23-20-06.01 December 2011
UNILINK UL-800/801
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UniLink UL-800/801
Operator’s Manual
23-20-06.01 ROR-1
December 2011
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UniLink UL-800/801
Operator’s Manual
23-20-06.01 ROTC-1
December 2011
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UniLink UL-800/801
Operator’s Manual
23-20-06.01 LOEP-1
December 2011
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UniLink UL-800/801
Operator’s Manual
23-20-06.01 TOC-1
December 2011
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................. 1
Components ..................................................................................... 1
Capabilities ....................................................................................... 1
Operations ........................................................................................ 2
FMS Input ..................................................................................... 2
Current Time ................................................................................. 2
SEND ............................................................................................ 3
Error Messages ............................................................................. 7
User Interface Menu Tree................................................................. 9
UniLink Menu 1/2 ........................................................................ 10
UniLink Menu 1/2 (continued) ..................................................... 11
UniLink Menu 2/2 ........................................................................ 12
Maintenance Menu ..................................................................... 12
Configuration Menu ..................................................................... 14
UNILINK MENU.................................................................................. 15
Flight Information ............................................................................ 16
ATIS Request .............................................................................. 17
TWIP Request ............................................................................ 18
Departure Clearance Request .................................................... 19
Oceanic Clearance Request ....................................................... 20
Verify Message Log .................................................................... 21
Pushback Clearance Request .................................................... 22
Expected Taxi Clearance Request ............................................. 23
Remarks – Create and Include with Requests ........................... 24
FREE-TEXT – Create and Send a Message .................................. 26
Create and Send a Message ...................................................... 26
Send a Message to another Aircraft ........................................... 27
Send an E-Mail............................................................................ 28
Send a Fax .................................................................................. 29
OOOI .............................................................................................. 30
OOOI Operation .......................................................................... 30
OOOI Current .............................................................................. 32
OOOI History .............................................................................. 33
COMM STATUS ............................................................................. 34
COMM CONTROL ...................................................................... 38
Text Weather Report Requests ...................................................... 45
Weather Map Requests .................................................................. 47
US Composite Radar .................................................................. 47
US Radar Tops and Movement .................................................. 48
IR Satellite ................................................................................... 50
Icing/Turbulence Potential .......................................................... 51
IFR/MVFR ................................................................................... 53
Significant Weather ..................................................................... 54
UniLink UL-800/801 Operator’s Manual
TOC-2 23-20-06.01 December 2011
Winds Aloft .................................................................................. 55
Weather Map Log ............................................................................ 57
Message Logs (SCN 30.X) .............................................................. 59
Verified Messages (SCN 30.X) .................................................... 60
Operations Messages (SCN 30.X) .............................................. 62
Weather Map Logs ...................................................................... 63
View Message - Detailed Message Screen ................................. 64
Delete or Print a Message ........................................................... 65
DELAY ............................................................................................. 66
DIVERSION ..................................................................................... 67
ETA UPDATE .................................................................................. 69
SELCAL ........................................................................................... 70
SITUATION ..................................................................................... 71
POS REPORT ................................................................................. 72
Maintenance .................................................................................... 74
Tests ............................................................................................ 74
GLOSSARY ........................................................................................ 79
INDEX ................................................................................................. 85
UniLink UL-800/801
Operator’s Manual
December 2011
UniLink is an air-to-ground digital data communication system that operates with Universal Avionics Systems Corporation’s (UASC’s) Fight Management Systems (FMSs). It is capable of using a variety of media such as Satellite Communications (SatCom) and Very High Frequency (VHF) communications to exchange data with Datalink Service Providers (DSPs). When communicating over the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) network, UniLink is the functional equivalent of an ARINC 758 Communications Management Unit (CMU). The UL-801 contains an imbedded VHF data radio (VDR) whereas the UL-800 requires an external VDR. The VDR provides ACARS and various other types of network communications capability for UniLink.
The UniLink UL-80X database-driven user interface and message set
is easily customized to match airline operational requirements uploaded into the UL-80X without affecting product software or certification status.
NOTE: The current UniLink 80X uses Software Control Number (SCN)
30.X. It is important to ensure that operating documentation reflects the SCN being used.
NOTE: The colors shown on the screens in this operator’s manual are
based on an FMS with SCN 1000.5/1100.5 installed and configured for STANDARD-2 color pallet.
