United Technologies Electronic Controls CCITC01B User Manual

SYSTXCCITC01 ---B Infinityr System Control
Owner’s Manual
NOTE: Read the entire instruction manual before starting the installation.
The features and functions outlined in this Owner’s Manual reflect Version 1.0 software. See the Downloads section of www.MyInfinityTouch.Carrier.com latest software release and literature.
for the
INTRODUCTION 1................................................
HOME SCREEN 1.................................................
Information Displayed 1...........................................
Wi--Fi Connectivity 2.............................................
Information Buttons 4.............................................
MAIN SCREEN 5.................................................
System Mode 5..................................................
Set Day and Time 6..............................................
Adjust Temperature (Temporary Hold) 6..............................
Adjusting Comfort Activities 6.....................................
Adjusting Heating 7..............................................
Adjusting Cooling 7..............................................
Adjust Temperature (Permanent Hold) 8..............................
Adjusting Comfort Profiles 8.......................................
Adjusting Heating 8..............................................
Adjusting Cooling 9..............................................
FEA TURES 11....................................................
Adjust Fan Speed 11..............................................
View Current Humidity Level 11....................................
MENU SCREEN 12................................................
Comfort Profiles 12..............................................
Home Humidity Control 14........................................
Home Fresh Air Control 16........................................
Away Humidity Control 17.........................................
Away Fresh Air Control 18.........................................
Vacation Humidity Control 19......................................
Vacation Fresh Air Control 20......................................
SCHEDULES 22..................................................
View or Edit Schedule 22..........................................
Guided Scheduling 23............................................
Upload My Schedule 25...........................................
VA C AT IO N 2 7...................................................
REMINDERS 29..................................................
OPERATING STATUS 30...........................................
Accessories Status 31.............................................
Temperature Control Status 31.....................................
DISPLAY 33.....................................................
Temperature Units 33.............................................
Backlight Levels 34..............................................
Sound Settings 35................................................
Screen Saver Settings 35..........................................
Activate Screen Lock 36...........................................
ENERGY TRACKING 3 7...........................................
TIME / DATE 39..................................................
Set Time and Date 39.............................................
Manually Adjust Time and Date 39..................................
Setup Daylight Savings Time 40....................................
Setup Time Zone 41..............................................
Enable Time Synchronization 41....................................
SERVICE 42.....................................................
Service Information 43............................................
Service Reminder Update 43.......................................
Software Upda te 43..............................................
Updating Software Using Micro SD Card 44...........................
Updating Software Using Wi--Fi 46..................................
Model / Serial Numbers 48.........................................
PHOTO UPLOAD 49...............................................
HEAT SOURCE (IF APPLICABLE) 50.................................
ZONE NAMES (IF APPLICABLE) 51.................................
Home Automation System Interface (If Applicable) 51...................
WIRELESS 52...................................................
Wi--Fi Diagnostics 60.............................................
WEATHER 61....................................................
Utility Event 62.................................................
Price Response 63...............................................
Price Settings 63.................................................
Demand Response 64.............................................
Demand Settings 65..............................................
Response Limits 65..............................................
Restore UE Factory Default Settings 66...............................
STATEMENT INFORMATION 67....................................
FCC Interference Statement 67......................................
CONGRATULATIONS! Your decision to choose the InfinityR System Control puts you in a select group of homeowners who understand the value of precise comfort Control and appreciate the simplicity of an easy--to --use, intuitive, Control.
Your new Infinity System Control offers high quality comfort technology. Please take a few moments to carefully read through this manual. Next set up a comfort profile and schedule that makes sense for your lifestyle; then relax and enjoy the new comfort of your home!
Information Displayed
The information displayed on the home screen will appear when there has been no interaction with the Infinity System Control for at least two minutes. The basic information displayed on the Home Screen consists of the current date and time, the room temperature (zone temperature if applicable), the outdoor temperature (if applicable), and current weather condition. Connectivity status to the home Wi--Fi network and the MyInfinity Server will also be displayed on the Home Screen. Note: You must have Wi--Fi enabled for the indicator to appear.
If you have uploaded a photo to the Control (see Pg. 49), it will be displayed until you touch the display. You will then be taken to the Home Screen.
A dot next to the zone name is shown to indicate if the room is sensed to be occupied. If the dot is gray, the room is not sensed to be occupied. If the dot is blue, there is motion in the room and occupancy is being determined. If the dot is green, the room has sensed to be occupied.
Wi--Fi Connectivity Status
Connectivity status to the home Wi--Fi network and MyInfinity Server is displayed in the top right hand corner of the Home Screen.
