READ this manual
Read it carefully. Questions?
E-mail: info@unitunlikely.com

Check whether you have got all the parts as
pictured below. If not Contact us at:
in case your printed circuit board is not white you
might have a different version of the lunchbox.
This manual can be found at:

This board is called a printed circuit board (PCB for
The side pictured below will be refered to as the top
side. The legs of the components will be sticking out
from the down side.
the pcb
amount: 1
North side
south side
west Side east Side

It does not matter in which direction you solder the
resistors. Components that have this feature are
called non-polarized.
The resistors have color codes to indicate their
resistance. Super convenient!
Find the 5 resistors with the color code
Brown-Black-Red-Gold and solder them on
locations R1, R2, r3, r4, r5.
resistor 1k
amount: 5
location: R1, R2, R3, R4, R5

These resistors are color coded with
Brown-Black-Orange-Gold stripes.s
Resistor 10K
amount: 2
location: r6, r7

The diode is a component that functions like a “oneway-street”. It lets current go one way, but not the
other and will protect the more sensitive
components of the Lunchbox if you connect the
battery on the wrong way.
The diode is a polarized component. This means that
the direction it is soldered matters. Make sure to
check you solder it as indicated on the PCB. The
grey band indicates the negative side of the diode.
The grey band of the component should be on the
amount: 1
location: D1

Solder the Sockets on the places indicated by IC1
and IC2. Mind the visual indication on the PCB and
try to match it with the sockets.
In case you didn’t, don’t worry it is more a convention
in electronics than a crucial thing to safegaurd the
Lunchbox from working.
Furthermore, make sure that each leg is properly
soldered and that no legs are connected to
IC sockets
amount: 2
location: ic1, ic2