User’s Guide
The Contour rem ote control is intended to b e
simple to set-up and to use. Just follow the two
steps bel ow and th e remote w ill be ready for us e
in just a few short minute s.
Your Contour remote control requires 2 AA
batteries (included).
Battery Use And Safety
• Use only fresh batteries of the required size
and recommended type.
• Do not mix old and new batteries, different
types of batteries (standard,alkaline, or
rechargeable), or rechargeable batteries of
• If you do not plan to use the remote for an
extended period, remove the battery. It can
leak chemicals that can destroy electronic
WARNING: Dispose of old batteries promptly and
properly. Do not burn or
bury them.
To Install Batteries:
1. Open the battery compartment cover
(located on the back of the remote).
2. Place the AA batteries in the compartment
and match the + and -polarity symbols
3. Replace the cover.
NOTE: When the battery voltage is low, the TV or
STB key blinks 5 times after a keypress.
The Contour remote control is preprogrammed to
control your set-top box
but it must be manually programmed in order to
control the TV power and volume.
Follow the instructions below to program your
remote for yo ur TV.
1. Turn on the TV.
2. Press the TV key on the remote.
3. Press and hold SETUP until the TV key
blinks twice, then release.
4. Enter the first five-digit code for the TV
brand that you wish to program.
5. The LED blinks once as each digit is
entered. If the code is valid, the LED blinks
NOTE: If the LED does not blink twice, repeat
steps 2 to 4 and tr y entering the code ag ain.
6. Aim the remote at the TV and press MUTE.
The TV volume should mute. If it does not,
repeat steps 3–5, trying each code for your
brand until you find one that works. If you
cannot find a code that works, see
“Searching for Your Code”.
If your TV does not respond to the remote after
trying all codes listed for your brand, or if your
brand is not listed, try searching for your code:
1. Turn the TV on.
2. Press the TV key once.
3. Press and hold SETUP until the TV key
blinks twice, then release.
4. Enter 9 9 1. The TV key blinks twice.
5. Press and Release Digit 1 (The TV key blinks
6. Aim the remote at the TV. Press and release
7. While aiming the remote at the TV, press
CH+ and the remote wil l test the next TV
code. Press CH+ repeat edly unti l the TV
turns off.
Note: Press CH- to try the previous code.
8. Now that you have found the correct code,
press SETUP to save the code for your TV.
The Contour remote control comes preset with
volume controls (Volume Up, Volume Down, and
MUTE) all l cked to your TV. This section describes
how to disable and enable volume lock.
Locking Volume Control
1. Press and hold SETUP until either the TV or
STB key blink s
2. Enter 9 9 3, the LED blinks twice.
3. Press the mode key for the device you want
to control (for example, TV).
4. The LED blinks twice. Now when you press
VOL+, VOL-, or MUTE, the selected device
(for example, TV) controls the volume
regardless of the current mode.
Unlocking All Volume Control
1. Press and hold SETUP until either the TV or
STB key blink s
twice, then release.
2. Enter 9 9 3, the LED blinks twice.
3. Press VOL+. The LED blinks four times.
Volume is independently controlled for all
programmed devices.
Your Contour remote control includes th e ability
to program the A, B, C, and D keys with a Mac ro
function. Each on e can be set up to p erform a preprogrammed set of sequential key presses with
the press of
one key. A macro can be used to control a home
theater operation, to set a favorite channel, or for
other multiple functions you would like to control
with one key press. Moreover, each Macro Key can
hold up to 15 key presses total.
You can program a macro that operates regardless
of what mode you are in, or one that only operates
when you are in a specific mode.
NOTE: Programming a new macro over an
existing one erases the original macro.
Programming a Macro
1. Press and hold SETUP until either the TV or
STB key blinks
twice, then release.
2. Press 9 9 5. The TV or STB key blinks twice.
3. Press the key you wish to assign a ma cro on.
4. Enter the series of commands you want the
macro to execute (up to 15 commands).
5. Press and hold SETUP until either the TV or
STB key blinks twice, then release.
Now, when you press the preset macro key, the
remote sends the series of commands you have
entered, regardless of what mode you are in. For
example, you could program a macro key to turn
on both your TV and cable box and select a
particular channel.
To clear the macro, repeat steps 1-5 above, but do
not enter a series of commands at step 4.
PROBLEM: TV or STB key does not blink when
you press a key.
