Operator Instructions Important
Includes - Foreseen Use, Work Stations, Putting Into Service,
Operating, Dismantling, Assembly and Safety Rules
Manufact urer/Supplier Product Type
Universal Air Tool Company Limited
Unit 8
Lane End Industrial Park
High Wycombe
HP14 3BY
Tel No Fax No
(01494) (01494) 883237
Read these instructions carefully before insta lling, operating,
servicing or repairing this tool. Keep these instructions in a
safe accessible place.
Pistol Rev. Screwdriver
djustable Clutch
Model No/Nos Serial No
Cycles Per
Product Net t Weight Recommended Us e Of
Recommended Working
Recommended Minimum
Perso n a l Sa fe t y E q ui pm en t
Use - Safety Glasses
Use - Safety Gloves
Use - Safety Boots
Use - Breathing Masks
Use - Ear Protectors
Balancer Or Su pport
Air Pressure
Foreseen Use
This screwdriver is des igned for th e tightening an d loosening
of threade d fas ten er s w ithin the ra nge as spe cifie d by the
manufacturer. It should only be used in conjunction with
1/4" male hex shank screwdriver bits and fastener drivers.
Do not use the tool for any other purpose than that specified
without consulting the manufacturer or his authorised
Work Stations
The tool should only be used as a hand held, hand operated
tool. It is always recomme nded that th e tool is used wh en
standing on a s olid floor. It can be used in othe r positions,
but before any such use the operator must be in a secure
position hav ing a firm grip a nd footing. T he opera tor m ust
adopt a firm grip sufficient to resist the torque rea ction of
the tool, i.e. th e t ool will try
to turn in the hand. The
operator must also be aware
that when loosening fasteners,
the tool can move quite
quickly away from the fastener
being undone. An allowance
must be made for this rear-
ward movement to avoid hand
entrapment. The operator must
also make all owanc e that i f
the tool does turn in the hand,
the hand is not trapped
against a ny rigid object.
Recommended Hos e Bore
Size - Minimum
3/8 10 30 10
Ins M/M Ft M
Sound Pressure Level 84.3 dB(A)
Recommended Ma x.
Hose Length
Sound Power Level 89.7 dB(A)
Test Met hod
Tested in accordance with
Pneurop test code PN8NTC1 and ISO
Test Met hod
Less than 2.5
Metres / Sec²
Tested in accordance with ISO
standards 8662 Parts 1 & 7
Putting Into Service
Air Supply
Use a c lean lubricat ed air supply that w ill give a measu red
air pressu re at the tool of 90 p.s.i./6.3 bar when the tool
is running with the trigger fully depressed. Use recommended
hose size and length. It is recommended that the tool is
conne cted to the a ir supply as s hown in figure 1. Do not
connect the tool to the air line system without incorporating
an easy to reach and operate air shut off valve. The air
supply sh ould be lubricated. It is stron gly rec ommende d that
an air filter, regulator, lubrica tor (FRL) is us ed as sh own in
Figure 1 as this will supply clean, lubricated air at the correct
pres sure t o th e too l. Deta ils of s uch eq uipm ent ca n be
obtained from your su pplier. If such equipme nt is not used
then the tool should be lubricated by shutting off the air
supply to the tool, depres su risin g the line by pre ss ing the
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trigger on the tool. Disconnect the air line and pour into the
intake bus h ing a tea s poonful (5ml) of a su itable pneu ma tic
motor lubricating oil preferably inc orporating a rust inhibitor.
Reconnect tool to air supply and run tool slowly for a few
second s t o al lo w ai r to ci rcul at e th e o il . I f to o l i s u sed
frequen tly lubricate on daily bas is and if tool starts to slow
or lose power.
It is recommende d that the air pressu re at the tool whilst
the tool is running is 90 p.s.i./6.3 bar. The tool can run at
lower and higher pressures with the maximum permitted
working air press ure of 100 p.s.i./7.0 bar.
Select the correct screwdriver bit or fastener driver to suit the
screw or fastener to be tightened or loosened. Slide back the
sleev e (44) and inser t appropriate drive bit. Th is model has
an external adjustable clutch so that the torque applied to the
fastener can be adjusted easily to give the required tightness
within the torque range of the tool. To set the tool to give a
particular torque output, turn the adjust ring (49) If the fastener
is not sufficiently tightened or cannot be loosened then the
tool in adjustable clutch mode has insufficient capacity. Select
a more power ful tool. The person setting up the tool must
be aware of this torque reaction at high setting levels of the
clutch and that th e tool will try to turn against the hand. All
that is required is a firm grip. The tool, when the stall torque
position has been reached, can still be used to set or loosen
fasteners, provided the operator is aware of the need to resist
the torque reaction of the tool. The only thing that will affect
the output is a change in the air supply pressure. The output
can be inc re as ed u p to the use of th e m ax imu m a llowed
supply pressure and decreased with a reduction in supply
pressure until the tool fails to operate. It must also be
understood that even if the clutch is set to slip it may not do
so if the supply air pressure falls below the pressure at which
the clutch was set. It is therefore strongly recommended that
a pressure control valve is used. Information as to suitable
equipmen t can be obtained from your su pplier. When using
the tool keep the screwdriver bit pressed firmly into the screw
head to avoid cam out and screw head damage.
