UNITRODE UC1852, UC2852, UC3852 Technical data

The UC1852 provides a low-cost so lution to active power-f actor corr ection (PF C) for systems that would otherwise draw high peak current pulses from AC power lines. This circuit implements zero-current switched boost conversion, producing sinusoidal input currents with a minimum of external components, while keeping peak current substantially below that of fully-discontinuous convert ers.
The UC1852 provides controlled switch on-time to regulate the output bulk DC voltage, an off-time defined by the boost inductor, and a zero-current sensing circuit to reactivate the switch cycle. Even though switching frequency var ies with both load and instantaneous line voltage, it can be maintained within a reasonable range to minimize noise generation.
While allowing higher peak switch currents than continuous PFCs such as the UC1854, this device offers less extern al circuitry and smaller inductors, yet better performance and easier line-noise filtering than discontinuous current PFCs with no sacrifice in complexity or c ost. The ability to obtain a power fact or in excess of
0.99 makes the UC1852 an optimum choice for low-cost applications in the 50 to 500 watt power range. Protect ion features of these devices include under-v oltage lockout, output clamping, peak-current limiting, and maximum-frequency clamping.
The UC1852 family is available in 8-pin plastic and ceramic dual in-line packages, and in the 8-pin small outline IC package (SOIC). The UC1852 is specified for operation from -55°C to +125°C, the UC2852 is specified for operation from -40°C to +85°C, and the UC3852 is specified for operation from 0°C to +70° C.
UC1852 UC2852 UC3852
High Power-Factor Preregulato r
This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer
Low-Cost Power Factor
Power Factor Greater Than 0.99
Few External Parts Required
Zero-Current Switching
Limited Peak Current
Min and Max Frequency Limits
Starting Current Less Than 1mA
High-Current FET Drive Output
Under-Voltage Lockout
D Package
Unless otherwise stated, VCC=2 4V, ISET=50k to GND, RAMP=1nF to GND, ISNS= –0.1V, VFB conne cted to COM P, no load on OU T, –5 5 °C<Ta<+125°C for the UC1852, –40°C<Ta<+85°C f or the UC2852, and 0 °C<Ta<+70°C for the UC3852, and Ta=Tj.
This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer
Supply Voltage (Lo w-im peda nce Sou rce )..........................30.0V
Supply Current (High-impedance Source)......................30.0mA
OUT Current, Peak.................. .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... ....±1.0A
OUT Energy, Capacitive Load................ .... .... .... .... ..... .... ...5.0 µJ
Input Voltage, ISNS............................................................±5.0V
Input Voltage, VFB.............................................–0.3V to +10.0V
COMP Current...............................................................±10.0mA
ISET Current............ .... ... .... .... . .... ... .... .... . .... ... .... .... . .... ..–10.0mA
Power Dissipation at T a≤25°C (Note 3) ..............................1.0W
Storage Temperature .......................................–65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperat ur e (Soldering, 10 Sec onds )...................+300°C
Note 1: All voltages with respe ct to GND (Pin 1). Note 2: All current s are posit iv e into the specif ied term inal. Note 3: Refers to DIL-8 Packa ge. Consu lt Packaging Sec tion of Unitrode Inte gra ted C ircuit s datab ook f or thermal lim ita tion s and consideratio ns of package.
Timer Sectio n
ISET Voltage 4.5 5.0 5.5 V RAMP Charge Current RAMP=2.5V 88 98 108 RAMP Discharge Current ISNS= –1.0V, RAMP= 1 .0V 12 28 50 mA RAMP Saturation Volt age RAMP Threshold - Maximum Fre quen cy VFB=10V, COMP open 0.92 1.02 1.12 V RAMP Threshold - PWM Comp ara tor 3.9 4.3 4.8 V
Current Sense Co mparator
ISNS Restart Threshold –18 –10 –4 mV ISNS Fault Thres hold –550 –45 0 –350 mV ISNS Input Current –100 –30 100
Error Amplifier Se cti o n
VFB Input Voltage 4.6 5.0 5.3 V VFB Input Bias Current –5.00 –0.03 5.00 COMP Sink Current COMP=7.5V 10 mA COMP Source Current COMP=2.5V –300 –175 –100 COMP Clamp Voltage VFB=0.0V, COMP open 9.2 10.0 10.6 V
OUT Output
OUT Saturation Voltag e High VCC=13V, I OUT Saturation Voltag e Lo w I OUT Saturation Voltag e Low @ 10m A I OUT Clamp Voltage I OUT Voltage during UVLO I
Overall Secti on
Inactive Supply Current VCC=10V 0.2 0.4 1.0 mA Active Supply Current 3.0 6.0 10.0 mA VCC Clamp Voltage ICC=25mA 30 33 36 V VCC Turn-On Threshold 14.5 16.3 17.5 V VCC Turn-Off Threshold 10.5 11.5 13.0 V VCC Threshold Hysteresis 3 5 7 V
ISNS= –1.0V, I
OUT=200mA, ISNS= –1.0V 0.5 1.6 2.2 V OUT=10mA, ISNS= –1.0V 0.05 0.40 V OUT= –200mA, RAMP=2V 10.0 12.0 14.5 V OUT=100mA, VCC=0V 0.5 1.0 2.2 V
OUT= –200mA, RAMP=2V 0.5 1.7 2.5 V
J or N Package
UC1852 UC2852 UC3852
0.006 0.200 V
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