Operator Instructions Important
Includes - Foreseen Use, Work Stations, Putting Into Service,
Operating, Dismantling, Assembly and Safety Rules
Manufacturer/Supplier Product Type
Universal Air Tool Company Limited
Unit 8
Lane End Industrial Park
High Wycombe
HP14 3BY
Tel No Fax No
(01494) 883300 (01494) 883237
Read these instructions carefully before insta lling, operating,
servicing or repairing this tool. Keep these instructions in a safe
accessible place.
Pistol Grip Needl e Gun
Model No/Nos Serial No
Cycles Per Min
Product Nett Weight
4.30 3/8 10 30 10
Air Pressure
Recommended Working
Recommended Minimum
Personal Safety Equipment
Use - Safety Glasses
Use - Safety Gloves
Use - Safety Boots
Recommended Use Of
Balancer Or Support
Recommended Hose Bore
Size - Minimum
Ins M/M Ft M
Noise Level
Test Method
test code PN8NTC1 and ISO Standard 3744
Vibration Level
Test Method
Sound Pressure Level 95.3 dB(A)
Sound Power Level 108.3 dB(A)
Tested in accordance with Pneurop
ested in accordance with ISO
standard 8662/1 & 8662/14
Use - Breathing Masks
Use - Ea r P ro t ec to r s
Foreseen Use of the Tool
This tool is designed for the purposes of cleaning and restoring
stone and concrete, etc. and for cleaning and particularly
removing paint and rust, etc. from metals. The tool is powered
by a free oscillating piston which strikes a needle holder
containing several hardened needles. The needles have some
free movement which allows the tool to clean around irregular
shaped surfaces.
Do not use the tool for any other purposes than that for which it
was designed. Do not modify the tool for any other pur pose
than that for which it was designed even for its purposes as a
needle scaler, unless first agreeing any such alternative use or
modifications, with the manufacturer or an authorised
representative. The main applications for the tool is cleaning,
deslagging and shot peening of welded joints, cleaning metal
surfaces of rust, scale and paint, cleaning castings, removing
cores, cleaning brick and stonework and cleaning ship plates,
barges and buoys.
Putting Into Service
Air Supply
Use a clean lubricated air supply that will give a measured air
pressure at the tool of 90 p.s.i./6.3 bar when the tool is running
with the trigger fully depressed. Use recommended hose size
and length. It is recommended that the tool is connected to the
air supply as shown in figure 1. Do not connect the tool to the
air line sys tem withou t incorporating an easy to reach a nd
operate air shut off valve. The air supply should be lubricated. It
is strongly recommended that an air filter, regulator, lubricator
(FRL) is used as shown in Figure 1 as this will supply clean ,
lubricated air at the correct pressure to the tool. Details of such
equipment can be obtained from your supplier. If such
equipment is not used then the tool should be lubricated by
shutting off the air supply to the tool, depressurising the line by
pressing the trigger on the tool. Disconnect the air line and pour
into the intake bushing a teaspoonful (5ml) of a suitable
pneumatic motor lubricating oil preferably incorporating a rust
inhibitor. Reconnect tool to air supply and run tool slowly for a
Work Stations
The tool should only be u sed as a
handh eld, hand opera ted tool. It is
always recommended that the tool is
used when standing on a solid floor.
It can be used in other positions but
before any such use, the operator
must be in a secure position having
a firm grip and footing and be aware
of a reaction force on the hand as
result of the tool doing work.
Recommended Max.
Hose Length
Metres / Sec²
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few sec onds to allow air to circulate the oil. If tool is used
frequently lubricate on daily basis and if tool starts to slow or
lose power.
It is recommended that the air pressure at the tool whilst the
tool is running is 90 p.s.i./6.3 bar. The tool can run at lower and
higher pressures with the maximum permitted working air
pressure of 100 p.s.i./7.0 bar.
Connect tool to a suitable air supply after having adjusted the
position of the front needle cover so that the needles project
from the front end of the tool by the required amount. When
using the tool keep the tool loaded sufficiently to do work. Do
not o verl oad the to ol as it wi ll redu ce the p ower . It is
recommended that the tool is only run when the needles are in
contact with the work piece. Be aware that prolonged exposure
to vibration can cause injury. Do not continue to use the tool
with broken needles as this may cause damage to the tool.
Dismantling & Assembly Instructions
Disconnect tool from the air supply.
Loosen 2 off cap screws (24) with washers (25) and pull off
needle cover (10) and unscrew needle cover (6) and remove
driver (7), needle holder (8), spring (9) and needles (23).
Unscrew body cap (1) with o-ring (26) and from the front end
push out piston (5). Drive out pin (18) and take off lever (17).
Unscrew valve screw (11) with o-ring (12) and take out spring
(13) and valve stem (14) with o-ring (15). Loosen nut(22) and
unscrew valve body (16) and centre tube (21) to release handle
tube (20) and rubber handle grip (19).
Clean all parts and examine for wear. Replace any parts with
parts obtained from the manufacturer or an authorised
representative. Coat all parts with a pneumatic tool lubricating oil
and assemble in the reverse order.
14) Take care against entanglement of moving parts of the tool
with clothing, ties, hair, cleaning rags, etc. This will cause the
body to be drawn towards the tool and can be very dangerous.
15) It is expected that users will adopt safe working practices
and observ e all r ele va nt lega l requ irem ents wh e n in st alling,
using or maintaining the tool.
16) Do not install the tool unless an easily accessible and easily
operable on/off valve is incorporated in the air supply.
17) Take care that the tool exhaust air does not cause a problem
or blows on another person.
18) Never lay a tool down unless the working attachment has
stopped moving.
19) Never point a tool at any person.
20) Use only suitable pneumatic tool lubricants. This is important
as a safeguard against the “diesel effect” i.e. explosive mixtures
21) D o no t st ore n eedles a t f r eez ing a nd b elow f r eez i n g
temperatures. Freezing temperatures can make hardened-tool
steels brittle which can cause breakage and lead to injury.
22) Do not start tool until needles are in contact with the
working surface . Do not run tool unless retainer is fitted.
23) Always use tool with a whip hose as shown in fig 1.
24) Don’t over reach. Keep proper footing and balance at all
25) Do not force the tool but allow it to cut.
26) When possible secure work with clamps or vice so both
hands are free to operate the tool.
Safety Rules For A Needle Gun
1) Read all the instructions before using this tool. All operators
must be fully trained in its use and aware of these safety rules.
2) Do not exceed the maximum working air pressure.
3) Use personal safety equipment.
4) Use only compressed air at the recommended conditions.
5) I f the too l appea rs to mal functio n remove f rom use
immediately and arrange for service and repair.
6) If the tool is used with a balancer or other support device
ensure that it is fixed securely.
7) Always keep hands away from the working attachment fitted
to the tool.
8) The tool is not electrically insulated. Never use the tool if there
is any chance of it coming into contact with live electricity.
9) Always when u sing the tool a dopt a firm footing and/or
position and grip the tool firmly to be able to counteract any
forces or reaction forces that may be generated whilst using the
10) Use only correct spare parts . Do not improvise or make
temporary repairs.
11) Do not lock, tape, w ire, etc. the on/off va lve in the run
position. The trigger/lever etc. must always be free to return to
the 'off' position when it is released.
12) Always shut off the air supply to the tool, and depress the
trigger/lever etc. to exhaust air from the feed hose before fitting,
adjusting or removing the working attachment.
13) Check hose and fittings regularly for wear. Replace if
necessary. Do not carry the tool by its hose and ensure the hand
is remote from the on/off control when carrying the tool with
the air supply connected.
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