A VHF receiver transmitter or ARINC 741 SatCom is required for full
ACARS communications. An airborne telephone system is required to obtain weather graphics and is capable of providing limited ACARS communication with some service providers.
The two-way data link allows the crew to request and receive
clearances, weather reports, and messages. Weather graphics are available on UASC’s FMS using flat panel displays and air phone equipment. UniLink advisories alert the crew to newly received messages.
UniLink UL-800/801 Operator’s Manual
December 2011
Crew interface is accomplished through the FMS CDU and/or MCDU,
utilizing a UASC FMS with SCN 1000.5/1100.5 or later. Data may be entered at any field highlighted by a cursor. The cursor is displayed in the first empty data field. Fields with plus signs (+) indicate information is required. Fields exhibiting minus signs (-) indicate input is optional.
If there is no cursor displayed in a data field, selecting the ENTER key
will place the cursor over the first enterable field on the page. Data is then entered into the field using the CDU/MCDU alphanumeric keys. In some situations, flight progress and related data from the FMS will be prefilled. Subsequent presses of the [ENTER] key will move the cursor to the next enterable field. Pressing a line select key (LSK) highlights the corresponding data entry field. Selecting [ENTER] when the cursor is in the last data field on the page results in the cursor parking off of the page. Pressing [ENTER] again positions the cursor on the initial enterable field on the page.
FMS Input
The FMS continuously provides current data to UniLink. Many messages and requests have fields that prefill with FMS flight progress data and computed information. In most cases the user accepts the data for inclusion into the message. It is possible however to change a value by overriding that value with a manual data entry. Manual entries are generally retained until power shutdown, although data that would normally change as a flight progresses will be cleared once the page has been exited (is no longer displayed).
Source FMS
The crew must ensure that the FMS that is navigating the aircraft
(Source FMS) is the same FMS that supplies data to UniLink. The Source FMS is shown on the SOURCE FMS page, accessed via MAINTENANCE (1/3) > SENSOR STATUS > SOURCE FMS.
selection method selected fms Îmanual {*}FMS1®
UniLink UL-800/801
Operator’s Manual
December 2011
The Source FMS is indicated by an asterisk next to it. Any available
FMS can be manually selected by pressing the adjacent LSK. If automatic (AUTO) selection is desired, the SELECTION METHOD LSK will toggle between MANUAL and AUTO.
NOTE: It is important for the crew to ensure that the Source FMS is
not changed prior to an expected flight plan modification uplink. If the Source FMS is changed prior to the uplink, the flight plan information will need to be transferred to the new Source FMS from the previously designated FMS.
Prior to entering Oceanic Airspace (and loss of VHF communications)
the crew should suspend VHF and transition to satellite communication (See STATE under VHF DATA in the COMM CONTROL section). The crew must enable VHF communications once again when reentering a VHF-available region.
Current Time
On every UniLink screen above the RETURN option at LSK [5R], the
current UTC time is displayed.
When the SEND LSK is pressed, the request is placed into queue for transmission. The delivery status of the message appears above the SEND option. If data required for the message has not been entered completely, the SEND option will display as inactive and if selected, a pop-up window DATA REQUIRED will display (indicating the data is insufficient).The SEND prompt will not display an arrow (indicating active) until all required data is entered. Clear the pop-up window by pressing any key or LSK.
UniLink UL-800/801 Operator’s Manual
December 2011
SEND status displays the current status of the message. When the SEND LSK is pressed, the status will briefly change to QUEUED, then SENDING. The selected media for transmission (VHF, SAT, or TEL) is indicated after SENDING. When acknowledgement is received from the DSP, SENT status will display.
UniLink UL-800/801
Operator’s Manual
December 2011
UniLink Advisories
The bottom left LSK on each UniLink page will display either the
UNILINK MENU prompt or UniLink advisories. UniLink advisories notify the crew of UniLink activity that may require user action. Only one advisory will display at a time in the order of priority. Pressing the adjacent LSK allows viewing of the advisory message.
When no advisory is displayed, the advisory field is used to display the
UNILINK MENU prompt. Selecting this prompt displays the UNILINK MENU.
