Univox SLS-100 XF, SLS-300 XF Installation Manual

UniVox® Super Loop System
SLS-100 XF / SLS-300 XF
Loop amplier for balanced loop congurations
Installation Guide
Bo EDIN AB • Stockby Hantverksby 3 • SE-181 75 Lidingö • SWEDEN
Free eld coverage area up to 170m²/300m² according to IEC 60118-4:2006
UniVox® SLS – Super Loop System® is target designed for professional installations in venues where high sound quality for the hearing aid user, very high reproducibility together with extremely low overspill in all directions are important requirements. Through correct calculations, installation and adjustment you will get 3-D controlled overspill, smooth eld strength even at high frequencies, little interference problem with reinforcement and other metallic structures as well as increased efciency compared to traditional loop systems.
UniVox® Super Loop System® – SLS-100 XF (Part No 215100) / SLS-300 XF (Part No 215300)
Note! Please study the complete installation guide before planning, connecting and adjusting the loop system!
The result for all hearing aid users is a loop of HiFi quality!
For areas up to 650m² use UniVox® SLS-700 (two separate units).
UniVox® SLS fulls IEC 60118-4:2006 when installed and adjusted correctly.
Loop wire layout and other preparations
● Each UniVox® SLS system has to be planned carefully to work correctly. A complete system always consists of two separate loop congurations - Master and Slave. The Master and Slave loop work as one single system and has to be planned together. For further information or assistance, please contact us through www.edin.se or contact your local distributor.
● We highly recommend the special designed copper foil (25 x 0.1 mm) giving an increased high frequency response of approximately 5 dB compared to a conventional round wire. The copper foil can be used with any loop size and will t easily under plastic or textile carpets, wooden oor or tiles. Always check with the material experts/suppliers for detailed advice.
● When using round standard wire we recommend 4 mm² for most applications. For smaller loops a thinner wire can be used. Please contact us or your local distributor by any uncertainties.
● Field strength and high frequency response can be limited due to reinforcement and metal constructions in walls, ceiling and oor. Therefore it is important NOT to place the wire near/parallel to or on metal constructions or reinforcement (crossings are allowed). If there is strong metallic inuence it might be necessary to choose a more powerful amplier, even if the listening area normally should be covered by the amplier you have chosen.
● Use general installation technique for audio/video installations. Pay extra attention to avoid interference problems with sensitive analogue signals from microphones, mixers, video projectors etc. Avoid parallel wires close to the loop wire.
● Plan other electronic controlled equipment avoiding or creating any disturbing magnetic elds.
Connection and function control
Mount the amplier in a 19" rack, place it on a at surface or mount it on a wall using the keyholes underneath.
The amplier needs free airow above and beneath the amplier. It is important NOT to place the amplier close to any inammable material sensitive to heating or any material running the risk of getting discoloured. If placed on at surface or wall mounted, use the rubber feet included in the box. The keyholes only admit horizontal mounting of the amplier.
1. Inputs Set all inputs to min. settings. Connect the input signal to corresponding input connector at the
rear panel. The combined XLR/6.35mm input is factory set for line input levels but could be set for microphone use (see “jumper settings” section below). The SCART connectors are used for TV and other SCART devices. The built-in Autoscart switching will ensure that the sound from the active SCART device is connected to the loop system.
2. Mains power Power the amplier with the included power cord (power indicator lights up). UniVox® ampliers
are equipped with a reset able built-in automatic mains fuse, type PTC. If it is triggered by any reason remove the power cord and let the amplier cool off. Investigate the possible fault reason before reconnecting the power cord.
3. Adjust inputs Slowly adjust the inputs making the LED input indicator on the front side lights up at program
4. Connect the loop wire Connect the loop wires to the corresponding loop output, Master or Slave. Note the wire between
loop guration and amplier must be twinned or very tight together to avoid interference with other electrical systems.
5. Adjust loop current Adjust the loop current for correct eld strength on both Master and Slave loop according to
the certicate protocol (the loop LED only indicates that current ows in the loop wire). Use the adjustable loop monitor outputs on the front panel for direct listening of the output current (magnetic eld).
The loop LED indicates that current ows in the loop, not that system fulls the standard,
IEC 60118-4:2006. See ”Measurement and certication” below.
Line outputs
There are two line outputs with RCA connectors giving 0 dBu with AGC-controlled level.
Measurement and certication
Make sure that the amplier is disconnected from the mains power before removing the cover.
Jumper settings related to XLR-input
Phantom power off: S3 open (Default). Phantom power on: S3 closed.
Microphone sensitivity: S1 and S2 open. Line sensitivity: S1 and S2 closed (Default).
Input AGC
AGC on (Default): S4 closed. AGC off: S4 open.
A complete and correct measurement, adjustment and certication of the UniVox® SLS system is achieved using the True RMS Field strength meter FSM together with the certicate/measuring protocol (included). For detailed measurement procedures please study the certicate. A complete certicate shall always be included in the documentation.
It is important that the staff responsible for the loop system has the necessary knowledge how the loop system works. Otherwise there is a risk that the system doesn’t work as planned.
The loop receiver/testing device UniVox® Listener is a useful device for listening tests and basic level checks.
Jumper settings for sensitivity, phantom voltage and AGC-function
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