United Technologies Electronic Controls User Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
EvolutionR Connext Control
Installation Instructions
NOTE: Read the entire instruction manual before starting the installation.
NOTE: Please refer to the literature provided with the connected HV AC equipment
for more d et ai l s on system operations with specific pieces of equipment .
The features and functions outlined in the Installation Instructions reflect V ersion 1
software. See the Evolution Connex product page on the HVACPartners.com website or
the Downloads section of the www. M yEvolutionConnex.Bryant.com
latest software release and literature.
US Patents: Carrierr U.S. Pat No. 7,243,004, Carrierr U.S. Pat No. 7,775,452,
pointSE Tt U.S. Pat No. 7,415,102
NOTE: See the Owner’s Manual for information regarding software upgrades.
1.Safety Considerations
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service, maintenance, or use can cause
explosion, fire, electrical shock, or other conditions which may cause death,
personal injury or property damage. Consult a qualified installer, service agency or
your distributor or branch for information or assistance. The qualified installer or
agency must use factory --authorized kits or accessories when modifying this HVAC
system. Refer to the individual instructions packaged with the kits or accessories
when installing.
Follow all safety codes. W ear safety glasses, protective clothing, and work gloves.
Have a fire extinguisher available. Read these instructions thoroughly and follow
all warnings and cautions included in literature and attached to the unit. Consult
local building codes and the current edition of the National Electrical Code (NEC)
NFPA 70. In Canada, refer to the current editions of the Canadian Electrical Code
CSA C22.1.
Recognize safety information. When you see this symbol
instructions or manuals, be alert to the potential for personal injury. Understand the
signal words DANGER, WARNING,andCAUTION. These words are used with
the safety--alert symbol. DANGER identifies the most serious hazards, which will
result in severe personal injury or death. WARNING signifies hazards, which could
result in personal injury or death. CAUTION is used to identify unsafe practices,
which may result in minor personal injury or product and property damage. NOTE
is used to highlight suggestions which will result in enhanced installation,
reliability, or operation.
on the unit and in
The Evolutionr System consists of several intelligent communicating components
which include the Evolutionr Connex Control (or User Interface), variable speed
furnace or FE fan coil, 2--stage AC and HP, (including Geothermal units),
multi--stage AC and HP, variable capacity HP and AC units, and Evolution Connex
System Package units which continually communicate with each other via a
four--wire connection called the ABCD bus. Commands, operating conditions, and
other data are passed continually between components over the ABCD bus. The
result is a new level of comfort, versatility, and simplicity.
All Evolution System furnaces or fan coils are variable-- speed and multi stage for
maximum flexibility, efficiency, and comfort. They support controlled ventilation,
humidification, dehumidification, and air quality control. Either an Evolution
System (communicating), or a standard single--stage 24VAC controlled outdoor unit
may be used.
When using conventional single-- stage outdoor units, the Evolution System furnace
or fan coil provides the 24 volt signals needed to control them. When using
multi--stage conventional outdoor units or heat pumps, an Evolution System
Network Interface Module or ”NIM” (P/N SYSTXBBNIM01) may be required to
provide additional control outputs. Also, the NIM allows connection of a Bryant
HRV or ERV without the need for separate wall control.
When using a Bryant HRV or ERV with a zoned system, the Evolution System Zone
board allows connection of a Bryant HRV or ERV without the n eed for separate
wall co ntrol o r NIM.
All system components are controlled through the wall mounted Evolution Connex
Control, which replaces the conventional thermostat and provides the homeowner
with a single wall control for all features of the system.
3.Quick Start
NOTE: See Section 4 for installation instructions.
3.1.Set Time and Date
The time and date can either be set manually or can be synchronized with the web
server (only for Wi-- Fi enabled units). From the main screen, touch MENU,onthe
bottom of the control. The TIME/DATE icon will bring up the time and date menu.
3.1.1. Manually Adjust Time and Date
d To set t h e HOUR, MINUTE, MONTH, DAY, or YEAR touch the feature
you wish to change.
d Use the Up (Y) and Down (B) buttons to make the appropriate changes.
d When you have completed all of the settings touch SAVE.
3.1.2. Setup Time Zone
The time zone can be selected by selecting the set time zone from the menu. Then
select the time zone for the location. Time zones for both US and Canada are
3.1.3. Enable Time Synchronization
For Wi-- Fi®capable Evolution Connex Controls, after setting up the time zone, the
time synchronization can then be done, after connection to the Internet server. Both
setting the time zone and enabling time synchronization must be done in order to
enable time synchronization.
3.2.Set Dealer Information
From the main screen, touch MENU, on the bottom of the control, then Down (B)
button so that the SERVICE icon is shown. The SERVICE icon allows you to
upload your contact information into the Evolution Connex Control.
S Format your contact information and logo (if applicable) using the PC/MAC
Desktop application available at
standard SD card. See Section 6.7 for more information.
S Touch the SERVICE icon for about 10 seconds, then touch DEALER LOGO
S Place the SD card into the SD card slot on the bottom of the Evolution Connex
, and save it to a
Control and follow the on screen prompts.
S More detailed information can be found on HVACPartners.com under the
Product tab> Thermostats & Controls> SYSTXBBECC01> Documents &
Downloads> Marketing/Miscellaneous> Evolution Connex Control Dealer
Logo Application -- Instructions.
This instruction covers installation of the Evolution Connex Control and the
Evolution Wireless Access Point only. Physical installation instructions for the
indoor and outdoor equipment, and accessories are provided with each unit.
