Universal Robots UR5 Service Manual

Service Manual
Revision UR5_en_2.0.5
"Original instructions"
UR5 with CB2-controller
valid from robot s/n 2012208573/4
All rights reserved 2 Service Manual Revision UR5_en_2.0.5
1. General information ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Purpose...................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Company details ........................................................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Disclaimer .................................................................................................................................................. 5
2. Preventive Maintenance ................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Controller .................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1.1 Inspection plan, Safety Functions ................................................................................................ 6
2.1.2 Visual inspection .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.3 Cleaning and replacement of filters ............................................................................................. 7
2.2 Robot arm .................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.2.1 Visual inspection .......................................................................................................................... 8
3. Service and Replacement of parts................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Robot arm .................................................................................................................................................. 9
3.1.1 Robot arm configuration ............................................................................................................ 10
3.1.2 Brake release .............................................................................................................................. 11
3.1.3 IMPORTANT - Replacing CB2 joints with CB3 sparePart joints .................................................. 12
3.1.4 Replacement of Base mounting bracket .................................................................................... 24
3.1.5 Replacement of Base joint ......................................................................................................... 27
3.1.6 Replacement of Shoulder joint .................................................................................................. 30
3.1.7 Replacement of Elbow joint ....................................................................................................... 32
3.1.8 Replacement of Wrist 1 joint ..................................................................................................... 36
3.1.9 Replacement of Wrist 2 joint ..................................................................................................... 42
3.1.10 Replacement of Wrist 3 joint ................................................................................................... 46
3.1.11 Replacement of tool mounting bracket ................................................................................... 50
3.1.12 Torque values ........................................................................................................................... 53
3.1.13 Joint calibration ........................................................................................................................ 54
3.1.14 Change joint ID ......................................................................................................................... 60
3.1.15 Joint spare part adaptation CB2. ............................................................................................. 62
3.2 Controller ................................................................................................................................................ 63
3.2.1 Handling ESD-sensitive parts ..................................................................................................... 63
3.2.2 Replacement of Teach pendant ................................................................................................. 64
3.2.3 Replacement of Masterboard .................................................................................................... 66
3.2.4 Replacement of Motherboard ................................................................................................... 67
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3.2.5 Replacement of 48V power supply ............................................................................................ 69
3.2.6 Replacement of 12V power supply ............................................................................................ 72
3.2.7 Replacement of current distributor ........................................................................................... 73
4. Software ........................................................................................................................................................ 75
4.1 Update software ...................................................................................................................................... 75
4.2 Update joint firmware ............................................................................................................................. 77
4.3 Using Magic files ...................................................................................................................................... 80
5. Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................................ 81
5.1 Error codes .............................................................................................................................................. 81
5.2 Normal startup procedure on a CB2 UR5 ................................................................................................ 88
5.3 Error phenomena .................................................................................................................................... 89
5.3.1 ControlBox: NO CONTROLLER displayed in Initializing .............................................................. 89
5.3.2 NO CABLE displayed during power up ....................................................................................... 90
5.3.3 Force limit protective stop ......................................................................................................... 91
5.3.4 Power on failure in Initializing ................................................................................................... 92
5.3.5 Checklist after a collision ........................................................................................................... 95
5.4 Schematic drawing .................................................................................................................................. 96
5.4.1 Tool connector ........................................................................................................................... 97
6. Spare parts .................................................................................................................................................... 98
6.1 Spare part list .......................................................................................................................................... 98
6.2 Tool part list ............................................................................................................................................ 99
7. Packing of robot .......................................................................................................................................... 100
8. Changelog .................................................................................................................................................... 101
8.1 Changelog .............................................................................................................................................. 101
All rights reserved 4 Service Manual Revision UR5_en_2.0.5
1. General information
1.1 Purpose
The main purpose of this manual is to help the user safely perform service related operations and troubleshooting.
Universal Robots industrial robots are designed using high quality components designed for long lifetime. However any improper use of robot can potentially cause failures on the robot. For example, the robot may have been overloaded on an overrun or it may have been dropped on the floor when relocating or have run with a load not recommended by Universal Robots. Any improper use of the robot will invalidate the guarantee.
Universal Robots recommends that you do not attempt repair, adjustment or other intervention in the mechanical or electrical systems of the robot unless a problem has arisen. Any unauthorized intervention will invalidate the guarantee. Service related operations and troubleshooting should only be performed by qualified personnel.