When the Infinity System Control is connected to the home Wi--Fi network and the MyInfinity Server, the signal strength bars will be displayed in white as depicted in the image above. Connection strength to the home Wi--Fi network will be indicated by the number of solid white bars displayed.
Strong Connection
Limited Connection No Connection
S Pressing on the Connectivity Status bars from the Home Screen will
allow you to view the Remote Access Status screen.
S NOTE: If the Infinity System Control is not connected to the home
network, a red “X” will appear over the strength bars. If the Infinity System Control is connected to the home Wi--Fi network but loses con­nection to the MyInfinity Server, a triangle will appear over the strength bars as depicted in the image below. Connection strength to the home Wi--Fi network will continue to be displayed by the number of solid bars. If this problem persists, please contact 1--800 --Carrier for assis­tance.
S Pressing on the Connectivity Status bars from the Home Screen will
allow you to view the Remote Access Status screen.
Information Buttons
On the bottom of some screens will be an information icon. By pressing the information icon, a text box will display to show what interactions are available on that particular screen. To close the text box, touch the text box.
The Main Screen is where most interactions will take place. Touch anywhere on the Home screen to arrive at the Main Screen.
System Mode
Once in the Main Screen,
S To access your system mode touch the MODE label located in the upper
right of the Control.
S The drop--down menu will allow you to choose between AUTO, HEAT,
COOL, FAN ONLY and OFF, depending on the equipment installed in your system.
S If OFF is selected your system will not Control temperatures, humidity,
or fan.
S If AUTO is selected, the Infinity System Control automatically switches
between heating and cooling to maintain your comfort during transition­al seasons.
NOTE: AUTO mode is intended to switch between heating and cooling modes based on temperature demand. A gradual auto transition is the energy--conscious default that will satisfy the majority of customers. Some customers might have significant and simultaneous heating and cooling demands in different zones. To address this need, a special simultaneous heating and cooling demand auto mode could be enabled by the Installer. When the feature is enabled and AUTO mode is selected, the simultaneous heating and cooling demand auto mode will alternate between heating and cooling, depending on demand, every half hour. This may result in higher energy usage but provide the benefit of greater comfort. Your installing contractor is able to enable this feature, if desired. (This feature is only available with zoned systems).
S If HEAT is selected then the Infinity System Control operates only the
heating system.
S If COOL is selected then the Infinity System Control operates only the
cooling system.
S If FAN ONLY is selected, then the Infinity System Control operates the
indoor fan but heating, cooling, humidification or dehumidification will not take place.
Set Day and Time
S To set the day and time for your home screen enter the Main Screen by
touching anywhere on the Control.
S Touch the DAY and TIME label located at the top middle of the screen
or access by going through the menu screen (see Pg. 39).
S To se t the HOUR, MINUTE, MONTH, DAY,orYEAR touch the fea-
ture you wish to change.
S Use the Up (Y) and Down (B) buttons to make the appropriate
S When you have completed all of the settings, touch SAVE. S If you make a mistake you may touch CANCEL and begin again.
Adjust Temperature (Temporary Hold)
The Infinity System Control allows you to temporarily override your programmed schedule by adjusting the indoor temperature at any time to meet your needs.
Adjusting Comfort Profiles (See Comfort Profiles on Pg. 12)
S To adjust the comfort activity, enter the Main Screen by touching any-
where on the Control.
S Touch the activity/top button under the Touch ’N’ Go
left side of the screen; then select the desired activity of HOME, AWAY, SLEEP,orWAK E .
feature on the
S Use the Up (Y) and Down (B) buttons to change the time to temporar -
ily hold the desired temperature in 15 minute increments.
S When the correct time interval is displayed, touch DONE. S To return to the scheduled program, touch HOLD UNTIL,andthen
Adjusting Heating
NOTE: If OFF is selected, the Heat, Cool, Auto and Fan Only will not be available.
When changing from the OFF mode to Heat, Cool, Auto, or Fan Only, it is normal for the system to run the blower for a minute or two. During this time, the system is determining the filter usage amount. This feature is part of the system design and cannot be turned off.
S To adjust the heating temperature, enter the Main Screen by touching
anywhere on the Control.
S With the system in either AUTO or HEAT mode, use the Up (Y)and
Down (B) buttons to set the desired temperature.
S On the left hand side of the screen, the comfort profile will switch to
manual, and the system will be placed in a temporary hold.
S Use the Up (Y) and Down (B) buttons to change the time to temporar -
ily hold the desired temperature in 15 minute increments.
