Short-Range Local Expansion Kit
Installation Guide
Use a Short-Range Local Expansion Kit to expand your I/O configuration by connecting a
UniStream™ CPU controller to Uni-I/O™ modules located on a DIN-rail.
Short-Range Local Expansion Kits are available:
Without power supply
With power supply
This enables a single CPU to support a greater
number of modules
The kit is available with cables of differe nt le ng ths.
Note that the maximum number of modules supporte d
by a single CPU is provided in the CPU’s technic al
Before You Begi n
Before installing the dev ic e , the installe r must:
Read and understand this document and re late d tec hni c al spe c ifications and documents
in the Technical library section o f the Unitronics website.
Verify the Kit Contents.
Alert Symbols and General Restrictions
When any of the following symbols appea r , re ad the assoc iated information carefully.
Symbol Meaning Description
Danger The identified danger causes physical and property damage.
Warning The ident if i ed danger could caus e physical and property damage.
Caution Caution Use caution.
All example s and diagr am s are intend e d to aid unders tand i ng , and do not guarantee
operation. Unitro nic s accepts no responsibility for actual use of this prod uc t b ased o n
these examples.
Please d ispose of this pro d uc t accor ding to local and national standards a nd reg ulations.
This prod uc t shoul d be install e d only by qualified personnel.
Failure to comply with appropriate safety guid e line s can cause severe injury or
property damage.
Do not attempt to use this device with param e ters tha t excee d per mis s i b le level s .
Do not connect/dis conne c t the dev ic e whe n power is on.
Environmenta l Consider a tions
Ventilation: 10mm (0.4”) of space is required betwee n the devi ce top/bo ttom edges
and the enclosure’s walls.
Do not install in are as with: exce ssive or conductive dust, corrosive or flammable
gas, moisture or rain, excess ive he a t, regular impac t s hocks or excessive vibration,
in accordance with the standards and limitatio ns given in the product’s technical
specification sheet.
Do not place in water or let water leak onto the unit.

Short-Range Local Expansion Kit Installation Guide
2 Unitronics
Do not allow debr is to fall ins ide the unit during installation.
Install at maximum distanc e from high-voltage cables and power equipment.
Kit Contents
Local Expansion Base Unit
Local Expansion End Unit with
an integrated xxx cm cable.
1 √ -
Local Expansion End Unit with a
power supply and an integrated
DIN-rail clips, top and botto m
End Unit I/O bus connector
I/O Bus - Left side connector
10 Model-dependent:
UAG-XKPxxx power supply connector
UAG-XKxxx earth point connector
Installation Space Considerations
Allocate space for the B a se Unit and End Unit according to the dimens ions in the kit’ s
technical specifica tio ns . A l so, cons ider the space required to install and connect them, as
shown in the following Ins talla tio n ins tructions.
Turn off syste m power before conne c ting or disconnecting any modules or devices.
Use proper precautions to prevent Ele c tro -Static Discharge (ESD).
This kit enables you to connect a UniStream™ controller to a row of Uni-I/O™ modules
located on a DIN-rail. To do this, you must:
Connect the Base Unit to the last device installe d on the back of the HMI panel. This may
be the CPU-for-Panel, a Uni-COM™ module, or another Uni-I/O™ module.
Connect the End Unit to the first module in a row of Uni-I/O™ modules.
Link the End Unit into the Base Unit via the connecting c able.
If you are using a:
UAG-XKPxxx with power supply, connect it to a power source
UAG-XKxxx without power supply, earth it.