i4 Automation Ltd - 01480 395256
Vision™ OPLC™
The Unitronics V350-35-RA22 offers the following onboard I/Os:
12 Digital Inputs, configurable via wiring to include 2 Analog, 2 PT100/TC, and
1 HSC/Shaft-encoder Input
8 Relay Outputs, 2 Analog Outputs
Installation Guide
General Description
V350 OPLCs are micro-OPLCs, rugged programmable logic controllers that comprise:
On-board I/O configuration
Built-in operating panel containing a 3.5” Color Touchscreen and programmable function keys
I/O Options
Information Mode
& Utilities
1 built-in serial port: RS232/RS485
Optional: the user may order and install
one or both of the following modules:
- RS232/RS485/Ethernet
- CANbus
Communication Function Blocks
include: SMS, GPRS, MODBUS serial/IP.
Protocol FB enables PLC to
communicate with almost any external
device, via serial or Ethernet
V350 supports digital, high-speed, analog,
weight and temperature measurement I/Os via:
On-board I/O configuration
I/O Expansion Modules
Local or remote I/Os may be added via
expansion port or CANbus.
This mode enables you to:
View & Edit operand values, COM port settings, RTC and screen
contrast/brightness settings
Calibrate the touchscreen
Stop, initialize, and reset the PLC
To enter Information Mode, press the <i> button for several seconds.
The Unitronics Setup CD contains VisiLogic software and other utilities
Easily configure hardware and write both HMI and Ladder control
applications; the Function Block library simplifies complex tasks
such as PID. Write your application, and then download it to the
controller via the programming cable included in the kit.
Includes UniOPC server, Remote Access for remote programming
and diagnostics, and DataXport for run-time data logging.
To learn how to use and program the controller, as well as use utilities such as
Remote Access, refer to the VisiLogic Help system.
Unitronics 1

V350-35-RA22 Installation Guide
i4 Automation Ltd - 01480 395256
Memory Storage
Data Tables
Additional product documentation is in the Technical Library, located at www.unitronics.com
the Unitronics’ Setup CD.
Technical support is available at the site, and from support@unitronics.com.
Micro SD card: store datalogs, Alarms, Trends, Data Tables; export to Excel;
backup Ladder, HMI & OS and use this data to ‘clone’ PLCs.
For more data, refer to the SD topics in the VisiLogic Help system.
Data tables enable you to set recipe parameters and create datalogs.
, and on
Standard Kit Contents
Vision controller Mounting brackets (x2)
I/O connectors (x2) Rubber seal
Battery (installed) 2 sets of key label slides
Programming cable + RS232 adapter Unitronics’ Setup CD
Danger Symbols
When any of the following symbols appear, read the associated information carefully.
Symbol Meaning Description
Danger The identified danger causes physical and property damage.
Warning The identified danger could cause physical and property damage.
Caution Caution Use caution.
Before using this product, the user must read and understand this document.
All examples and diagrams are intended to aid understanding, and do not guarantee operation.
Unitronics accepts no responsibility for actual use of this product based on these examples.
Please dispose of this product according to local and national standards and regulations.
Only qualified service personnel should open this device or carry out repairs.
Failure to comply with appropriate safety guidelines can cause severe injury or property damage.
Do not attempt to use this device with parameters that exceed permissible levels.
To avoid damaging the system, do not connect/disconnect the device when power is on.
Environmental Considerations
Do not install in areas with: excessive or conductive dust, corrosive or flammable gas,
moisture or rain, excessive heat, regular impact shocks or excessive vibration, in accordance
with the standards given in the product’s technical specification sheet.
Ventilation: 10mm space required between controller’s top/bottom edges & enclosure walls.
Do not place in water or let water leak onto the unit.
Do not allow debris to fall inside the unit during installation.
Install at maximum distance from high-voltage cables and power equipment.
2 Unitronics

Vision™ OPLC™
i4 Automation Ltd - 01480 395256
Panel Mounting
Before you begin, note that the mounting
panel cannot be more than 5 mm thick.
1. Make a panel cut-out measuring
92x92 mm (3.622”x3.622”).
2. Slide the controller into the cut-out,
ensuring that the rubber seal is in place.
3. Push the 2 mounting brackets into their
slots on the sides of the controller as
shown in the figure to the right.
4. Tighten the bracket screws against the
panel. Hold the bracket securely against
the unit while tightening the screw.
5. When properly mounted, the controller is
squarely situated in the panel cut-out as
shown in the figure to the right.
Unitronics 3