5.5 Performing Tests in compliance with
DIN VDE 0751, Part 1 (Edition 2001-10)
DIN VDE 0751 stipulates the requirements for the
electrical safety on medical, electrical instruments
or systems. Mention is made here regarding tests
and limit value for tests prior to commissioning, during repair, changes, modifications, or repetition
tests on medical instruments.
When performing measurements prior to commissioning, the first measured values must be determined and documented whilst indicating the measurement procedure. This documentation will be
used as reference for future measurements (source: translated from DIN VDE 0751, Part 1:2001-10,
Section 4.2).
When performing measurements for repetition
tests, the measured values must be documented
whilst indicating the measurement procedure. The
values must then be evaluated. If the leakage current measurement values exceed factor 0.9 of the
admissible values, the first measurement values are
to be taken as reference for evaluation (please refer
to DIN VDE 0751, Part 1:2001-10, Section 4.3).
The test sequence is as follows:
1.) Inspection
- fuse insert parts, accessible from outside, for current values and characteristics
- inscriptions
- does the mechanical condition allow further and
safe use
- no safety-impairing damages or pollutions
- also check and assess accessories used (e.g.
mains cable) or one-off parts (patient cable, tubes)
- required documentation availabe and complete
2.) - Measurement of protective earth conductor
resistance (for instruments pertaining to protection class I)
The limit value is:
- 0.3 Ω for instruments with fixed mains connection (or for instruments with removable
mains connection cable at the instrument, together with the mains connection cable)
- 0.2 Ω for instruments with removable mains
connection cable (between the protective earth
contact of the instrument plug and the conductible and touchable parts).
- 0,1 Ω only for the removable mains connection cable.
3) - Measurement of leakage currents
The leakage current measurement for instruments pertaining to protection class I, may
only be performed once the protective earth
conductor test has been successful.
Measurement has to be made of instrument and patient leakage currents, whereby the following measurement procedures may be used:
- Measurement of the auxiliary leakage current
- Direct measurement of the leakage current
- Measurement of the leakage current in complian-
ce with the differential current procedure
3a.) Measurement of the auxiliary instrument lea-
kage current in compliance with Figure 6.21
and Figure 6.22 (or Figure C4 of DIN VDE
3b.) Measurement of the auxiliary patient leakage
current in compliance with Figure 6.25 and Figure 6.26 (or Figure C7, C8, and C9 of DIN VDE
3c.) Measurement of the instrument leakage cur-
rent during instrument operation (measurement in compliance with Figure C5, C6 of DIN
VDE 0751).
3d.) Measurement of the patient leakage current du-
ring instrument operation (measurement in
compliance with Figure C8, C10 of DIN VDE
Performing Tests in compliance with DIN VDE 0751