When on an FMS page, UniLink advisories will be indicated by the
flashing MSG annunciator. Pressing the [MSG] key will allow viewing of UniLink advisories and messages via the NEW MESSAGE Advisory prompt (LSK [5L]). This will open the appropriate UniLink page.
Advisory Messages NEW ERROR MSG – This advisory is active when an unviewed entry
exists in the Error Log. Selection of this advisory displays the detailed error message page for most recently logged error message that has not been viewed.
ACKNOWLEDGE – Indicates that an uplink message that is displayed
requires crew acknowledgment. Selection will send an acknowledgment message.
NEW MSG – Indicates a new unverified message in the Uplink Log.
Selection of this advisory displays the detailed message page for the latest unread unverified message.
NEW VERIF MSG – Indicates a new verified message in the Uplink
Log. Selection of this advisory displays the detailed message page for the latest unread verified message.
NEW WX MAP – Indicates a new unviewed weather graphic in the
Graphic Log. Selection of this advisory displays the most recent graphic.
SELCAL – Indicates a SELCAL request has been received. Selection
of this advisory displays the SELCAL page.
VHF VOICE (applies to UL-800 only) – Indicates the VDR is in Voice
Mode. Selection of this advisory displays the VHF VOICE page.
TEL SUSPEND – Indicates the configured dial attempt limit has been
reached and TEL LINK has been suspended (or TEL LINK has been manually suspended). Selection of this advisory displays the TEL DATA page.
UniLink UL-800/801 Operator’s Manual
December 2011
GND DELAY – Indicates a configurable timer has elapsed since the
last OUT event (push back) and the OFF event (take off) has not yet occurred. Selection of this advisory displays the EST TIME OFF page.
NOCOMM – Indicates multiple air/ground links are not available.
Selection of this advisory displays the COMM STATUS page.
SAT NOCOMM – Indicates the configured SatCom air/ground link is
not available. Selection of this advisory displays the COMM STATUS page.
TEL NOCOMM – Indicates the configured airborne telephony
(SatCom) system link is not available. Selection of this advisory displays the COMM STATUS page.
VHF NOCOMM – Indicates UniLink has determined that a VHF
air/ground link is not available. Selection of this advisory displays the COMM STATUS page.
UniLink UL-800/801
Operator’s Manual
December 2011
Error Messages
Most error messages generate a NEW ERROR MSG advisory which
is displayed in the ERROR LOG pages. Certain error messages which are considered more urgent are displayed in a pop-up window in the middle of the current UniLink page. Examples include: QUEUE FULL, DISPLAY PROCESSOR FAIL and A740: PRINTER FAIL.
Entry Error Pop-up Windows
UniLink provides feedback when an invalid entry is made. After an
invalid entry, a pop-up window identifies the entry error.
The following is a list of data entry errors and the condition that will
initiate the error pop-up window.
Screen Text Condition
VALUE TOO LARGE The entered numeric value
exceeds the allowable maximum.
VALUE TOO SMALL The entered numeric value is less
than the allowable minimum.
TOO MANY CHARACTERS The entered number of characters
exceeds the allowable maximum.
TOO FEW CHARACTERS The entered number of characters
is less than the allowable
minimum. VALUE MUST BE NUMERIC The prompt only accepts digits. VALUE MUST BE
The prompt only accepts letters.
TOO MUCH PRECISION The entered numeric value has
too many numbers to the right of
the decimal point.
UniLink UL-800/801 Operator’s Manual
December 2011
Screen Text Condition
NEGATIVE NOT PERMITTED The prompt only accepts positive
MISSING N OR S The entered latitude does not
specify a hemisphere.
MISSING E OR W The entered longitude does not
specify a hemisphere.
INVALID NUMBER The entered characters could not
be interpreted as a number.
INVALID ENTRY The entered characters do not
conform to specific textual data item input restrictions.
ILLEGAL HYPHEN The entered tail number begins or
ends with a hyphen.
ILLEGAL VHF FREQUENCY The entered frequency is not a
valid VHF voice or data frequency, or is the CSC frequency (136.975).
ILLEGAL DATA FREQUENCY The Emergency Voice frequency
(121.500) has been entered at a prompt that expects to receive a data frequency.
PRESSURE OUT OF RANGE The entered atmospheric
pressure is out of range.
INVALID SECONDS VALUE The entered seconds value within
a time field is invalid.
INVALID MINUTES VALUE The entered minutes value within
a time field is invalid.
