UniVox® DLS-50
Place the amplifier and connect the chosen loop solution
Place the loop amplifier in a suitable place near the TV/stereo. If there is a need,
use the velcro pads included to fasten the amplifier to the side or back of the TV.
The amplifier has a very efficient cooling system and can therefore become hot
during use. For this reason, make sure the amplifier does not come into contact
with delicate materials.
Loop pad: Put the loop pad under/on the cushion in the sofa/chair where you
want to sit when watching TV. Connect it to the DIN output in the rear panel.
Sofa loop: Attach the sofa loop underneath the sofa (be careful if you use a stapler) or put the loop on the floor around the sofa, for example underneath the
carpet under the sofa. Connect it to the DIN output in the rear panel.
Room loop: The loop cable can for example be attached with the clips included
on the floor trim along the walls of the room. It can also be placed under the carpet or in the ceiling. The loop should not be positioned at mid height (approx. 1m
above the floor) as this will influence the performance of the system. Connect the
wire ends at the loop terminal in the rear panel.
See the outputs in the rear panel in the picture below:
Loop pad/
sofa loop
Room loop
DLS-50 has two inputs (3.5mm) that can be used to connect your TV, stereo or
other sound source and a special microphone input (3.5mm), which makes it
possible to pick up the sound from the TV speaker. The microphone input level can
be adjusted for this input.
See the inputs in the rear panel in the picture above.
Start by controlling your TV’s audio outputs and the outputs of the other input
sources you want to connect. Consult the manual for each source for information on
audio outputs (RCA, Scart etc.)
Connect DLS-50 to your TV and/or another sound source
UniVox® DLS-50
Bass and treble: You can adjust bass and treble if needed by using the two
controls in the front panel. If it’s hard to turn the controls by hand, use a small
screwdriver. Adjust the controls until desired sound balance is achieved.
Microphone sensitivity: If a microphone is connected to the amplifier the
input level of the microphone might need adjustment. This is done with the
control located at the special microphone input (Mic) in the rear panel. Proceed
as follows: Turn on your TV at desired volume or speak into the microphone.
Adjust the control until the indicator at the left in the front panel lights up in
programme peeks or when somebody speaks into the microphone. Now the right
level is set.
Attention! If no microphone is connected to the mic input the sensitivity
control should be turned to the left to avoid poor sound intelligibility.
Indication lights and controls
There are three blue LED’s in the front panel to indicate that all functions of the
amplifier work in a proper way:
Mains power: The mains power indicator is placed on the right side of the front
panel. If this LED is lit the amplifier is correctly connected to the mains outlet and
the amplifier is ready for use.
Correct microphone level: To the left the LED for indication of the microphone
sensitivity of the mic input is located. If the mic sensitivity control is correctly set,
this LED shall light up at programme peaks. If no microphone is connected this
LED is disabled.
Loop current: At the centre of the front panel the LED for loop current is located.
This LED is blinking according to the programme material and indicates that the
loop is not broken. Please note that this LED only indicates that there is current
floating in the loop, not that the level is sufficient.
The volume thumbwheel and the bass and treble controls are also located at
the front panel.
Indication microphone
loop current
mains power