UniStream™ CPU-for-Panel
Installation Guide
Unitronics’ UniStream™ platform comprises control devices that provide rob us t, flexi b le
solutions for industrial automation.
This guide provides basic ins tallation information for the UniStream™ CPU-for-Panel.
Technical specific ations may be downloaded from the Unitronics website .
The UniStream™ platform
comprises CPU controller s , HMI
panels, and local I/O modules
that snap together to form an
all-in-one Programmable Logic
Controller (PLC).
Expand the I/O configuration
using a Local Expansio n Kit or
remotely via CANbus.
CPU-for-Panel CPUs are Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), the heart of the
UniStream™ platform.
The CPU-for-Panel cannot operate independently. It must be plugged
into the back of a UniStream™ HMI panel. The pane l provid e s the C PU ’s
power source. The CPU-for-Panel co mpr i ses:
IO/COM Bus connector for interfacing Uni-I/O™ & Uni-COM™ modules
Isolated RS485 and CANbus ports
Backup battery
HMI Panels
Available in
A high-resolution touc h screen pro vides the operator interface for the
system and the physical foundation fo r a PLC+ HMI+I/Os all-in-one
The DIN-rail struc tur e on the panel’ s back is des igned to phys ic ally
support a CPU-for-Panel co ntro ll e r , U ni-I/O™ and/or Uni-COM™
Each panel comprises:
AUX connector to support the CPU
1 audio-out 3.5mm jack
1 microSD slot
2 type A, USB host ports and 1 Mini-B USB device port
2 Ethernet ports, RJ45, 10/100 Mbps
1 power input connector, 12/24 VDC
I/O Options Integrate I/Os into your system by using:
On-board I/Os: snap onto the panel for an all-in-one configuration
Local I/O via a Local Expans i on Kit
Remote I/O via EX-RC1
All-in-one UniLogic™ sof twar e, for har dw are configuration,
communications, and HMI /PLC applic a tio ns , a v ai lab l e as a free
download from Unitronics web site.
Use of this product is subject to a Unitronics Controller License Agreement, a copy of which can be found at http://unitronics.com/unistream/Agreements/UniLic1.pdf

CPU-for-Panel Installation Guide
Before You Begi n
Before installing the dev ic e , the installe r must:
Read and understand this document.
Verify the Kit Contents
Note that the CPU-for-Panel is intend e d to be installe d o n the back of an HMI pane l.
Alert Symbols and General R e st rictions
When any of the following symbols appea r , re ad the assoc iated info rmation carefully.
Symbol Meaning Description
Danger The identified danger causes physical and property damage.
Warning T he i dentified danger could cause physical and property damage.
Caution Caution Use caution.
All example s and diagr am s are intend e d to aid unders tand i ng , and do not guarantee
operation. Unitro nic s accepts no responsibility for actual use of this produc t b ased o n
these examples.
Please d ispose of this pro d uc t accor ding to local and national standards and reg ulati o ns .
This prod uc t shoul d be install e d only by qualified personnel.
ailure to comply with appropriate s afe ty g uid e li ne s can cause sev ere injury or
property damage.
Do not a tte mpt to use this device with para me ter s that excee d per mi s s ib le leve ls .
Do not connect/dis conne c t the dev ic e whe n power is on.
Environmenta l Considera tions
entilation: 10mm (0.4”) of space is required between the device top/bottom edges
and the enclosure’s walls .
Do not install in are as with: exce ssive or conductive dust, corrosive or flammab le
gas, moisture or rain, excess ive he a t, regular impac t s hocks or excessive vibration,
in accordance with the standards and limitatio ns given in the product’s technical
specification sheet.
Do not place in water or let water leak onto the unit.
Do not allow debr is to fall ins ide the unit during installation.
Install at maxim um d i s tanc e from high-voltage cables and power equipment.

Kit Contents
1 CPU-for-Panel
1 lithium battery, 3V, CR2032.
The battery is installed; p ull out plastic tab
to activate it.
1 RS485 terminal block
1 CANbus terminal block
1 CANbus termination resistor
1 set of module numbering stickers.
Numbering instructio ns ar e in Uni-I/O™ &
Uni-COM™ module installation guides.
CPU-for-Panel Diagram
CPU-for-Panel Front and Rear View
2 Battery pull-tab
(remove during installatio n)
RS485 termination selection DIP switch
Battery compartment cover
4 IO/COM Bus connector, shipped
covered. Leave covered when not in
9 CPU connector to panel
Installation Space Considerations
Allocate space for:
The HMI Panel including the CPU and any module s that w ill be ins tal le d on it
Opening the doors of the CPU and modules
For exact dimensions, please refer to the Mechanical Dimensions shown below.