” or SOS that when pressed, the Central Control Panel (regardless of which state you are in) will ac vate the sirens, send SMS and call phone numbers stored. Par cularly useful for lonely older people with mobility diffi cul es in an emergency, or to manually ac vate all alarms if anything unusual is detected.
Safety sensors will alert 24h to tell if a gas leak occurs, there is a fl ood, a window is broken, a fi re, an earth­quake ... In all these cases,  mely ac on to occur is the key separates a scare of a catastrophe.
Thanks to ad disarmament SMS with RFID tags keychains proximity you will always know who and when
has accessed your home. Very useful to employees.
The Security Alarm System UNOTEC SAS has three possible states:
Par al armed
There are two possible loca ons from which you can control the armed (ac va on) and disarmed (disable)
Security System.
• From the Central Control Panel o Key o With RFID Key
• Remotely o With the remote control (remote control) o With the wireless keyboard or KP-700
• For key
• With RFID Key o by phone
• Through SMS
• With one phone call free
Each wireless sensor in the Security Alarm System is an area UNOTEC SAS. a area (sensor) can be set in four diff erent ways:
Normal mode. System assets in the states: Arming and Home Arming. Home mode. Ac ve only when the system is in armed state.
Timed mode. As in Normal Mode but with a confi gurable delay.
Mode 24h. They are always ac ve regardless of system status.
Finally, there are two types of confi gurable delays in its Security Alarm System that will enable SAS UNO­TEC establish a window of  me between when a sensor is ac vated un l the Central ac vates the sirens and alerts the protocol begins.
Input and output delay. Valid for sensors (zones) programmed in Normal, House and  med. It applies to the
subsequent ac va on Armed System to ac va on of alarms a er ac va on.
Timed delay zones. Valid for zones (sensors) programmed in Timed applies only to the ac va on of alarms
upon ac va on mode.
* Note: Sensors programmed in 24h mode can not be delayed.
For clarifi ca on so we show two typical installa ons as examples.
In this example the sensors (areas) are set as follows:
Normal mode: magne c sensor placed on the front door and IR barriers. Mode PIR: movement sensors House Salon and stairs. Timed mode: magne c sensor placed on the garage door. 24h mode: sensor cooking gas and smoke detector.
With this programming zones (sensors) is achieved when the house is empty and UNOTEC SAS in armed state all sensors are ac vated and protec ng your home is high, but when they are at home (eg at night ) can set the status of your alarm system Safety Arming, allowing them to move freely inside the house without triggering any sensor, but also be protected against intrusions from the outside, since these sensors yes will be alert.
Similarly if we set 95 ‘’ as delay areas (sensors) that we have programmed as  med a ached to a delay se ng input and output 15 ‘’ is achieved when employees enter your home have 15 ‘’to disarm the proximity Key System before the alarms are ac vated and that you, if you come by car directly from the garage available 95’ ‘to disarm the system. Likewise, if someone arms the system from the Central Control Panel will have 15 ‘’ to leave the property without
triggering alarms.
If there were a fi re or a gas leak, sensors programmed in the 24h mode all alarms ac vated immediately regardless of the state in which the Security Alarm System SAS UNOTEC you are.
Before installing the Security Alarm System UNOTEC SAS is necessary to study the architectural features of the place where you want to place the system (home, offi ce, apartment ...) and carefully iden fy their weaknesses, to thereby be able to plan eff ec ve protec on and safe. Each sensor corresponds to a virtual region that called Central Control Panel area. The names of the fi rst 9 sensors (zones) can be customized. This way you get the system to alert you with a personalized SMS with content similar to the following: “gas leak” or “Movement in your bedroom.”
Pay a en on to this simple example chart for a house on one level
* Note: If installing it over nine sensors (sirens and signal repeaters do not take zone) from the tenth will be automa­ cally numbered from 10 to 50 and you can not customize your name
Norm Map
A) Alarm Switchboard B) Control C) Foghorn
1- Main Door: Opening Sensor 2- Living: Mo on Detector 3- Window Living: Opening Sensor 4- Window Living: Opening Sensora 5- Door Terrace: Opening Sensor 6- Room: Mo on Sensor 7- Room: Mo on Sensor 8-Kitchen: Gas Detector
Normal Mode Home Mode Normal Mode Normal Mode Normal Mode Home Mode 24H Mode 24H Mode
Coverage indicator
Call / Sending LED
RFID Keychains Reader / Play voice message
Then we will detail the key elements that cons tute the Central Control Panel.
Status Ligh ng
The signal fl ashes once per second, it means the de-
vice is searching GSM network
The signal fl ashes once every two seconds, it means
that the device is connected to the GSM network
Aesthe c touch keyboard which is ac vated by con­tact with our fi ngers thanks to body temperature.
Methacrylate surface, easy to clean, provides a high level fi nish. The numbers give us the ability to:
• Enter the key manually disarm the system
• Enter the key to synchronize devices
• Enter a phone number you wish to call
This red LED lights when the Central Control Panel is receiving a phone call. If the alarm LED fl ashes while the
The red LED also lights when the CCP is on a call or sending an SMS.
RFID Keychains Reader
This is the area in which the iden fi ca on card reader is radio frequency.
To bring some of the keychains RFID tags at a distance of less than one cen meter circle, it will light blue-green and beeping disarm the Security Alarm System UNOTEC SAS.
