UniTraQ BT-5721, BT-5722 User Manual

Bluetooth GPS Receiver
Bluetooth GPS Receiver Series Model: BT-5721 / 5722
UniTraQ International Corp. All right reserved, © 2009
2F., No.136, Ziqiang S. Rd., Zhubei Cit y, Hsinchu County 30264, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL886-3-6578491 FAX886-3-6578492
UniTraQ International Corp.
RoHS compliance
2009, 04 Version 2.3
Bluetooth GPS Receiver
1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
2. Features………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
3. Specifications……………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
3.1 GPS Specifications…………………………………………………………………………………………...4
3.2 Bluetooth Specifications………………………………………………………………………………….…4
3.3 Power Specifications…………………………………………………………………………………….…..5
3.4 Output and Interface Specifications………………………………………………………………………5
3.4.1 Output protocol…………………………………………………………………………………………..5
3.4.2 Output format…………………………………………………………………………………….……….5
3.4.3 Data communication interface………………………………………………………………….……..5
3.4.4 External antenna connector…………………………………………………………………….……..5
3.5 Physical Specifications......................................................................................................................5
3.6 Other Specifications……………………………… ………………………………………………………….5
4. Accessories……………………………………………………………………………………………………...….6
4.1 Standard Accessories………………………………………………………………………………….…….6
4.2 Optional Accessory.………………………………………………………………………………………….6
5. Operations………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….7
5.1 Hardware Descriptions………………………………………………………………………………….…...7
5.2 Charging Battery…………………………………………………………………………………………..….8
5.3 Install USB driver (For BT-5722 only)…………………………………………………………………..…8
5.4 Bluetooth Connection……………………………………………………………………...……………......8
5.4.1 Laptop or Notebook……………………………………………………………………………………..8
5.4.1-1 BlueSoleil instructions 1:…………………………………………………………………….8-10
5.4.1-2 BlueSoleil Instructions 2:……………...……………………………………………………11-14
5.4.2 PDA or Smart Phone………………………………………………………………………………..15-17
6. GPS Testing Software………………………………………………………………………………………....…18
6.1 GPSView for Windows 2000/XP (PC or Notebook)………………………………………………….…18
6.1.1 Install GPS View for Windows 2000/XP.............................................................................18-20
6.1.2 Using GPSView for Windows 2000/XP.................................................................................21-22
6.2 Install GPSView for Win CE (PDA or Mobile Phone)………………………….……………...……....23
6.2.1 Installing the GPSView Software into Win CE Mobile Phone............................................23-25
6.2.2 Using GPSView Software (For Win CE Mobile Phone).......................................................25-26
6.3 Data log...............................................................................................................................................27
UniTraQ International Corp. RoHS compliance 2009, 04 Version 2.3
Bluetooth GPS Receiver
6.3.1 Set up Data Log..................................................................................................................27-28
6.3.2 Check the status of configure...........................................................................................28-29
6.3.3 Retrieve the content of Data Log......................................................................................29-32
6.3.4 Clear the Data Log..............................................................................................................32-33
Thank you for purchasing the high-performed BT-5 Bluetooth GPS Receiver. To manipulate the Bluetooth Receiver and GPS Software, please take the time to read through this user manual to understand the operating features.
Warning: If you choose to use the BT-5 Bluetooth GPS Receiver in a vehicle, it is the sole responsibility of the owner/operator of the BT-5 Bluetooth GPS Receiver to secure the GPS unit so that it will not cause damage or personal injury in the event of an accident. Do not mount the BT-5 Bluetooth GPS Receiver over airbag panels or in a place where the driver or passenger are likely to have an impact with it in an accident or collision.
Warning: If you choose to use the BT-5 Bluetooth GPS Receiver in a vehicle, it is the sole responsibility of the operator of the vehicle to operate the vehicle in a safe manner, maintain full surveillance of all driving conditions at all times, and never become distracted by the BT-5 Bluetooth GPS Receiver to the exclusion of safe operating practices. It is unsafe to operate the BT-5 Bluetooth GPS Receiver while you are driving. Failure by the operator of a vehicle equipped with the BT-5 Bluetooth GPS Receiver to pay full attention to operating the vehicle and road conditions while the vehicle is in motion could result in an accident or collusion with property damage and personal injury.
Caution: It is the users’ responsibility to use this product prudently. This product is intended to be used only as a travel aid and must not be used for any purpose requiring precise measurement of direction, distance, location, or topography.
Caution: The Global Positioning System (GPS) is operated by the government of United State, which is solely responsible for its accuracy and maintenance. The system i s su bject to changes which could affect the accuracy and performance of all GPS equipment. Although the BT-5 Bluetooth GPS Receiver is a precision electronic NAVigation AID (NAVAID), any NAVAID can be misused or misinterpreted and, therefore, become unsafe.
UniTraQ International Corp. RoHS compliance 2009, 04 Version 2.3
Bluetooth GPS Receiver
1. Introduction
BT-5 Bluetooth GPS Receiver is a mobile GPS receiver combined an advanced GPS receiver, a mini antenna and Bluetooth wireless technology together. It is the perfect solution for you seeking a compact and wireless GPS receiver that consumes low power and has a long ba ttery life with high gain. The BT-5721/5722 Bluetooth GPS Receiver is a total solution GPS receiver with Bluetooth, USB Interface and built-in rechargeable battery for time to first fix. BT-5721/5722 design is based external Bluetooth chipset and UniTraq’s GPS module with low power consumption.