S When the correct time interval is displayed, touch DONE. S To return to the scheduled program, touch HOLD UNTIL,andthen
Adjusting Cooling
S To adjust the cooling temperature, enter the Main Screen by touching
anywhere on the Control.
S With the system in either AUTO or COOL mode, use the Up (Y)and
Down (B) buttons to set the desired temperature.
S On the left hand side of the screen, the comfort profile will switch to
manual, and the system will be placed in a temporary hold.
S Use the Up (Y) and Down (B) buttons to change the time to temporar -
ily hold the desired temperature in 15 minute increments.
S When the correct time interval is displayed, touch DONE. S To return to the scheduled program, touch HOLD UNTIL,andthen
Adjust Temperature (Permanent Hold)
The Infinity System Control allows you to permanently override your programmed schedule by adjusting the indoor temperature at any time to meet your needs.
Adjusting Comfort Profiles (See Comfort Profiles on Pg. 12)
S To adjust the comfort activity, enter the Main Screen by touching any-
where on the Control.
S Touch the activity under the Touch ’N’ Go
the screen; then select the desired activity of HOME, AWAY, SLEEP, or WA K E .
S Touch the HOLD UNTIL button, then touch HOLD. S To return to the scheduled program touch HOLD, and then touch PER
feature on the left side of
Adjusting Heating
S To adjust the heating temperature, enter the Main Screen by touching
anywhere on the Control.
S With the system in either AUTO or HEAT mode, use the Up (Y)and
Down (B) buttons to set the desired temperature.
S On the left hand side of the screen, the comfort profile will switch to
S Touch the HOLD UNTIL button, then touch HOLD.
S To return to the scheduled program, touch HOLD, and then touch PER
Adjusting Cooling
S To adjust the cooling temperature, enter the Main Screen by touching
anywhere on the Control.
S With the system in either AUTO or COOL mode, use the Up (Y)and
Down (B) buttons to set the desired temperature.
S On the left hand side of the screen, the comfort profile will switch to
S Touch the HOLD UNTIL button, then touch HOLD. S To return to the scheduled program, touch HOLD, and then touch PER
NOTE: For Multi--Zone Applications (Temporary and Permanent Hold options)
S For added convenience in a multi--zone application, the Touch ’N’ Go
feature will also allow you select the desired activity of HOME or AWAY for ALL ZONES.
S Once you have selected the desired activity for ALL ZONES, you will
have the option to either permanently (HOLD) or temporarily (HOLD UNTIL) override your programmed schedule.
d Selecting the HOLD option will permanently override your pro-
grammed schedule until you CANCEL ALL ZONES.
d Selecting the HOLD UNTIL option will allow you to temporarily
override your programmed schedule.
d Once selected, use the Up (Y) and Do wn (B) buttons to change the
time in 15 minute increments.
d When the correct time interval is displayed, touch DONE.
Adjust Fan Speed
The Features function of Infinity System Control allows you to adjust the fan speed during continuous fan operation.
S To adjust the fan speed, enter the Main Screen by touching anywhere on
the Control.
S Touch FEATURES on the top left of the screen. S A drop down menu will appear. Touch FAN selection. S Use the Up (Y) and Down (B) buttons to set the fan to AUTO, LOW,
MEDIUM or HIGH, then touch SAVE. In zoned systems, the activity settings will apply to the selected zone only.
S For zoned systems, the selected fan speed will apply to the zone current-
ly displayed in the HOME and MAIN.
View Current Humidity Level
The Features function of Infinity System Control allows you to view the current humidity level within the conditioned space.
S Enter the Main Screen by touching anywhere on the Control. S Touch FEATURES on the top left of the screen. S In the drop down menu you will see your measured humidity levels
within the conditioned space.
Your menu screen offers more features and Control for your Infinity System Control. Touch the menu button at the bottom right of the Main Screen.
Comfort Profiles
You will need to set the comfort profiles before you attempt to program your new Infinity System Control.
S The COMFORT PROFILES button includes settings for Temperature
and Fan Profiles, Humidity and Fresh Air Profiles, as well as Window Protection Setup.
