Era platform
products as
Moxi2 Kiss
Moxi2 Dura
Use this document as a guide to program a pair of Era™ platform wireless products as a
wireless CROS* or BiCROS using the Binaural Phone program.
In this example, the hearing instruments will be configured as a BiCROS fitting. The Right
ear is the unaidable ear and the Left ear is the better ear with a mild hearing loss.
Step 1
Detect the Hearing Instruments
Next, make the selections on the Acoustics & Accessories screens as appropriate. If
configured as a BiCROS, run the Feedback Manager on the better ear side, (in this case
the Left ear).
Step 2
Program Manager screen
• Add a Telephone or an Acoustic Telephone program
• Change program name to CROS or BiCROS if desired
• Uncheck the Easy-t box
*Technically, since the mic on the better side cannot be turned off in the software, these aids cannot be programmed as a true
CROS fitting. Gain for a normal hearing ear will be very low and therefore unnoticeable.