Thank you
Thank you for choosing Unitron hearing aids.
At Unitron, we care deeply about people with
hearing loss. We work closely with hearing
healthcare professionals to make advanced,
purpose-driven solutions available to everyone.
Because hearing matters.

Your hearing aids
Hearing healthcare professional: _____________
Telephone: __________________________________
Model: ______________________________________
Serial number: _______________________________
Replacement batteries: Size 312
Warranty: ___________________________________
Program 1 is for: ______________________________
Program 2 is for: _____________________________
Program 3 is for: _____________________________
Program 4 is for: _____________________________
Date of purchase: _____________________________

Quick reference
Changing batteries Low battery warning
2 beeps every
30 minutes
(+) signs
on off open
Push button
switching programs
volume control; right aid=louder,
left aid=softer
comfort-clarity control; right aid=clarity,
left aid=comfort

Table of contents
Your hearing aids at a glance ...........................................................2
Putting your hearing aids on your ears ............................................4
Turning your hearing aids on and off ............................................. 6
Battery information ......................................................................... 8
Tips for wearing hearing aids for the first time .............................. 12
Operating instructions ................................................................... 14
Using the telephone...................................................................... 20
Caring for your hearing aids ...........................................................21
Cleaning your hearing aids ........................................................... 22
Signature features of your hearing aids ....................................... 26
Troubleshooting guide .................................................................. 29
Warnings ....................................................................................... 34
Warning to hearing aid dispensers
(to comply with the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) regulations) ............................................... 38
Compliance information ................................................................41
Client feedback ............................................................................. 43
Additional notes ............................................................................ 44

Your hearing aids at a glance
1 Earhook - your custom made earmold attaches to
your hearing aids using the earhook
2 Microphone - sound enters your hearing aids via
the microphones. Microphone shield - protects
microphones from dirt & debris
3 Push button - switches between listening
programs or changes the volume level or comfortclarity, depending on your customized fitting
4 Battery door/on & off - close the door to turn on
your hearing aids, partly open the door to turn off
your hearing aids. Opening the door all the way
gives you access to change the battery
5 Earmold - allows the sound to pass from the
hearing aids to the ear and holds the hearing aids
in place
6 Slim tube - sound travels down the slim tube to
the ear canal
7 Dome - holds the slim tube in place in your ear
8 Retention piece - helps prevent the dome and slim
tube from moving out of the ear canal

Putting your hearing aids on your ears
Your behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids may be
color-coded with a small dot on the battery door:
red = right ear; blue = left ear.
BTEs with earmolds
1. Hold the earmold between
your thumb and index finger.
The opening should be
pointing in towards your ear
canal with the BTE resting
upwards over the top of your
2. Carefully insert the earmold
in your ear. You may need
to twist it slightly to the
back. The earmold should
fit into your ear snugly and
comfortably. Pulling down
and back on your earlobe may help you insert
the earmold into your ear canal more easily.

3. Place the hearing aid over
the top of your ear.
BTEs with slim tubes
1. Place the hearing aid over
the top of your ear. The
slim tube should lie flush
against your head and not
stick out.
2. Hold the slim tube where it
attaches to the dome and
gently push the dome into
your ear canal.
3. Place the retention piece
in your ear so it rests at the
bottom of the opening of
your ear canal.

Turning your hearing aids on and off
Your hearing aids have a three-position battery
door that acts as an on/off switch and that
allows access to the battery compartment.
1. ON: Close the battery door
Note: It may take 5 seconds
before the hearing aid turns
on. Your hearing healthcare
provider can additionally
increase the start up delay if
2. OFF: Partially open the
battery door.

3. OPEN: Fully open the
battery door to access
and change the battery.
Note: When turning your hearing aid on and off
while it is on the ear, grasp the top and bottom
of the device with your index finger and thumb.
Use your thumb to open and close the battery

Battery information
To replace the battery, fully open the battery
door for access to the battery compartment.
Low battery warning
Two long beeps indicate the hearing aid battery
is low. After the low battery warning, you may
experience some reduction in sound quality.
This is normal and can be remedied by inserting
fresh batteries into the hearing aids.
If you are not able to hear the low battery
warning, your hearing healthcare professional
can change the pitch or loudness of the low
battery warning. If you prefer, it can be turned
off entirely.
Your hearing aids are designed to generate a
low battery warning every 30 minutes until you
change the batteries, but depending on the
condition of the batteries, they may die before
another low battery warning occurs. Therefore,
it is recommended that the batteries are
replaced as soon as possible once you hear the
low battery warning.

Replacing the battery
1. Gently swing out the battery
door with your fingernail.
2. Grasp the battery with your
thumb and index finger and
3. Insert the new battery into the
battery compartment with the
plus (+) sign on the battery
facing the same way as the
plus (+) sign on the side of the
battery door. This will ensure that the battery
door closes properly.
Note: If the battery is inserted incorrectly, the
hearing aid will not turn on.
4. Close the battery door.

Replacing the battery in hearing aids with a
tamper-resistant battery door
Some hearing aids have a tamper-
resistant battery door for safety
reasons. To replace the battery,
open the battery compartment
and push the locking piece back
inside the hearing aid using the tip
of a pen.
Remove the old battery. Insert a
new one with the plus (+) sign on
the battery facing the same way as
the plus (+) sign on the side of the
battery door. The new battery will
be secured when you close the
battery door.

Caring for batteries
Always discard batteries in a safe and
environmentally friendly way.
To prolong battery life, remember to turn your
hearing aids off when not in use.
Remove the batteries and keep the battery door
open while hearing aids are not in use. This will
allow internal moisture to evaporate.

Tips for wearing hearing aids for the first
1. Start in a quiet room at home first to get
used to the new sound quality. Sounds like
the ticking of a clock, the humming of the
computer, the beep of the microwave or the
rustling of clothes or paper may seem loud
to you at first, because you have not been
hearing them properly for a long time.
2. Read aloud to yourself and learn to correct
the volume of your own voice when you are
wearing the hearing aids.
3. Talk to different people and learn how to
distinguish between different sound patterns
4. It will take some time before you are
completely used to your hearing aids and can
fully enjoy the benefits.
5. Wear your hearing aids for as many hours a
day as you can, and for a little longer each