INVALID HOURS VALUE The entered hours value within a
time field is invalid.
INVALID DAY The entered day value within a
date field is invalid.
INVALID MONTH The entered month value within a
date field is invalid.
INVALID YEAR The entered year value within a
date field is invalid.
INVALID LEAP YEAR The entered date value includes
Feb 29th in a year that is not a leap year.
UniLink UL-800/801
Operator’s Manual
December 2011
Screen Text Condition
INVALID SECONDS The entered seconds value within
a latitude or longitude field is
invalid. INVALID MINUTES The entered minutes value within
a latitude or longitude field is
invalid. DATA REQUIRED An attempt has been made to
navigate to a new page or send a
request without supplying required
Message Alerting
Message alerting functions include visual and aural alerts, and digital
outputs to various Line-Replaceable Units (LRU). The outputs are intended to drive visual or aural alerting when a new uplink message is received. The digital outputs provide messaging alerts that may be used by other devices for additional alerting functions, such as the FMS MSG annunciator.
Alert Inhibiting
UniLink Alert Inhibiting operates in order to suspend the output of
message alerting during critical phases of flight (i.e., takeoff and landing). Displayed UniLink advisories are not suppressed during critical flight phases.
NOTE: If UniLink transitions out of the takeoff phase due to
transitioning directly into the landing phase, UniLink will continuously inhibit alert outputs. This ensures there are no aural alerts that could potentially distract the crew.
UniLink UL-800/801 Operator’s Manual
December 2011
User Interface Menu Tree
The UniLink Main Menu page is accessed from the UNILINK prompt on either DATA 1/4 or the MESSAGE page (from a reboot or initial startup). To navigate down through the menu tree, select the applicable page option LSKs to move to the desired function. Use the RETURN LSK to move back up the menu tree.
Pages shown in the menu trees may or may not be available depending on specific installation configuration. Check with installer for specific configuration details.
UniLink Menu 1/2
1. Only available if OOOI is enabled in configuration.
2. Only available if VHF is enabled in configuration.
3. Only available if DATA is enabled in configuration.
4. Only available if TEL is enabled in configuration.
(Continued on next page)
UniLink UL-800/801
Operator’s Manual
December 2011
UniLink Menu 1/2 (continued)
1. Only available if TEL is enabled in configuration.
(Continued on next page)
UniLink UL-800/801 Operator’s Manual
December 2011
UniLink Menu 2/2
NOTE: The SELCAL option only displays when associated messages
are available and pending.
1. Check with DSP for availability of this feature.
UniLink UL-800/801
Operator’s Manual
December 2011
Maintenance Menu
Maintenance pages are used to access UniLink maintenance-related functions. They are accessed by pressing the MAINTENANCE LSK on the UNILINK MENU page 2/2. Other than TESTS, there are no user­related functions that are performed on this page or subpages. See the associated UniLink Installation Manual for installation and maintenance procedures.
UniLink UL-800/801 Operator’s Manual
December 2011
Configuration Menu
Configuration pages are used to access UniLink configuration-related functions. They are accessed by selecting the CONFIG LSK on the MAINTENANCE 1/3 page. There are no user-related functions that are performed on this page or subpages. See the associated UniLink Installation Manual for installation and configuration procedures.
(continued from
previous page)
UniLink UL-800/801
Operator’s Manual
December 2011
Menu Navigation: DATA (1/4) or MESSAGE 1/1 >UNILINK MENU 1/2
The UniLink Menu pages are accessed by selecting UNILINK from
either DATA 1/4 page or the MESSAGE 1/X page. The DATA 1/4 page is accessed by pressing the [DATA] key. The MESSAGE 1/X page is accessed by pressing the [MSG] key.
NOTE: Based on installation and configuration, the FLIGHT NO. field
may or may not be displayed.
UniLink UL-800/801 Operator’s Manual
December 2011
Flight Information
Menu Navigation: UNILINK MENU 1/2 > FLIGHT INFO
On the UNILINK MENU 1/2 Page, press FLIGHT INFO, LSK [1L], to
access the FLIGHT INFO page. All services provided on this menu are available only over the ACARS VHF or SatCom packet data network.
NOTE: Flight Information Services are advisory only. It is the
responsibility of the pilot to exercise reasonable and prudent judgment in the use of these advisory services.
requests are configurable options and are not displayed if configured as disabled.
