USB GPS Receiver Series
Technical Manual
UniTraQ International Corp. All right reserved, © 2006
UniTraQ International Corp. RoHS compliance.
2007, Version 1.1
9F-2, No 158, Sec. 2, Gongdao 5th Rd., Hsinchu City 30070, Taiwan, R.O.C.
TEL:886-3-5710727 FAX:886-3-5751365

Eastern Star 7 series GT-3731R
GPS Receiver
1. Features…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...1
2. Specifications…………………………………………………………………………..…….…. ……………….2
3. GPS status indicator…………………………………………………………………………………………3
4. Communication specification……………………………………………………………….…………………..3
5. Environment specification………………………………………………….…….…….…………………..4
6. Pin assignment………………………………………………………………….…………………..4
7. Mechanic dimension…………………………………………………………………………………………….5
8. Customized package…………………………………………………………………………………………..5
9. Approved NMEA message…………………………………………….….……..………….………………….6
9.1 GGA – global positioning system fix data…………….………………………….….. ……………….6
9.2 GLL – latitude and longitude, with time of position fix and status……………… ………………..7
9.3 GSA - GPS DOP and active satellites…………….….….….….…….…..….….………………………..8
9.4 GSV - GPS satellite in view………….….….….….….…..….….….….….….……….………………….9
9.5 RMC – recommended minimum specific GPS/transit data…………. .….….…...…………………..10
9.6 VTG – course over ground and ground speed…………….….….….….……..….………………….11
9.7 ZDA – time and data…..….….….….….…..….….….….….….….….….…...….….….………………….11
9.8 Binary messages.….….….….….….…….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….………………….11
UniTraQ International Corp. RoHS compliance.
2007, Version 1.1

z 44 channels to acquire and track
satellites simultaneously
z Industry-leading TTFF speed
z Signal detection better than -158 dBm
z SBAS (WAAS/EGNOS) capable
z Cold start < 45sec
z Hot start < 1sec
z Accuracy 5m CEP
z USB Interface
z Easy-plug-in Notebook
z 49.8 mm x 43.7 mm x 17.6 mm
Eastern Star 7 series GT-3731R
GPS Receiver
Fast Acquisition Enhanced Sensitivity
44 Channels USB Interface GPS Receiver
The GT-3731R is a compact all-in-one GPS receiver that
continuously tracks all satellites in view and provides
accurate satellite positioning data.
Its 44 parallel channels and 20000+ correlators provide fast
satellite signal acquisition and short start-up time. Acquisition
sensitivity of -155dBm and tracking sensitivity of -158 dBm
offer good performance even under difficult environments.
The GT-3731R is optimized for applications requiring good
performance and low cost; it is suitable for a wide range of
handhelds, asset tracking, Notebook, PDA-centric personal
navigation system, and vehicle navigation products.
z RoHS compliance
UniTraQ International Corp. RoHS compliance.
2007, Version 1.1

Eastern Star 7 series GT-3731R
Parameter Specification
Receiver Typ e 44 channels
Re-acquisition sensitivity -155dBm
Tracking sensitivity -158dBm
Cold start sensitivity -137dBm
Receiver frequency 1575.42MHz
Code C/A code
GPS Receiver
(1) Position
(2) Velocity
Startup Time
hot start
warm start
cold start
Signal Reacquisition <1s
Update Rate 1Hz
Operational Limits
(1) Altitude
(2) velocity
Dynamics 4G (39.2m/sec2)
Datum WGS-84
Protocol NMEA-0183 V3.01
Serial Interface USB interface
5m CEP
< 1 sec
< 35 sec
< 45 sec
< 18,000m
< 500m/s
Input Volt age 5V ±5%
Power Consumption 180mW
Connector USB B-type 4P male connector with 1.8M cable
UniTraQ International Corp. RoHS compliance
2007, Version 1.1

Eastern Star 7 series GT-3731R
GPS Receiver
The GT-3731R provides GPS status indicator. LED On board shows fix or non-fix. In fix mode, the LED
will light for 1second and turn off for 1second. In another mode, the pin will light for 2 seconds and turn off for
2 seconds.
Item Description
Interface Full duplex serial interface
Bit rate 4800/9600bps
Start bit 1bit
Stop bit 1bit
Data bit 8bit
Parity none
Transmission dat a SACII NMEA0183 Ver:3.01
Update rate 1Hz
Output sentence GGA/GSA/GSV/RMC
UniTraQ International Corp. RoHS compliance
2007, Version 1.1