Unitron Quantum Slim Tube HE User Manual

Slim tube HE
Complete guide for Quantum products
Table of contents
Slim tube HE fitting...................................................................................1
Components of a slim tube HE hearing instrument..................................2
Slim tube HE sizes....................................................................................2
Measuring for an accurate slim tube HE length .......................................3
Attaching and removing domes................................................................4
Attaching and removing the slim tube HE ................................................5
Modifying the slim tube HE to improve fit................................................5
Positioning the hearing instrument on the ear.........................................6
Cleaning the slim tube HE and dome .......................................................7
Slim tube HE fitting
Thank you for choosing the slim tube HE option, designed to provide comfortable, non-occluding fittings with added high frequency emphasis.
Whether you are an experienced fitter of slim tube systems or new to this type of fitting, this guide will explain step-by-step how to assemble the parts of the system and fit the hearing instrument on your client. The guide will introduce you to the parts of the system, how to measure for the right tube length, choose the correct dome size, and how to attach the slim tube HE to the hearing instrument so you are ready to program in TrueFit
Warning to hearing healthcare professional: Domes should
never be fitted on clients with perforated eardrums, exposed middle ear cavities, or surgically altered ear canals. In the case of such a condition, we recommend to use a customized ear mold. In the unlikely case that any parts remain in the ear canal after the removal of the hearing instrument, contact a physician immediately.
Components of a slim tube HE hearing instrument
Use the diagram below to identify some of the components of a slim tube HE hearing instrument:
Legend 1 Threaded attachment 2 Hearing instrument 3 Slim tube HE 4 Dome 5 Retention piece
Slim tube HE sizes
Slim tube HE is available in four different lengths to meet the needs of your clients. The red or blue numeric code on the slim tube identifies the ear to which it belongs (blue = left ear; red = right ear) as well as the tube length. Refer to the following chart to identify the various slim tubes that are available:
Tube Length Code on Tube
Short 0 Medium 1 Long 2 Longest 3
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