Thank you for deciding to make the Apollo Twin High-Resolution Interface part of your
music making experience. We know that any new piece of gear requires an investment
of time and money — and our goal is to make your investment pay off. The fact that we
get to play a part in your creative process is what makes our efforts meaningful, and we
thank you for this.
In many ways, Apollo, Apollo 16, and Apollo Twin represent the best examples of what
Universal Audio has stood for over its long history; from UA’s original founding in the
1950s by my father, through our current vision of delivering the best of both analog and
digital audio technologies.
Starting with its high-quality analog I/O, Apollo Twin’s superior sonic performance serves
as its foundation. This is just the beginning however, as Apollo Twin is the only desktop
audio interface that allows you to run UAD plug-ins in real time. Want to monitor yourself
through a Neve® console channel strip while tracking bass through a classic Fairchild or
LA-2A compressor? Or how about tracking vocals through a Studer® tape machine with
some added Lexicon® reverb?* With our growing library of more than 90 UAD plug-ins,
the choices are limitless.
At UA, we are dedicated to the idea that this powerful technology should ultimately serve
the creative process — not be a barrier. These are the very ideals my father embodied as
he invented audio equipment to solve problems in the studio. So as you begin to incorporate Apollo Twin into your creative process, we hope that the excitement and pride
that we’ve built into it comes through. We believe Apollo Twin will earn its way into your
creative workflow by providing stunning fidelity, great ease-of-use, and rock-solid reliability for years to come.
As always, please feel free to reach out to us via our website, and via
our social media channels. We look forward to hearing from you, and thank you once
again for choosing Universal Audio.
Bill Putnam Jr.
*All trademarks are recognized as property of their respective owners.
Individual UAD Powered Plug-Ins sold separately.
Apollo Twin USB Hardware ManualWelcome2
Table Of Contents
A Letter from Bill Putnam Jr. .............................................................................. 2
Repair Service ................................................................................................. 32
Apollo Twin USB Hardware ManualTable Of Contents3
Chapter 1: Introduction
Welcome to Apollo Twin USB
High-Resolution Desktop Music Production with Classic Analog Sound
Apollo Twin USB reinvents desktop recording by
delivering legendary analog studio sound, feel, and
flow to music creators everywhere. This 2x6 USB 3
audio interface for Windows combines the impeccable 24-bit/192 kHz audio conversion of Universal Audio’s acclaimed Apollo series with onboard
Realtime UAD DUO Processing. Plus it includes
Unison™ technology, a breakthrough in classic mic
preamp emulation. Record your music in real time
(at near-zero latency) through the full range of UAD
plug-ins — from Neve, Studer, Manley, Lexicon, API
and more* — putting racks of vintage EQs, compressors, mic preamps, tape machines, reverbs, and
guitar amps at your fingertips.
A Universal Audio breakthrough, Apollo Twin USB’s
Unison technology gives you the tone of the world’s
most sought-after tube and solid state mic preamps
— including their all-important impedance, gain
stage “sweet spots,” and component-level circuit
behaviors. Based on unprecedented hardware-software integration between Apollo’s mic preamps and
its onboard UAD plug-in processing, Unison lets you
record through stunning emulations like the bundled
UA 610-B Tube Preamp plug-in.
Note: For complete Unison details, see the
Apollo Software Manual.
Apollo Twin USB’s smart feature set includes two class-leading mic/line preamps, two
analog line outputs, two digitally controlled analog monitor outputs for full resolution at
all listening levels, and up to eight additional channels of digital input via Optical connection. Onboard UAD-2 DUO Processing lets you use UAD plug-ins both during realtime
tracking and for mixing within Pro Tools, Cubase, Ableton Live, and more.
With its ergonomic desktop design, rugged aluminum construction, and front panel headphone and instrument connections, Apollo Twin USB has all the right tools, all in the
right place.