Before performing service related operations, always make sure to stop the robot program and disconnect supply to any potential dangerous tool attached on the robot arm and in the work cell.
In the event of a defect, Universal Robots recommends ordering new parts from the Universal Robot distributor from where the robot has been purchased. Alternatively, you can order parts from your nearest distributor, whose details you can obtain from Universal Robots official website at www.universal-robots.com
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1.2 Company details
Universal Robots A/S Energivej 25 DK-5260 Odense Denmark Tel.: +45 89 93 89 89 Fax +45 38 79 89 89
1.3 Disclaimer
The information contained herein is the property of Universal Robots A/S and shall not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written approval of Universal Robots A/S. The information herein is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Universal Robots A/S. This Manual is periodically reviewed and revised.
Universal Robots A/S assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this document.
Copyright © 2016 by Universal Robots A/S
The Universal Robots logo is a registered trademark of Universal Robots A/S.
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2. Preventive Maintenance
2.1 Controller
2.1.1 Inspection plan, Safety Functions
At least once in a year, the correct functioning of all safety functions should be tested.
2.1.2 Visual inspection
Disconnect power cable from controller. Open cabinet door. Check connectors are properly inserted on printed circuit boards. Check for any dirt/dust inside of controller. If any dirt/dust is present:
o gently use vacuum cleaning for removing particles o Use a soft cloth. You can add: Water, Isopropyl alcohol, 10% Ethanol alcohol or 10% Naphtha
All rights reserved 7 Service Manual Revision UR5_en_2.0.5
2.1.3 Cleaning and replacement of filters
Controller box contains two filters, one on each side of controller. Remove filters from controller box and clean them thoroughly using compressed air.
o Replace filters if necessary
o Gently remove the outer plastic frame and maintain the filter
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2.2 Robot arm
2.2.1 Visual inspection
Move robot arm to HOME position (if possible). Turn off and disconnect power cable from controller. Inspect cable between controller and robot arm for any damages. Inspect flat rings for wear and damages.
o replace flat rings if worn out or damaged.
Inspect blue lids on all joints for any cracks or damages.
o replace blue lids if cracked or damaged.
Inspect that screws for blue lids are in place and properly tightened.
o Replace screws, tighten properly if necessary.
Correct torque value for screws on blue lids are 0.4Nm
If any damages are observed on a robot within the warranty period, contact the distributor from where the
robot has been purchased.
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3. Service and Replacement of parts
3.1 Robot arm
Before returning any part to Universal Robots check:
Remove all external non-UR equipment such as grippers, hoses, cables and so on.
Universal Robots cannot be held responsible for damage caused to non-UR equipment mounted on the
Backup all relevant files before sending the robot/part to UR. Universal Robots cannot be held
responsible for loss of programs, data or files stored in the robot.
Safety notice:
If the robot/part has been in contact with, or working in environments, where dangerous chemicals or materials are present, the robot must be cleaned before shipment. If this is not possible, the shipment must be accompanied by an MSDA (Material Safety Data Sheet) in English and instructions for cleaning the chemicals. The amount of labor hours needed for cleaning will be billed at the standard rate. If UR finds the robot/part unsafe to service, UR reserve the right to get the robot/part cleaned or decline the case and send the part back, at customers expense.
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3.1.1 Robot arm configuration
Wrist 3
Wrist 1
Wrist 2
Upper arm
Lower arm
Baseplate mounting
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3.1.2 Brake release
If required, the brake on a joint can be released without power connected.
Before releasing a brake it is extremely important to dismount any dangerous tooling for avoiding any
hazardous situations.
If releasing the brake on Base joint, Shoulder joint or Elbow joint, it is important to make proper
mechanical support prior to releasing the brake.
Always make sure no personnel are located under the arm when releasing the brake. Do not move the joint more than necessary, absolute max. is 180 degrees in order for the robot to find
its original physical position.
Procedure for releasing the joint
Shut down Controller.
Remove blue lid on joint.
Push pin brake down for releasing, joint can then be rotated.
Brake on Base, Shoulder and Elbow joint Brake on Wrist joints
Make sure to mount blue lid properly on joint before turning on Controller.
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3.1.3 IMPORTANT - Replacing CB2 joints with CB3 sparePart joints
Universal Robots A/S assumes no responsibility for incorrect use of this procedure.
