UNI TRAQ GT-525 Technical Manual

Technical Manual
GPS Module Series Model: GT-525
Flash version
UniTraQ International Corp. All right reserved, © 2009
2F., No.136, Ziqiang S. Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 30264, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
UniTraQ International Corp. RoHS compliance.
2009, 04, Version 1.2
Version History
Date Version Description of change Author
2008-09-12 0.1 Original Victor
2009-01-21 1.1
Enhance Warm start performance
2009-04-06 1.2 Change New Address Julie
UniTraQ International Corp. RoHS compliance.
2009, 04, Version 1.2
1. Features………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………...1
2. Performance……………………………………………………………………………..…….…..……………….2
2.1 Receiver specification……………………………………………….…………………..…………………..2
2.2 Electric specification…………………………………….……………………………….…………………..3
2.2.1 Pin assignment……………………………………………..…...…………………….…………………..3
2.2.2 Absolute maximum ratings……………...………………………………………..…..………………... 3
2.2.3 DC electrical characteristics………………………………..……………………….…………………..4
2.2.4 GPS status indicator…………………………………...……..…………………………………………..4
2.3 Environment specification……………………….………………………….…….…….…………………..4
3. Communication specification……………………………………………………………….…………………..5
4. Connector…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...5
5. On board patch antenna…………...……………………………………………………………………………..6
6. Mechanic dimension………………………………………………………………………….…………………..7
7. Approved NMEA message…………………………………………….….……..………….……………………8
7.1 GGA – global positioning system fix data…………….………………………….…..…………………..8
7.2 GLL – latitude and longitude, with time of position fix and status……………….………………… ..9
7.3 GSA – GPS DOP and active satellites……………..….….….….…….…..….….………………………10
7.4 GSV – GPS satellite in view………….….….….…..….…..….….….….….….……….………………….11
7.5 RMC – recommended minimum specific GPS/transit data…………...….….…...…………………..12
7.6 VTG – course over ground and ground speed…………….….….……….……..….……………… ….13
7.7 ZDA – time and data…..….….….….….…..….….….….….….….….….…...….….….………………….13
Eastern Star 5 series GT-525
GPS Module
UniTraQ International Corp. RoHScompliance
2009, 04, Version 1.2
Build on SiRF startIII chipset
z 20 channels All-in-View tracking
z Low power consumption
z 200,000+ effective correlates for very
fast TTFF and high sensitivity
z High sensitivity for indoor fixes
z SBAS (WAAS and EGNOS) support
z Reacquisition time 0.1 second
z Build-in a lithium battery make GPS
fast positioning
z 18X18X4 patch antenna
z Compact board size 19X19X11mm for
easy integration onto mobile device
z Build on 18X18X4 patch antenna
z Integrate LNA with low power control
z Average Hot start time under 1sec
z Average Cold start time under 40sec
z RoHS compliance
Fast-Acquisition High-Sensitivity 20-Channel GPS Receiver Module
The GT-525 is a compact all-in-one GPS module solution intended for a broad range of Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) products, where fast and easy system integration and minimal development risk is required.
The GT-525 is a low-power star performers deliver top-notch accuracy, -159 dBm tracking, and track all satellites in view, setting the benchmark for real-time navigation, even through urban canyons and dense foliage. 200,000+ correlates—for fast and deep signal searches—into a new power-saving design, providing makers of portable and wireless devices with a low-power premium GPS solution
Both the LVTTL-level and RS232 signal interface are provided on the interface connector of the GT-525. Wide range power supply voltage form 3.0V to 5.5V is supported.
Eastern Star 5 series GT-525
GPS Module
UniTraQ International Corp. RoHS compliance
2009, 04, Version 1.2
Eastern Star 5 series GT-525
GPS Module
Parameter Specification
Receiver Type 20 channels
Re-acquisition sensitivity -155dBm
Tracking sensitivity -159dBm
Cold start sensitivity -142dBm
Receiver frequency 1575.42MHz
Code C/A code
(1) Horizontal
(2) Velocity
10 meters, 2D RMS
7 meters 2D RMS, WAAS corrected
Startup Time
hot start
warm start
cold start
< 1 sec
< 25 sec
< 40 sec
Signal Reacquisition 0.1sec Update Rate 1Hz (standard) Operational Limits
(1) Altitude
(2) velocity
< 60,000ft < 1,000knots
Datum WGS-84(Default) Protocol NMEA-0183 V2.2
Power supply 3.0V to 5.5VDC
Connector 1.0mm pitch, right angle, 6 pin wafer connector
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