*Apollo Twin USB includes the “Realtime Analog Classics” UAD plug-in bundle. All other plug-ins are sold separately
at All trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Apollo Twin USB Hardware ManualChapter 1: Introduction 4
Apollo Twin USB Features
Key Features
• Desktop 2x6 USB 3 audio interface with world-class 24-bit/192 kHz audio conversion
• Realtime UAD Processing for tracking through vintage Compressors, EQs, Tape Machines, Mic Preamps, and Guitar Amp plug-ins with near-zero (sub-2ms) latency
• USB 3 connection for fast bandwidth on modern Windows computers
• Unison™ technology offers stunning models of classic tube and transformer-based
mic preamps and guitar pedals
• Two premium mic/line preamps, two line outputs, front-panel Hi-Z instrument input,
and stereo headphones output
• Two digitally controlled analog monitor outputs for full resolution at all listening levels
• Up to eight channels of additional digital input via Optical connection
• Uncompromising analog design, superior components, and premium build quality
• Runs UAD Powered Plug-Ins via VST, RTAS & AAX 64 in all major DAWs
All Features
Audio Interface
• Sample rates up to 192 kHz* at 24-bit word length
• Up to 10 x 6 simultaneous input/output channels
• Two channels of analog-to-digital conversion via:
• Two balanced mic/line inputs
• One Hi-Z instrument input
• Six channels of digital-to-analog conversion via:
• Digitally-controlled stereo monitor outputs
• Stereo headphone outputs
• Line outputs 3-4
• Up to eight channels of digital input via:
• Eight channels ADAT optical with S/MUX for high sample rates, or
• Two channels S/PDIF optical with sample rate conversion
Microphone Preamplifiers
• Two high-resolution, ultra-transparent, digitally-controlled analog mic preamps
• Front panel and software control of all preamp parameters
• Low cut filter, 48V phantom power, 20 dB pad, polarity inversion, and stereo linking
*96 kHz maximum on S/PDIF digital inputs
Apollo Twin USB Hardware ManualChapter 1: Introduction 5
• Digitally-controlled analog monitor outputs maintains highest fidelity
• Independently-addressable line outputs 3-4 can be used for additional cue mix
• Front panel control of monitor levels and muting
UAD-2 Inside
• Two (DUO) SHARC DSP processors
• Realtime UAD Processing on all analog and digital inputs
• Same features and functionality as other UAD-2 devices when used with DAW
• Includes UAD Powered Plug-Ins “Realtime Analog Classics” bundle
• Complete UAD Powered Plug-Ins library is available online
Console application:
• Enables tracking and/or monitoring with Realtime UAD Processing
• Remote control of Apollo Twin USB features and functionality
• Virtual I/O for routing DAW tracks through Console
• Two independent stereo Auxiliary busses
Console Recall plug-in:
• Saves Apollo Twin USB configurations inside DAW sessions for easy recall
• Facilitates control of Apollo Twin USB monitoring features from within the DAW
• VST, RTAS, and AAX 64 plug-in formats
UAD Meter & Control Panel application:
• Configures global UAD settings and monitors system usage
• Attractive and durable desktop form factor
• Locking power supply prevents accidental disconnection
• Easy firmware updates
• One year warranty includes parts and labor
Package Contents
• Apollo Twin USB unit
• Power supply with (4) AC connectors
(Changeable AC connectors for USA, Europe, UK, Australia, and China)
• USB 3 SuperSpeed cable
• Getting Started URL card
Apollo Twin USB Hardware ManualChapter 1: Introduction 6
Operational Overview
Audio Interface
First and foremost, Apollo Twin USB is a premium 2x6 USB 3 audio interface with
world-class 24-bit/192 kHz audio conversion. Apollo Twin USB connects to the outputs
and inputs of other audio gear, and performs analog-to-digital (A/D) and digital-to-analog
(D/A) audio conversions on the gear’s signals. The digital audio signals are routed into
and out of the host computer via the high-speed USB 3 protocol, which is carried on a
single USB 3 SuperSpeed cable.
Apollo Twin USB leverages Universal Audio’s expertise in DSP acceleration, UAD Powered Plug-Ins, and analog hardware design by integrating the latest cutting edge technologies in high-performance A/D-D/A conversion, DSP signal reconstruction, and host
connectivity. Apollo Twin USB acts as both an audio interface with integrated DSP effects for tracking and monitoring as well as a fully integrated UAD-2 DSP accelerator for
mixing and mastering.
About Realtime UAD Processing
Apollo Twin USB has the ability to run UAD Powered Plug-Ins in realtime. Apollo Twin
USB’s groundbreaking DSP + FPGA technology enable UAD plug-ins to run with latencies in the sub-2ms range, and multiple UAD plug-ins can be stacked in series without
additional latency.
Realtime UAD Processing facilitates the ultimate sonic experience while monitoring and/
or tracking.
Note: Apollo Twin USB, like other UAD-2 devices, can only load UAD Powered
Plug-Ins, which are specifically designed to run on UAD-2 DSP accelerators. Native (host-based) plug-ins cannot run on the UAD-2 DSP.
Console Software
The Console software application runs on the host computer and is used to control Apollo
Twin USB mixing and monitoring with Realtime UAD Processing, access the audio interface I/O settings, and more. Console’s analog-style workflow is designed to provide quick
access to the most commonly needed features in a familiar, easy-to-use mixer interface.
Realtime UAD Processing is a special function that is available only within Console. All
of Apollo Twin USB’s analog and digital inputs can perform Realtime UAD processing
simultaneously, and Console inputs with (or without) Realtime UAD Processing can be
routed into the DAW for recording.
Console controls Apollo Twin USB’s digital mixer so you can monitor Apollo Twin USB’s
inputs (with or without Realtime UAD Processing) without using any other audio software
such as a DAW.