Only special CB3 sparePart parts can be used on CB2. Reason is the firmware on these parts.
All parts are listed below.
Joint Size 3 Base kit UR5
Joint Size 3 Shoulder kit UR5
Joint Size 3 Elbow kit UR5
Joint Size 1 Wrist 1 kit UR5
Joint Size 1 Wrist 2 kit UR5
Joint Size 1 Wrist 3 kit UR5
Tool Mounting Bracket kit UR5
Joint Size 4 Base kit UR10
Joint Size 4 Shoulder kit UR10
Joint Size 3 Elbow kit UR10
Joint Size 2 Wrist 1 kit UR10
Joint Size 2 Wrist 2 kit UR10
Joint Size 2 Wrist 3 kit UR10
Tool Mounting Bracket kit UR10
Teach Pendant incl. Touch Screen & power cable UR5 & UR10
All rights reserved 13 Service Manual Revision UR5_en_2.0.5 Criteria for using CB3 spareParts on CB2 robot and controller
Polyscope software must be minimum 1.8.23117
Do not attempt to load sparePart revision firmware on a CB2 joint. This will result in the joint no
longer working and need to be re-coded by Universal Robots in Denmark.
Only the CB3 sparePart parts listed on previous page can be used
All rights reserved 14 Service Manual Revision UR5_en_2.0.5 How to find software version on PolyScope
Press the About button on the main Polyscope page and a popup will show the software version.
Information on how to update the Polyscope software can be found in the chapter 4.
All rights reserved 15 Service Manual Revision UR5_en_2.0.5 How to tell the difference between a CB2 and CB3 sparePart joint
It is very important to select the correct revision for each joint but also, if not more important, correct revision for CB2 joints and CB3 sparePart.
Below two photos shows the difference.
CB2 has green coloured PCB
CB3 sparePart has blue coloured PCB
All rights reserved 16 Service Manual Revision UR5_en_2.0.5 How to select the correct revision for the joint
Purpose of this guide:
When replacing a CB2 joint with a CB3 sparePart joint, it is necessary to select the correct revision so that it matches the hardware configuration.
On the previous pages it’s shown how to find the hardware revision.
1. Navigate to the Low Level Control section in Expert mode – see below how.
Drag the finger or pointer across the logo from left to right
2. Enter password lightbot and press OK
All rights reserved 17 Service Manual Revision UR5_en_2.0.5
3. Press Low Level Control
4. Select the Firmware tab,
IMPORTANT - mark the replaced joint, select Current Joint and press UPDATE Firmware
Do not attempt to load sparePart revision firmware on a CB2 joint. This will result in the joint no longer working and need to be re-coded by Universal Robots in Denmark.
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5. A popup will appear where you have to confirm if the selected joint is the one that needs updating.
Press OK to continue.
6. A new popup will appear where you have two options:
Yes (recommended) - you get a window where you have to select the correct revision No (just upgrade the firmware) – this will not change the robot configuration/revision so if a CB2 joint
have been replaced with a CB3 sparePart joint it is important to click Yes (recommended). See step 8
All rights reserved 19 Service Manual Revision UR5_en_2.0.5
7. When Yes (recommended) has been selected a window will show. Here a drop-down, for the joint, can
be used to select the correct revision. For CB3 sparePart joints, select the one ending on _sparePart_rev1.conf and select Confirm
8. The process of updating the firmware will now begin. See next steps.
All rights reserved 20 Service Manual Revision UR5_en_2.0.5
9. If a popup appears saying Your configuration is corrupt and could not be loaded your configuration file
is not as expected by the software. Please contact your Universal Robots representative.
10. Verify that the firmware has been updated successfully. This can be seen in the status field,
then press Back and Return to Normal
11. Verify that the robot is moving as expected. If not, check that the correct firmware has been selected.
All rights reserved 21 Service Manual Revision UR5_en_2.0.5 Connecting a CB3 teach pendant to CB2 masterboard
All rights reserved 22 Service Manual Revision UR5_en_2.0.5 Adapters cables
There are used 3 different adaptor cables when mounting a CB3 joint onto a CB2 robot arm.
Communication cable
An extension cable is needed on the communication side. This is only an extension and should be used on Size 1 and 4 joints only. It’s important that the cable connections are colour correct. White <-> White Brown <-> Black
When plugging in the connectors onto the printed circuit boards it’s recommended to mount the plug with the
tap facing out from the house. The two plugs are recommended to swap places. This is so the pins on the print board are not getting bend. Photo below shows recommended and not recommended.
