Alert Symbols and General Restrictions
When any of the following symbols appear, read the associated information carefully.
This product should be installed only by qualified per sonnel.
Do not connect/disconnect the device when power is on.
Uni-COM® CB Modules
Installation Guide
to download
This guide provide s bas ic installation information for Unitronics’ Uni-COM™ C B Modules.
Use th em to a dd co mmuni cation po rts to specif ic models of the UniSt ream
family of
Programmable Logic Controllers. Compatible models comprise a Uni-COM™ CB COM
Modu l e J ack which provide s the connection point for the module.
Refer to the specif ications of your UniStream model to check wh et h er it is compatible wit h
CB modules.
UAC-CB-01 RS2 offers one RS232 port, UAC-CB-01RS4 offers one RS485 port, and
UAC-CB-01 C AN off er s one CANbus port.
Technical specific at ions and In stallation Guides are available in Unitronics Technical Library
at www.unitronicsplc.com
Before You Begin
Before installing t h e device, the installer must:
Read and understand this document.
Verify the Kit Contents.
Symbol Meaning Description
Danger The identified danger causes physical and property damage.
Warning The identified danger could cause physical and property damage.
Caution Caution Use caution.
All examples and diagrams are intended to aid understanding, and do not guarantee
operation. Un i tronics accept s no responsi bil i ty for actua l use of thi s prod uct based on
these examples.
Ple ase dispose of t his prod uct a ccording to local and n a tional standards an d regulations.
Failure to comply with approp riate safety guideline s can cause severe injury or
property damage.
Do not att emp t to use this device with parameters that exceed p ermissible lev els.

UAC-CB-01RS2, UAC-CB-01RS4, UAC-CB-01CAN Installation Guide
Install at maxi mum di stance from hi gh-voltag e cables and p ower equ ipment.
Uni-COM™ CB Diagram
DIN-rail clips, Top and Bottom
These clips se cure the module t o t h e DIN-rail
leave covered wh en not in use
Environmental Considerations
Ventilation: 10mm (0.4”) of space is requi red between t h e d ev ice top /bottom edges
and the enclosure’s walls.
Do not instal l in areas with: excessive o r c ond uctive d ust, corrosive o r flammable
gas, moisture or rain, ex cessive hea t, regu l ar impact shocks or excessive vibration,
in accordance with the standards and limitations given in the product’s technical
specification sheet.
Do not place in water or let water leak onto the unit.
Do not allow d eb ris to fall inside the unit during installation.
Kit Contents
1 UAC-CB-01RS2 module 1 UAC-CB-01RS4 module
1 UAC-CB-01CAN module
2 COM Modu l e Plug
Plug this into the COM Module Jack located on a
3 Door Open door to allo w easy access to LEDs and DIP
4 Communication Port
The type of port depends upon the module
5 COM Modu l e Jack a n d cover This is the connection point for additional modules;
6 Communicati on LEDs Green. Refer to the device's technical spec ificat ions
7 DIP swi tches Use these to set RS485/CANbus network
2 Unitronics