Dismantling & Assembly Instruction
Disconne ct tool from a ir supply.
Grip the tool by hand then unscrew an d remove clutch
housing (7) from clam p nut (41) – left hand thread.
Remove adjust cover (47) from clutch housing (7). Pull out
the clutch assembly grip the clutch assembly and with a
sharp pointed ne edle tool prise out retaining ring (31) and
remove wa sher (46), spring (45), and ball retainer (44)
being care ful not lose screwdriver bit reta ining ball (35).
Again with the sharp pointed tool, remove secon d retaining
ring (31) and pull off spacer (43). Unscre w adjust nut (47)
and pull off washer (46), clutch spring (39) and washer
(38). Tap front end to remove 4 off balls (37). Remove
retaining ring (33) and separate clutch (36). Remove a third
retaining ring (31) and pull off drive clutch (30). Unscrew
clamp nut (41) and push out the internal assembly and
ball bearing(29), internal gear (32), 3 off planet gears (25)
and work spindle (28). Do not remove the 3 off pins from
work spindle (27). Drive out pin (6), uns crew set scre w
(23) and pull off trigger (24) and remove spring (22). Grip
valve stem (21) and pull out the complete valv e assembly.
Separate reverse leve r (20), reverse retaine r (19), o-ring
(18), reverse bushing (17) and o-ring (16). Unscrew air
inlet (2) and scre w (3) and remove exha ust diffuser (4) and
damping mate rial (5). Grip end of rotor (13) and pull out
the complet e motor assembly. Remove 2 pins (11), motor
gasket (9) Grip spacer (15) and with a non metallic or soft
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metal (lead of aluminium) hammer tap the splined end of
the rotor (13) to drive it through bearing (8). Remove
cylinder (12) and tak e out 5 off rotor blades (14) fr om the
rotor (12). Support end plate (10) and tap the rotor (13)
through the end plate (10) and bearing (8).
Clean all co mpon ent par ts and ex amine to wear b efor e
reassembling. Look in particular for wear and cuts on o-rings,
wear on rotor blades, gear, and clutch components. Coat
all parts with pneumatic tool lubricating oil and grease all
bearings, gears, and clutch parts with a molybdenum or
lithium bas ed gen er al purpose grea s e. Be fore re asse mbling
the motor make sure that the faces of end plates (10) that
abut cylinder (12) are flat and free from burrs. If necessary,
lap on a flat ve ry fine grade of abras ive paper. Reassem ble
in the reverse order. When refitting the complete motor
assembly to housing (7) first make sure that the assembly
is clampe d tightly togethe r and the rotor spins fre ely, slide
the assembly with gasket into the housing (7) ensuring that
motor pin (11) locates in the motor assembly and in the
hole in the bottom of the ma in bore of hous ing (7) suited
between the two main ports. Reset the clutch as required
and/ or set th e correct air pressu re – see Operatin g.
Safety Rules For A Screwdriver
1) Read all the instructions before using this tool. All operators
must be fully tra ined in its use and aware of these sa fety
2) Do not exceed the maximum working air pressure.
3) Use personal safety equipment.
4) Use only compressed air at the recommended conditions.
5) I f the too l appea rs to mal functio n remove f rom use
immediately and arrange for service and repair.
6) If the tool is used with a balancer or other support device
ensure that it is fixed securely.
7) Always ke ep ha nds awa y from th e work ing attac hm en t
fitted to the tool.
8) The tool is not electrically insulated. Never use the tool
if there is any chance of it coming into contact with live
9) Always when u sing the tool a dopt a firm footing and/or
position and grip the tool firmly to be able to counteract
any force s or reaction forces th at may be genera ted whilst
using the tool.
10) Use only correct spare parts . Do not improvise or make
temporary repairs.
11) Do not lock, tape, wire, etc. the on/off valve in the run
position. The trigger/lever etc. must always be free to return
to the 'off' position when it is rele ased.
12) Always shu t off the air supply to the tool, and depress
the trigger/lever etc. to exhaust air from the feed hose before
fitting, adjusting or removing the working attachment.
13) Check hose and fittings regularly for wear. Replace if
nece ssary. Do not carry the tool by its hose an d ensu re the
hand is rem ote from t he on/ off cont rol whe n carryin g the
tool with the air supply c onnected.
14) Take care against entanglement of moving parts of the
tool with clothing, ties, hair, cleaning rags, etc. This will
caus e the body to be drawn towards the tool and ca n be
very dan gerous.
15) It is expected that users will adopt safe working practices
and observ e all r ele va nt lega l requ irem ents wh e n in st alling,
using or maintain ing the t ool.
16) Do not install the tool unless an easily accessible and
easily operable on/ off valve is incorporate d in the air supply.
17) Take ca re tha t th e t ool exh au st air does n ot ca us e a
problem or blows on another pers on.
18) Never la y a tool down u nle ss th e working att ac hm en t
has stopped movin g.