Communications cable
CB2 to CB3 power cable
CB3 to CB2 power cable
Power cable
An adaptor plug is needed for the 48V power. There are two versions.
One plug is for CB2->CB3 and one for CB3->CB2.
CB2 to CB3 looks like below CB3 to CB2 looks like below
Important when replacing a size 1 joint: The connectors need to lay flat, on the connectors’ lowest side, when mounting the blue lid. If not, it can cause issues when mounting the lid but also effect the sensor in the size 1 joint as the plug is pushing onto the setup.
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3.1.4 Replacement of Base mounting bracket
How to replace base mounting bracket
Move robot to a comfortable position for replacing the base. If necessary, dismount entire robot
arm from work cell and place arm on solid surface.
Shut down the controller.
Remove alignment screw.
Gently remove black flexible flat ring with a tiny screwdriver or similar tool and twist it around the
joint housing.
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Slide the grey Teflon ring apart.
10 screws become visible, 5 on each side of joint. Untighten gently the screw with a 7 mm. open-ended spanner about two full rounds, approximately 3 mm. for each screw.
Pull the base mounting bracket and Base joint apart and gently twist the two parts in opposite
directions around 10 mm. until a mechanical stop is met (holes are keyhole-type).
Pull away the base mounting bracket from Base joint.
Disconnect wires between base mounting bracket and Base joint.
1 x red wire = 48V DC 1 x black wire = GND Black/green conn. = bus cable
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Replace base mounting bracket and reconnect wires according to illustration – remember to twist
the communications wires:
Gently insert base plate with screws and washers into the Base joint.
Make sure the washers are fully inserted and located on the correct side (this is important) before
gently twisting the base mounting bracket and Base joint in opposite directions until a mechanical stop is met.
Tighten the 10 screws lightly, and then tighten in cross order with 3.0Nm. Slide the grey Teflon ring in place and gently put back the flat ring on top of the Teflon ring.
Mount the alignment screw and tighten with 0.4Nm.
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3.1.5 Replacement of Base joint
How to replace Base joint
Move robot to a comfortable position for replacing the joint. If necessary dismount entire robot
arm from work cell and place arm on solid surface.
Shut down the controller.
For separating base plate from Base joint, consult chapter 3.1.4 Replacement of Base mounting
Remove blue lid on Base joint.
Disconnect wires between Base joint and Shoulder joint
1 x red wire = 48V DC 1 x black wire = GND Green connector = bus cable
Remove alignment screw at Shoulder joint.
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Gently remove black flexible flat ring between Base and Shoulder with a tiny screwdriver or similar
tool and twist it around the joint housing.
Slide the grey Teflon ring apart.
10 screws become visible, 5 on each side of joint. Untighten gently the screw with a 7 mm. open-ended spanner about two full rounds, approximately 3 mm. for each screw.
Pull the Base joint and Shoulder joint apart and gently twist the two parts in opposite directions
around 10 mm. until a mechanical stop is met (holes are keyhole-type).
All rights reserved 29 Servicemanual_UR5_en_rev2.0.5
Pull away the Base joint from Shoulder joint.
Replace Base joint and gently insert Base joint with screws and washers into the Shoulder joint.
Make sure the washers are fully inserted and located on the correct side (this is important) before
gently twisting the Base joint and Shoulder joint in opposite directions until a mechanical stop is met.
Tighten the 10 screws lightly, then tighten in cross order with 3.0Nm.
Slide the grey Teflon ring in place and gently put back the flat ring on top of the Teflon ring.
Mount the alignment screw and tighten with 0.4Nm.
Reconnect connectors as illustrated - remember to twist the communications wires:
Mount blue lid on Base joint and tighten with 0.4Nm.
Proceed to chapter 3.1.13 Joint calibration for calibrating the joint.
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3.1.6 Replacement of Shoulder joint
How to replace Shoulder joint
Move robot to a comfortable position for replacing the joint. If necessary dismount entire robot
arm from work cell and place arm on solid surface.
Shut down the controller.
For separating Base joint from Shoulder joint, consult chapter 3.1.4 Replacement of Base mounting
Remove blue lid on Shoulder joint.
Disconnect wires between Shoulder joint and upper arm
1 x red wire = 48V DC 1 x black wire = GND Green connector = bus cable
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