This positioning application meets strict needs such as car navigation, mapping, surveying, security, agriculture and so on. Only clear view of sky and certain power supply are necessary to the unit, BT-5721/5722 contacts to other device via Bluetooth or USB device(BT-5722 only), and built-in recharge battery to keep almanacs and ephemeras data.
With low power consumption, the BT-5721/5722 tracks up to 65 satellites at a time, re-acquires satellite signals less than 1s and updates position data every second.
UniTraQ International Corp. RoHS compliance 2009, 04 Version 2.3
Bluetooth GPS Receiver
2. Features
Compatible with Bluetooth serial port profile (SPP) com pletely. Support USB interface make BT-5722 just like USB-mouse when user are using PC charging.
◆ 65 parallel satellite-tracking channels for fast acquisition and reacquisition. Support NMEA0183 V3.01 data protocol. Built -in 1000mAh Lithium-polymer battery inside makes BT-5721/5722 continue work to 8hr. Built -in rechargeable battery for supply power to internal SRAM keeping almanac and ephemeris
for time to first fix(TTFF). Four LED with four different colors which show the devices status. Provide MMCX connector for connecting active antenna to get better satellites signal reception. Built -in ceramic patch antenna inside.
UniTraQ International Corp. RoHS compliance 2009, 04 Version 2.3
Bluetooth GPS Receiver
3. Specifications
3.1 GPS Specifications
Parameter Specification
Receiver Type 65 channels Re-acquisition sensitivity -155dBm Tracking sensitivity -158dBm Cold start sensitivity -137dBm Receiver frequency 1575.42MHz Code C/A code Accuracy Position Velocity
5m CEP
0.1m/sec Startup Time hot start cold start
< 1 sec
< 35 sec Signal Reacquisition <1s Update Rate 1Hz Operational Limits (1) Altitude (2) velocity
< 18,000m
< 500m/s Dynamics 4G (39.2m/sec2) Datum WGS-84 Protocol NMEA-0183 V3.01
3.2 Bluetooth Specifications
Frequency range: 2.40~2.48GHz
Bluetooth Version: 2.0 Class: 2 (10m) Sensitivity: -80dBm Support Profile: serial port profile (SPP)
Stack: (4279) cyt_8unified_fl_bt2.0_22_0702091828_encr56 2007-02-09
UniTraQ International Corp. RoHS compliance 2009, 04 Version 2.3
Bluetooth GPS Receiver
3.3 Power Specifications
External Power: 5VDC/1A
Battery: 1000mAh Lithium-polymer battery for system
3.4 Output and Interface Specifications
3.4.1 Output protocol
Baud rate: 4800bps Data bit: 8 Parity: none Stop bit: 1
3.4.2 Output format
3.4.3 Data communication interface
Bluetooth 2.0 with SPP profile
USB interface (for BT-5722 only)
3.4.4 External antenna connector
MMCX type/3.3V output
3.5 Physical Specifications
Size:80×60×10 mm
Weight: 154g
Operation temperature: -20 ~+60℃℃
Storage temperature: -40 ~+80℃℃ Operation humidity: 5% to 95% no condensing
3.6 Other Specifications
LED indicators Bluetooth/GPS/Low battery and charging status.
UniTraQ International Corp. RoHS compliance 2009, 04 Version 2.3
Bluetooth GPS Receiver
4. Accessories:
4.1 Standard Accessories
1. GPSView Software & User Manual CD
2. Anti Slip Car Pad
4.2 Optional Accessories:
1. Travel Charger
2. USB cable
3. Car Charger
UniTraQ International Corp. RoHS compliance 2009, 04 Version 2.3
Bluetooth GPS Receiver
5. Operations:
5.1 Hardware Descriptions:
1.Built-in Antenna
2.LED Lights (For 5722)
Red light: Being charging battery Blue light(flashing): Waiting for Bluetooth connection Blue light: Being receiving Bluetooth signal Green light (continuously) : not fixed Green light (flashing, 1 second on/1 second off) : Position fixed
LED Lights (For 5721) Green light (continuously): Being charging battery Green light (flashing ) Out of charge Blue light (continuously): Waiting for Bluetooth connection Blue Light(flashing) : Receiving blue tooth signal Red light (flashing, 2 second on/1 second off) : Waiting for the position fix Red light (flashing, 1 second on/1 second off) : Position Fixed
3.The Power Button
Turns the unit on and off
UniTraQ International Corp. RoHS compliance 2009, 04 Version 2.3
Bluetooth GPS Receiver
5.2 Charging Battery:
You can use car charger to connect BT-5 Bluetooth GPS Receiver with battery of car, or use travel charger to connect with an outlet. When battery is been charging, the red LED on the GPS receiver lights continuously.
5.3 Install USB driver (For BT-5722 only)
users can find the USB driver on the attached CD, the USB driver can be installed for Microsoft Windows, and XP system. User can easily install USB driver, the USB driver can automatically install the driver when user execute it.
5.4 Bluetooth Connection
5.4.1 Laptop or Notebook
5.4.1-1 BlueSoleil instructions 1:
Please click the program on desktop and the window below will appear.
Please click “Search Devices”
UniTraQ International Corp. RoHS compliance 2009, 04 Version 2.3
Bluetooth GPS Receiver
Bluetooth devices nearby will be searched. Please select “BTGPS” among them.
Please click “Search Services”
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