SOLUTION: Try pressing different keys. Replace
the batteries with 2 new AA batteries.
PROBLEM: LED blinks when you press a key, but
device does not respond.
SOLUTION: Make sure th e remote is aimed at your
device and is not more than 40 feet away.
PROBLEM: LED blinks one long blink while in
SETUP mode.
SOLUTION: An entry error has occurred (for
example, wrong key). Try entry sequence again.
PROBLEM: Remote does not control dev ices or
commands are not working properly.
SOLUTION: Try all listed codes for the device.
Make sure the device operates with an infrared
remote control.
PROBLEM: No volume on a device.
SOLUTION: See “Changing Volume Lock”.
Setup Codes for TVs
Press this key… To…
Select a device (either TV or
Turn the selected device on or
Program sequences.
Select the next or previous
Raise or lower the sound level.
Press MUTE to turn the sound off
or on.
ove the cursor in the
Press OK to choose the
highlighted menu option.
Rewind, fast forward, pause , or
play to control an ON DEMAND
movie or re corded show.
View the current channel and
program information.
Display the menu for the
selected device.
Exit the selected device's menu,
guide, or program without
making a menu selection.
Display the program guide for
the selected device.
Switch the TV's input to view
TV or video programs.
Directly enter channels (for
example, 09 or 31).
Press Enter to send channel
number entries on some TV
Use th e A, B, C, and D keys for
programming macros. (See
A-Mark 10047, 10054, 10165
Accuscan 10047, 10018, 10135
Action 10030, 10185
Admiral 10047, 10054, 10017, 10051,
10093, 10463, 10180, 10018,
Advantz 10282
Advent 10761, 10783, 10815, 10817,
10842, 11933
Adventuri 10000
Agna 10150
Aiko 10092
Akai 10060, 10812, 10702, 10030,
10145, 10151, 10672, 11903,
Albatron 10700, 10843
Alfide 10672
Alleron 10030
Ambassador 10150, 10177
America Action 10180
American High 10000, 10060
Ampro 10751
Amstrad 10171, 10177
Amtron 10000, 10180
Anam 10180
Anam National 10055
Press this key… To…
AOC 10180, 10030, 10185
Apex Digital 10156, 10748, 10879, 10765,
10185, 10767, 11943
Audinac 10180
Audiovox 10451, 10180, 10092, 10623,
10802, 10875, 11937, 11951,
Aventura 10171
Axion 11937
Baysonic 10180
Beaumark 10017, 10178, 10030
Belcor 10030
Bell & Howell 10054, 10154, 10093
BenQ 11032
Boxlight 10893
Bradford 10180
Brockwood 10178, 10030
Broksonic 10236, 10463, 10180, 10177,
11929, 11935, 11938
Candle 10030
Capehart 10017, 10178, 10030, 10092
Carnivale 10030
Carver 10054
Celebrity 10000
Celera 10765
Changhong 10156, 10765, 10767, 10783
Cineral 10451, 10092
Citek 10047
Citizen 10054, 10000, 10451, 10463,
10180, 10060, 10030, 10171,
10092, 10282, 11928
Civet 10185
Clairtone 10185
Clarion 10180
Classic 10030, 10092
Colortyme 10047, 10054, 10017, 10060,
10178, 10030, 10018
Commercial Solutions 11447, 10047
Conic 10178
Contec 10180, 10185
Craig 10180, 10171, 10282
Crosley 10054, 10000, 10180, 10030,
10171, 10187
Crown 10093, 1 0180, 10672
Crown Mustang 10672
Curtis Mathes 10047, 10054, 10154, 10000,
10051, 10451, 10093, 10180,
10060, 10702, 10178, 10030,
10145, 10166, 10018, 10466,
11147, 11347, 11919
CXC 10180
Cytron 11326
Daewoo 10451, 10178, 10092, 11661,
10623, 10661, 10672, 11755,
11756, 11928
Dayton 10092
Daytron 10178, 10030, 10092