Console is integral to unleashing the power of Apollo Twin USB. For complete details
about how to use Console and Realtime UAD Processing, refer to the Apollo Software
Apollo Twin USB Hardware ManualChapter 1: Introduction 7
UAD Powered Plug-Ins in a DAW
Apollo Twin USB and UAD plug-ins can also be used within a DAW without the use of
Console. UAD plug-ins loaded within the DAW operate like other (non-UAD) plug-ins,
except the processing occurs on the Apollo Twin USB DSP instead of the host computer’s
processor. In this scenario, UAD plug-ins are subject to the latencies incurred by I/O
hardware buffering.
For details about using UAD Powered Plug-Ins in a DAW, see the UAD System Manual.
Standalone Use
Although the Console application is required to utilize all Apollo Twin USB features, the
hardware unit can be used as a digital mixer with limited functionality without a USB 3
connection to a host computer.
All currently active I/O assignments, signal routings, and monitor settings are saved to
internal firmware when Apollo Twin USB is powered down and persist when power is reapplied. Therefore the last-used settings are always available even when a host computer
is not connected.
Note that UAD plug-in instantiations are not retained on power down, because the plugin files reside on the host computer. However, if UAD plug-ins are active when Apollo
Twin USB’s connection to the host system is lost (if the USB 3 cable is unplugged), the
current UAD plug-in configurations remain active for processing until Apollo Twin USB is
powered down.
Apollo Twin USB Hardware ManualChapter 1: Introduction 8
About Apollo Twin USB Documentation
Documentation for all Apollo Twin USB components is extensive, so instructions are
separated by areas of functionality. Each functional area has a separate manual file. An
overview of each file, and how they are accessed, is provided in this section.
Note: Extensive Web Documentation, including technical information not available
in other publications, is also available.
Apollo Manual Files
Note: All manual files are in PDF format. PDF files require a free PDF reader application such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Apollo Hardware Manuals
Each Apollo model has a unique hardware manual. The Apollo hardware manuals contain
complete hardware-related details about one specific Apollo model. Included are detailed
descriptions of all hardware features, controls, connectors, and specifications.
Note: Each hardware manual contains the unique Apollo model in the file name.
Apollo Software Manual
The Apollo Software Manual is the companion guide to the Apollo hardware manuals. It
contains detailed information about how to configure and control software features for
Apollo Twin USB using the Console application, Console Settings window, and Console
Recall plug-in. Refer to the Apollo Software Manual to learn how to operate the software
tools and integrate Apollo Twin USB’s functionality into the DAW environment.
UAD System Manual
The UAD System Manual is the complete operation manual for Apollo’s UAD-2 functionality and applies to the entire UAD-2 product family. It contains detailed information
about installing and configuring UAD devices, the UAD Meter & Control Panel application, buying optional plug-ins at the UA online store, and more. It includes everything
about UAD except Apollo-specific information and individual UAD plug-in descriptions.
UAD Plug-Ins Manual
The features and functionality of all individual UAD Powered Plug-Ins is detailed in the
UAD Plug-Ins Manual. Refer to this document to learn about the operation, controls, and
user interface of each UAD plug-in that is developed by Universal Audio.
Direct Developer Plug-Ins
UAD Powered Plug-Ins includes plug-ins created by our Direct Developer partners. Documentation for these 3rd-party plug-ins are separate files written and provided by the
plug-in developers. The file names for these plug-in manuals are the same as the plug-in
Apollo Twin USB Hardware ManualChapter 1: Introduction 9
Installed Documentation Location
All documentation is copied to the startup disk during software installation.
Accessing Installed Documentation
Any of these methods can be used to access installed documentation:
• Click the “View Documentation” button in the Help panel within the
UAD Meter & Control Panel application
• Choose “Documentation” from the Help menu within the Console application
• Windows Start Menu: Start>All Programs>UAD Powered Plug-Ins>Documentation
Online Manuals
Manuals are also available online at:
Web Documentation
UA Support Videos
Many informational videos are available online to help you get started with Apollo Twin
Apollo Twin USB Support Page
The latest technical information for Apollo Twin USB is posted on the Universal Audio
website. The Apollo Twin USB support page contains updated, late-breaking information
that is not available in other publications. Please visit this page for the latest news:
UAD Users Forum
The unofficial UAD users forum, for the exchange of tips and information, is online at:
Apollo Twin USB Hardware ManualChapter 1: Introduction 10
Technical Support
Universal Audio provides free customer support to all registered Apollo users. Support
specialists are available to assist you via email and telephone during normal business
hours, which are from 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday, Pacific Standard Time.
Email Support
To request online support via email, click the link below for a direct link to the help
ticket form:
Alternately, visit the main support page at, then click the blue
“Submit Support Ticket” button on the right side of the web page to create a help ticket.
Telephone Support
USA toll-free: +1-877-698-2834 (1-877-MY-UAUDIO)
International: +1-831-440-1176
Germany, Austria, Switzerland,
France, Benelux: +31 (0) 20 800 4912
Apollo Twin USB Hardware ManualChapter 1: Introduction 11
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