S Set your desired heating and cooling temperatures and your fan setting
using the TEMPERATURE AND FAN PROFILES for each activity. In zoned systems, the activity settings will apply to the selected zone only.
d For example to change your HOME comfort profile, touch the
HOME icon.
d Use the Up (Y) an d Down (B) buttons to change the fan settings,
heating and cooling temperatures. When you are done, press the DONE button on the bottom right.
d Do the same thing to change the WA K E and SLEEP profiles.
d The AWAY profile provides an extra feature called Advanced
Smart Setback. It allows the Infinity System to dynamically deter­mine the away temperature automatically to save the most amount of money, yet reach your comfort settings when you return home. Advanced Smart Setback may Control the temperature somewhere in between the Away temperature limits. This is normal and is intended to prevent excessive energy use.
d Use the Up (Y) an d Down (B) buttons to change the fan settings
and temperature settings. The temperature settings are the range in which you choose to keep your home conditioned while you are away. The Advanced Smart Setback function will maintain your temperature within this range.
S Set your desired humidity and fresh air (if applicable) using the HU-
Home Comfort Profile Humidity Co n trol
S Touch WHEN AT HOME to set your humidity settings while the home
is occupied to enjoy superior comfort.
S If you have a humidifier installed for your system, touch HEATING
HUMIDITY to set the desired humidity level within the home.
d You will have the option to turn ON or OFF your humidifier from
this screen.
d Once your Humidifier is turned ON, use the Up (Y) and Down (B)
buttons to set the desired humidity level between 5--45%.
d Press SAVE when finished, or CANCEL to discard any changes.
S Next, select your desired humidity level during cooling by touching
d Use the Up (Y) an d Down (B) buttons to set the desired dehumidi-
fication level between 46--58%.
d Touch YES or NO for the system to over--cool the conditioned
space by up to 3º F to remove as much humidity out of the air as possible. The system will not over--cool past 70F.
d Press SAVE when finished, or CANCEL to discard any changes.
Home Comfort Profile Fresh Air Control
S If a ventilator is installed in your home, select the amount of fresh air to
circulate during heating mode by touching Heating Fresh Air.
NOTE: This option may not be available with the ERVXXNVA ventilator due to its simplified Control design.
S You will have the option of choosing among AUTO, MANUAL,or
NOTE: This option may not be available with the ERVXXNVA ventilator due to
its simplified Control design.
d The AUTO setting will allow the user to choose the maximum fresh
air that the ventilator will provide. Selections are Low, Medium or High. In Auto, the ventilator will run continuously, unless the out-
door temperature approaches 0F or 100F. At those temperatures, it will turn off.
d The MANUAL setting allows you to select the percentage of fresh
air to supply your home. In the MANUAL mode, there are several selections available: Off, Low 25%, Low 50%, Low 75%, Low 100%, Medium, and High. The percent values are percent of an hour.
d Use the Up (Y) an d Down (B) buttons to set the desired ventilator
speed level.
d Press SAVE when finished, or CANCEL to discard any changes.
S If applicable, next select the amount of fresh air to circulate during cool-
ing mode by touching COOLING FRESH AIR. Again, you will have the option of choosing among AUTO, MANUAL and OFF.
d Use the Up (Y) an d Down (B) buttons to set the desired ventilator
speed level.
d Press SAVE when finished, or CANCEL to discard any changes.
Away Comfort Profile Humidity Control
You may wish to have different humidity settings when you’re away. Press the Menu area on the Main Screen to access the additional menu selections. Select Comfort Profiles, then select Humidity and Fresh Air Profiles option.
S Touch AWAY to set your humidity settings while you are away from
home to save the most amount of energy.
S If you have a humidifier installed for your system, touch HEATING
HUMIDITY to set the desired humidity level when you are away from
d Use the Up (Y) an d Down (B) buttons to set the minimum humidi-
ty level between 5%--45%.
d Press SAVE when finished, or CANCEL to discard any changes.
S To set the desired humidity level during cooling, touch COOLING
d Use the Up (Y) an d Down (B) buttons to set the maximum dehu-
midification level at NONE or between 55 --65 %.
d Touch YES or NO for the system to over--cool the conditioned
space by up to 3_ F to remove as much humidity out of the air as possible.
d Press SAVE when finished, or CANCEL to discard any changes.
Away Comfort Profile Fresh Air Control
You may wish to have different Fresh Air profiles for when you’re away. Press the menu area on the Main Screen to access the additional menu selections. Select Comfort Profiles, then select Humidity and Fresh Air Profiles option.
S Touch AWAY to set your fresh air settings while you are away from
S If a ventilator is installed in your home, select the amount of fresh air to
circulate during heating mode by touching HEATING FRESH AIR.
NOTE: This option may not be available with the ERVXXNVA ventilator due to its simplified Control design.
d You will have the option of choosing between AUTO, MANUAL,
or OFF.
d The AUTO setting will allow the system to choose the fresh air
setting in a range of Low, Medium or High, as selected by you.
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