Unitronics UniStream Display, UniStream USL-050-B05, UniStream USL-070-B05 Installation Manual

Installation Guide: USL-050-B05, USL-070-B05
to downlo ad
This guide provides basic installation informati on f or UniStream® Display models. Displays are compatible wit h UniStream
Technical spe cifications may be d ownloaded from the Unit ronics website.
General Description
UniStream® Display models comprise re sist i ve color tou ch-screens th a t sup port VN C client, and are av ailable in d if f erent dimen sion s.
Via VNC, UniStream
PLCs can acce ss Displays to show HMI scree ns.
In add ition to H MI screens, Displays support UniApps™, a built-i n system that enab l es the user to a ccess communication setting s, and manage the device.
Exact fea tur es are detailed in the produ ct specification sheets.
Resistive Color Tou ch-screens 1 Built-in RJ45 Et hern e t port
1 USB host port for firmware updates.
General Features of the UniStream PLC Series
Unitronics’ UniS trea m PLC s are DIN-rail mount ed Programmable L og ic Controllers (PLCs) with a built-in I/O configuration.
The series is avail ab le in three versions: Pro, Standard, an d Basic. Note that a model number that includes:
B10 refers to Pro v ersion (e.g. U SC-B10-T24)
B5 refe rs to Stand a rd ve rsion ( e.g. U SC-B5-RA28)
B3 refers to Basic version ( e . g. only for USC-B3-T20)
Page 2 contains a compa rison table detaili ng the features offered by the different models.
Exact fea tur es are detailed in the produ ct specification sheets.
Power Features
Built-in Trends and Gauges, auto-tuned PID, d ata tables, dat a
sampling, and Recipes
UniApps™: Ac cess & edit data, monito r, troubleshoot & debug and
Security: Multi-leve l password protectio n Alarms: Built-in system, ANSI/ISA standards
COM Options
Built-in ports: 2 Ethernet , 1 USB host, 1 USB device port Add-on ports (UAC-CB), a vailable by separate order:
1 CANbus port may be added to all models
RS232/485 p orts : according to model t echnical specifications
COM Protocols
Fieldb us: CANopen, CAN Layer2, MODBUS, EtherNetIP and more.
Implement any serial RS232/ 4 85, T CP/IP, or CANbus thi rd-party protocols via Message Com poser
Advanced: SNMP Agent/Trap, e-mail, SM S, modems, GPRS/GSM,
FTP Server/Clie n t , W eb Serve r, SQ L, and M QTT.
Rem o te Access v ia any de vice that supports VNC .
UniStream® Display
Programming Software
All-in-One UniLogic software for h ardwa re configu rati on, commu n ica ti on s, PL C and H MI ap plications; f ree d ow nload.
HMI All UniStream® PLCs can display HMI screens on the following devices:
UniStream Display (USL)
UniStream Modular HMI p anel (USP)
UniStream Built-in (on the p anels integral to t he device)
Any devi ce screen t hat supports VN C
HMI scre e ns are de signe d in UniL ogic. In addition to the HM I scree ns, UniStream® PLCs offer built-in HMI features, including:
UniApps™: Acce ss & edit data, monitor, troubleshoot, debug, and more
Security: Multi-level password p rot e cti on
Alarms: Built-in system, ANSI/ISA standard s
USB Action files
Progra mmers can create files in UniLogic and sav e them to a U SB mass storage devi ce, such as a f l a sh drive. This e nables the e nd user t o implement certain actions such as to update firmware, update network
settings, downl oad app l ications, extract log files and mo re.
Differences between B10, B5, and B3
B10 Pro
B5 Standard
B3 Basic
I/O Expansion via Uni-I/O
Remote I /O Expansion via
Ethernet I/O Adapter (URB)
Up t o 8 1
Add-on COM mod ule s
System M e mory
Up t o 8
Ethernet/IP Scanners
Ethernet/IP Adapters
Web Serve r
SQL Client
PID L oops
2 Data S ampl e r/Trends
CSV files: creating / reading
No FTP, server/client
Saving D ata Tables to SD
Sendin g email attach ments
USB d e vice ( programming port) Yes No** * Note that B3 models do not support features requiring SD card s. In addit ion, Alarm
History is not retained af ter PLC reset.
** Note that B3 models ma y b e programmed only via Ethernet cable.
2 Unitronics
UniStream® Display
Before You Begin
Before installin g the device, th e user must:
Read and understand this document. Verify the Kit Contents.
Throughout this document, images based on the USL-050-B05 apply to all models.
Alert Symbols and General Restrictions
When any of the following symbols appear, read the associated information carefully.
Symbol Meaning Description
Danger The identified danger causes physical and property damage. Warning The identified danger could cause physical and property damage.
Caution Caution Use caution.
All examples and diagrams are intended to aid understanding, and do not guarantee
operation. Uni tronics acc e pts n o responsibility for actual use of this product based on these exampl es.
Please disp o se of this product a ccording to local a nd nati o nal stand ard s and regu lations.
This produ ct should be installed only by qualified per sonnel.
Failure to co mply with appropriate safety guidelines can cause seve re inju ry or
property damage.
Do not attempt to use this device with parameters that exceed permissible l evels.
Do not connect/disconnect the device when power is on.
Environmental Considerations
Ventilation: 1 0mm space is required between the d ev ice top/bottom edges and t h e
enclosure’s walls
Do not install in are as with: excessive o r c ondu ctive d ust, corrosive or flammable
gas, moisture or rain, exces si ve heat, re gular impact shocks or excessive vibration, in accord ance with t he standards and limitations given in the product’s technical speci fi ca tio n sheet.
Do not place in water or let water leak onto the unit. Do not allow debris to fall inside the unit during installat ion.
Install at maximum distance from hi gh-v olt ag e cables and power equip ment .
Kit Con tents
1 UniS trea m Display4 mounting brackets
1 panel mounting seal 2 panel supports, Display 7" only 1 power terminal b loc k
Unitronics 3
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