Dell 11080, 11178
Denon 10145, 10055, 1051 1
Denstar 10628
Digital Life 10872
Dumont 10017, 10180, 10178
Durabrand 10463, 10180, 10 178, 10171,
Dwin 10093, 10720, 10774
Eaton 10060
Electroband 10000, 10185
Electrograph 11755
Electrohome 10154, 10000, 10150, 10178,
10030, 10151, 10185
Emerald 10178, 10177
Emerson 10047, 10154, 10451, 10236,
10463, 10180, 10150, 10178,
10171, 11944, 11929, 11928,
10623, 10282, 10185, 10177,
Envision 10030, 10813
Epson 10833, 10840
ESA 10812, 10171, 11944
Fisher 10054, 10154, 10000, 10159
Fortress 10093
Fujitsu 10683, 10809, 10853
Funai 10000, 10180, 1 0171, 11904
Futuretech 10180
Gateway 11755, 11756
GE 11447, 10047, 10000, 10051,
10451, 10060, 10178, 10030,
10135, 10055, 10282, 11147,
11347, 10018, 11917, 11919,
Gemini 10047
Gibralter 10017, 10000, 10030
Go Video 10886
Go Vision 11937
GoldStar 10047, 10054, 10178, 10030,
10018, 11154, 11926
Gradiente 10053
Grundig 10706, 10672, 10683
Grundy 10180
Grunpy 10180
Haier 11034, 10768
Hallmark 10236, 10180, 10178, 10135,
Harley Davidson 10000, 10180, 10060, 10178,
10030, 11904
Harman/Kardon 10054
Harvard 10180
Havermy 10093
Heathkit 10017
Helios 10865
Hello Kitty 10451
Hewlett Packard 11089, 11494, 11502
Hisense 10748
Hitachi 10047, 10054, 10017, 10000,
10051, 10178, 11145, 10145,
10018, 10055, 10151, 10185,
11904, 11960
HP 11089, 11494, 11502
Hyundai 10849, 10865
Ima 10236, 10 180, 10178
Infinity 10054
Insignia 10171, 11326, 11517
Inteq 10017, 10145
JBL 10054
JCB 10000
Jensen 10761, 10 815, 10817, 11933
JIL 10030
Jutan 10030
JVC 10054, 10053, 10030, 10055,
10731, 11253
Kamp 10017, 10180, 10185
Kawasho 10030, 10185
KEC 10180, 10060
Kenwood 10180, 10030
KLH 10156, 10180, 10765, 10767
Kloss 10030
Konka 10180, 10080, 10628, 10632,
10638, 10703, 10707, 10720
Kost 11262
KTV 10463, 10180, 10030, 10185
Lark 10154
LG 10054, 11265, 10060, 10178,
10030, 10700, 10856, 11154,
11178, 11758
Lloyd's 10236, 10180, 10030, 11904
Logik 10236, 10180
LXI 10047, 10054, 10017, 10154,
10000, 10156, 10051, 10093,
10060, 10053, 10178, 10030,
10171, 10166, 10055, 10135,
10018, 10159, 10165
Magnasonic 10054, 10000, 10156, 10093,
10030, 10092, 11928
Magnavox 10047, 11454, 10054, 10154,
10000, 10250, 10051, 10180,
10060, 10030, 10171, 10092,
10706, 10187, 10282, 10386,
10802, 11254, 11755, 11904,
11931, 11944
Majestic 10017
Marantz 11454, 10054, 10030, 10704,
10854, 10855, 11154
Matsui 10177
Matsushita 10250, 10051, 10650
Maxent 11755, 11756
Megapower 10700
Megatron 10047, 10178, 10145, 10151
MEI 10185
Memorex 10154, 10463, 10180, 10150,
10178, 10030, 10165, 11926
MGA 101 50, 10178, 10030
MGN Technology 10178
Micro Genius 101 50
Midland 10047, 10017, 10051, 10018,
Mitsubishi 10154, 10250, 10093, 11250,
10150, 10178, 10030, 10836,
10868, 11917
Monovision 10700, 10843
Motorola 10054, 10051, 10093, 10150,
MTC 10180, 10060, 10030, 10092,
10185, 10282
Multitech 10180
NAD 10156, 10178, 10166, 10866
NEC 10047, 10156, 10178, 10030,
10497, 10704, 10882, 11704
NetTV 11755
Nikko 10178, 10030, 10092
Nikkodo 10178, 10030, 10092
Nishi 10030, 10 018
Norcent 10748, 10824, 11089
Noshi 10018
NTC 10092
Nyon 10000
Olevia 11144, 11240, 11331
Onwa 10180
10154, 10250, 10093,
10150, 10178, 10030,
10166, 10165, 10650
Optoma 10887
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