FCC Notice
Class B di gital dev ice
This dev ice has bee n tested and fo und to comp ly with th e limits
for a Class B d igital d evice, pur suant to Par t 15 of the FCC Rul es.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
again st the devi ce creating h armful i nterfere nce in a resid ential
This dev ice gener ates, uses , and can rad iate radi o frequenc y
energy a nd, if not in stalle d and used in ac cordance wi th
the ins tructi ons, may ca use harmfu l interfe rence to rad io
commun ication s. However, th ere is no guar antee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this d evice does c ause harmf ul inter ference to ra dio or
televi sion recept ion, whi ch can be dete rmined by t urning th e
device o and on, the u ser is encou raged to tr y to correc t the
inter ference by on e or more of the fo llowin g measures:
– Reorie nt or reloca te the recei ving ante nna
– Increas e the separ ation bet ween the de vice and rec eiver
– Conne ct the devi ce to an outl et on a circuit d ierent fr om that
to which t he receive r is connec ted
– Contact AudienceCare for help
Any chan ges or modi catio ns not expres sly approve d by the
party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority
to opera te the devi ce.
This dev ice compl ies with Par t 15 of the FCC Ru les. Oper ation is
subjec t to the foll owing tw o conditio ns: (1) this devi ce may not
cause ha rmful int erferen ce, and (2) thi s device mus t accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
FCC Radio Frequency Interference Requirements
This dev ice contai ns a wirele ss adapter t hat, when o peratin g in
the freq uency ra nge 5.15 to 5.25 G Hz, remain s indoors to re duce
the pote ntial for ha rmful int erferen ce to co-chann el Mobil e
Satell ite system s. High pow er radars a re allocat ed as prima ry
users of t he 5.25 to 5. 35 GHz and 5.65 to 5 .85 GHz band s. These
radar stations can cause interference with and/or damage the
wireless adapter installed.
Note: Th e combine d radiated o utput pow er of the wire less
modul es instal led is far b elow the FCC ra dio frequ ency expo sure
limit s. Never theless , this devi ce should b e used in suc h a manner
that th e potentia l for human co ntact dur ing norm al operat ion is
minim ized. To avoid the p ossibili ty of exceed ing the FCC ra dio
freque ncy expos ure limit s, you shou ld keep a dist ance of at lea st
8 inches (2 0 centimet ers) betwee n you (or any oth er person i n
the vic inity) an d the anten na that is bui lt into thi s device.
Detai ls of the aut horized con gurati ons can be fou nd at
http://w ww.fcc.g ov/oet/ea/ by ente ring the FCC I D number s on
the device.
Questions? Contact AudienceCare at (855) 662-8388