Immediately a er disarmament, the Central Control Panel will send an SMS to the phone number we have told you. In this SMS the recipient will fi nd informa on about the user who disarmed the UNOTEC SAS and the  me
that has made this disarmament.
* Note: The RFID reader is energy intensive and is deac vated when the CCP is not connected to the mains, so if
the light is gone can not disarm the system with the key although remotely via call or SMS.
Coverage indicator
Par al Armed
Call/ Sending LED
RFID Keychains Reader/
Play Voice Message
Record Voice Message/
Sync Bu on
Partial Armed
Record voice message / Sync button
Playing voice message
As the numbers, this circle is touch sensi ve. If pressed we can hear the last voice message stored in the CCP.
As discussed below, this voice message can be recorded both from the Central Control Panel, thanks to the inte­grated microphone that has, or remotely from a mobile phone. This func on is very useful if you want to leave a message for cleaning or if we inform our children of the  me you get home.
When the CCP detects that it has recorded a new voice message and this has not been heard yet, a indigo blue light will fl ash around the circle to remind the following approaches to disarm or arm the system that someone has le a message for him .
It is also possible to listen to this voicemail remotely from a mobile phone.
The touch pad has a dual func on.
• Is the speed dial bu on. Pressing a phone call is made to the number you have defi ned. Press again to
end the call again.
• If you press a er entering a phone number available via touch keyboard, it made a phone call to that number.
Anyone press arm the system. This new state of the system is confi rmed because while the system is armed will remain illuminated.
To disarm the system is necessary to know the password (default: 1234). Enter the password on the touch keypad and press disarmament is confi rmed by issuing a long beep when you press while the RFID reader emits a greenish blue circle light, then stay on to easily recognize at a glance the state the UNOTEC SAS. If instead of a beep you hear three pressing is that the key is not inserted correctly and should try again.
To set the Security Alarm System SAS UNOTEC state Par al Armed press This way you can move freely inside your home without triggering any sensor, while maintaining a high degree of protec on against intrusions.
Record voice message
Press to record a voice message on the Central Control Panel ten se­conds while remaining illuminated. An indigo blue light will fl ash around the bu on Playing voice message to remind you that someone has le a mansaje not yet been heard. In this way it will encourage the recipient to press it, which will take you to hear the message. Once I heard the voice message, the Play bu on will turn off message, but the message s ll engraved in the CCP. If someone a er you press the circle
you can hear the message again.
The only way to clear this message is recording another above.
Bu on to record
voice message
Play the message
Sync bu on
When adding a new item to its Security Alarm System UNOTEC SAS, it must be synchronized with the system to
work together.
To perform this synchroniza on is necessary to dial an access code (default 1234) for its Central Control Panel and
then press
If you hear three beeps it is that you have entered a wrong access code and may not sync. Try again.
If it emits a long beep and lights, a  me window of 15 seconds in which to follow the instruc ons of the ele­ment (usually an sabotage pressing the bu on or switch) to complete the pairing will open. You know that the  me window has ended because no longer be illuminated. If synchroniza on is successful the CCP will beep. If you hear two beeps it is that element was already paired with your UNOTEC SAS.
Remember the order in which the sensors are synchronized to know because you will need to customize their na­mes and receive some SMS clearer no ce.
When you are synchronizing an element you have to be especially careful during those 15 seconds we have to synchronize our device any other is not ac ve fi rst by accident, because if this happens the device is ac vated fi rst and that will synchronize wanted no. In any case, it always pays to prove that the device is properly synchronized with it causing an alarm and no ng the number of the CCP that lights up when it occurs. Also should check the actual range from its fi nal loca on.
* Note: The synchroniza on and subsequent verifi ca on of the correct linkage and sensor range from its fi nal lo­ca on can be done without entering a SIM card in the CCP. In this way we will save the cost of SMS messages that would be sent.
Anti sabotage
Backup batteries
Perforated slots to improve access sound microphone into Cen­tral Control Panel.
With this microphone you can make recordings of the voice message from the CCP. It is also required for bidirec onal com­munica on established with phone calls.
These calls can be made in the following ways:
Manually. The speed dial number or any other pre-dial.
Automa cally. When the alarm or press the panic bu on is ac-
 vated.
Remotely. We can ask the CCP call us at the desired  me.
Thanks to these holes drilled in the plas c body of the CCP ABS projec on of sound produced by the internal siren of 110 dB is favored.
The elements of a security system must have an an sabotage or Samper barrier. This method of protec on will alert us if someone tries to manipulate the device ac va ng the alarm when it happens.
Two slots drilled in this place facilitate the projec on of the sound generated by the internal speaker of the Central Control Panel.
This speaker we need for two-way communica ons with the Central.
It is also very useful because it informs us that commands or keystrokes made on the touch screen the received successfully.
Finally, he is responsible for the 110dB internal siren generated by the CCP.
These two lithium ba eries 800mAh 3.7V and each are essen al because they allow us to keep the Security Alert System SAS UNOTEC ac ve even when it fails (or someone inten onally cut) power supply. These ba eries are prepared to keep ac ve, without external power, our UNOTEC SAS up for 5h.
When the power failure occur the CCP no fy us via SMS of the status of power failure so we can take appropriate ac on. In case the power is restored the CCP will tell us that the situa on has returned to normal. Finally, when the backup ba eries are running low, the CCP sent us another SMS to communicate to its ba eries have a low load.
* Note: If the CCP is powered only by the ba ery backup will not work RFID.
Backup Ba eries
Microphone Buzzer An Sabotage Speaker
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