The aircraft tail number is automatically inserted in the CALL SIGN
field. If the aircraft has a different ATS call sign assigned for the flight, it should be manually entered.
To manually enter a callsign:
1. Press LSK [1R]. The CALLSIGN field will become active.
2. Enter the desired callsign using the alphanumeric keys.
3. Press [ENTER]. The new callsign will display in the field.
UniLink UL-800/801
Operator’s Manual
December 2011
ATIS Request
Menu navigation: UNILINK MENU 1/2 > FLIGHT INFO > D-ATIS
The D-ATIS page is used to request local arrival or departure Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS).
To request ATIS:
1. Press D-ATIS, LSK [1L] on the FLIGHT INFO page. The D-ATIS page will display.
2. With AIRPORT active, enter the Airport Identifier and press [ENTER], or accept the default destination airport from the FMS flight plan.
NOTE: If an incomplete identifier is entered, the message TOO FEW
CHARACTERS will display and the field will flash. Pressing the LSK and re-entering a complete identifier will correct the error.
3. DEPT is the default type of ATIS. Press TYPE, LSK [2R] to toggle the field between ARRV and DEPT as needed.
4. Press SEND, LSK [4R] to place the message in queue for transmission.
NOTE: If the information on this page is incomplete, the pop-up window DATA REQUIRED will display and the SEND prompt will not enable.
UniLink UL-800/801 Operator’s Manual
December 2011
TWIP Request
Menu navigation: UNILINK MENU 1/2 > FLIGHT INFO > TWIP
The TWIP page is used to request Terminal Weather Information for
Pilots (TWIP).
To make a TWIP request:
1. Press TWIP, LSK [2L] on the FLIGHT INFO page. The TWIP page will display.
2. With AIRPORT active, enter a destination airport and press [ENTER] or accept the Destination Airport from the FMS flight plan.
NOTE: If an incomplete identifier is entered, the message TOO FEW
CHARACTERS will display and the field will flash. Pressing the LSK and re-entering a complete identifier will correct the error.
3. Press the SEND LSK to place this message in queue for transmission. The SEND prompt will not be enabled if the information on this page is incomplete.
NOTE: If the information on this page is incomplete, the pop-up
window DATA REQUIRED will display and the SEND prompt will not enable.
UniLink UL-800/801
Operator’s Manual
December 2011
Departure Clearance Request
The DEPARTURE CLX page is used to request departure clearance.
To request a Departure Clearance:
1. Press DEPARTURE, LSK [3L] on the FLIGHT INFO page. The DEPARTURE CLX page will display.
2. Verify or change the ORIG (origination) airport. This field defaults to the departure airport identifier from the FMS.
3. Verify or change the DEST (destination) airport. This field defaults to the destination airport from the FMS.
4. Enter GATE number (optional).
5. Press the REMARKS LSK to enter any remarks as needed (see the REMARKS Section in this manual).
6. Enter the latest ATIS version (alpha character).
7. Press SEND, LSK [4R] to place this message in queue for transmission.
NOTE: The SEND prompt will not be enabled if the required
information on this page is incomplete, the call sign from the Flight Information Services page is not entered, or the aircraft type has not been configured from Aircraft Configuration page. Any attempt to send this request with incomplete information will result in the pop-up window DATA REQURED displaying.
UniLink UL-800/801 Operator’s Manual
December 2011
Oceanic Clearance Request
The OCEANIC CLX page is used to request Oceanic Clearance.
To request an Oceanic Clearance:
1. Press OCEANIC, LSK [4L] on the FLIGHT INFO page. The OCEANIX CLX page will display.
2. Press ATC, LSK [1L] to open the OCEANIX CLX ATC page.
3. Select the ATC Station using the adjacent LSK, or enter a station ID in the OTHER field, LSK [R4]. The OCEANIX CLX page will display, showing the selected ATC station.
4. If not active, press ENTRY POINT, LSK [3L] and enter the point of entry into oceanic airspace, then press [ENTER}.
NOTE: The Entry can have from 3 to 11 characters to specify the
position by latitude/longitude, or by waypoint identifier.
5. If not active, press ENTRY TIME, LSK [3L] and enter the requested time for the clearance. Press [ENTER].
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