Setup, commissioning, operation, and troubleshooting of the Evolution System are
covered in this installation instruction at a high level. More detailed information
may be available in the Evolution System HVAC equipment Installation
Instructions. It is the guide to connecting the system components and
commissioning the system once all physical components are installed. Special
screen prompts and start --up capabilities are provided in the Evolution System to
simplify and automate the initial commissioning of the system.
S Install the Evolution Connex Control according to this instruction.
S Install indoor unit, outdoor unit, and accessories according to their instructions.
S Wire complete system according to this instruction.
S Setup, commission, and operate system according to this instruction, and as
supplemented in the HVAC equipment Installation Instructions, to assure a
smooth and trouble free start--up.
S Note that some detailed equipment configuration and service information may
be included with the equipment instructions. Please refer to the equipment
installation instruction manuals, and applicable technical training materials, for
all devices for complete information.
4.2.Check Equipment
Inspect equipment. File a claim with shipping company prior to installation if
shipment is damaged or incomplete.
Failure to follow this warning could result in personal injury
or death.
Disconnect power before routing control wiring.
All wiring must comply with national, state, and local codes.
4.3.1.Wall Control
The Evolution Connex Control is the command center for the Evolution System. It
should be located where it is easily accessible and visible to the adult homeowner
or end user. For accurate temperature measurement, the following guidelines should
be followed:
TheEvolution Connex Control and Remote Room Sensors SHOULD be mounted:
S Approximately 5--ft (1.5 m) from the floor.
S Close to or in a frequently used room, preferably on an inside partitioning wall.
S On a section of wall without pipes or ductwork.
The Evolution Connex Control and Remote Room Sensors SHOULD NOT be
S Close to a window, on an outside wall, or next to a door leading to the outside.
S Exposed to direct light or heat from a lamp, sun, fireplace, or other
temperature--radiating objects which could cause a false reading.
S Close to or in direct airflow from supply registers.
S In areas with poor air circulation, such as behind a door or in an alcove.
4.3.2.Remote Room Sensors
A Remote Room Sensor can be used with the Evolution Connex Control to take the
place of the control’s internal temperature sensor. This allows the Evolution Connex
Control to be mounted in areas with less than optimal airflow (such as near an
exterior door, window or in a closet). The remote sensor can be wired to the
terminal block connectors labeled S1 and S2 at the control’s backplate, or the ZS1
and ZS1C connection at the Damper Control Module. In either case, the Evolution
Connex Control will automatically detect the Remote Room Sensor and ignore its
internal temperature sensor.
NOTE: Humidity sensing will occur ONLY at the Evolution Connex Control. The
Remote Room Sensor does NOT have humidity sensing capability. Room Sensor Averaging
Typically, one remote sensor is used but, multiple sensors may be used and
averaged in some applications. Averaging requires a special series--parallel wiring
method with a specific number of sensors. See figure below. It is also important to
note the humidity sensor cannot be remotely located, so do not locate the Evolution
Control in an area where humidity sensing may not be accurate.
Damper Control
Sensor 1Sensor 2
Sensor 3Sensor 4
Damper Control
4.3.3.Smart Sensors (for zoning applications)
Any zone may use a Smart Zone Sensor (SYSTXBBSMS01). It provides a
temperature display and buttons to adjust the desired temperature in that zone only.
It also displays outdoor temperature and indoor humidity sensed at the Zone 1
Evolution Connex control. Only one Smart Sensor may be used per zone. They
cannot be averaged like Remote Room Sensors. If a Smart Sensor is used in a zone,
a Remote Room Sensor may also be used in the same zone. The Remote Room
Sensor has priority over the Smart Sensor. The Smart Sensor will display the
Remote Room Sensor temperature.
NOTE: Smart Sensors must be addressed to identify which zone it will control. See
Smart Sensor Installation Instructions for details.
4.4.Wiring Considerations
Ordinary thermostat wire is recommended. Continuous wire lengths over 25 ft.
should use 18 AWG wiring.
NOTE: ABCD bus wiring only requires a four --wire connection; however, it is
good practice to run thermostat cable having more than four wires in the event of a
damaged or broken wire during installation.
Each communicating device in the Evolution Zone System has a four--pin
connector labeled ABCD. It is recommended that the following color code be used
when wiring each device:
A — Green = Data A
B — Yellow = Data B
C — White = 24VAC (Com)
D — Red = 24VAC (Hot)
It is not mandatory that the above color code be used, but each ABCD connector in
the system MUST be wired consistently.
NOTE: Some outdoor units, typically those with multiple compressor stages,
provide their own low--voltage power source and do not require the “C” (24VAC
common) and “D” (24VAC power) connections. See the outdoor unit installation
instructions for more information.
Failure to follow this warning could result in personal injury
or death.
Before installing, modifying, or servicing system, the main
electrical disconnect switch must be in the OFF position. There
may be more than 1 disconnect switch. Lock out and tag
switch with a suitable warning label.
S Turn off all power to equipment.
S If an existing Evolution Control or other control is being replaced:
d Remove existing control from wall.
d Disconnect wires from existing control.
d Discard or recycle old control.
S NOTE: Mercury is a hazardous waste, if existing control contains any mercury,
it MUST be disposed of properly. The Evolution Connex Control does not
contain mercury.
S Select the appropriate Evolution Connex Control mounting configuration. Use
the standard backplate provided with the wall control, or add the decorative
backplate in addition to the standard backplate if desired. See Section 4.5 for
more detail.
S Route wires through large hole in mounting plastic. Level rear plastic against
wall (for aesthetic value only; the Evolution Connex Control need not be level
to operate properly) and mark wall through two mounting holes.
S Drill two 3/16 --in (4.8 mm) mounting holes in wall where marked.
S Secure mounting plastic to wall using two screws and anchors provided.
S Adjust length and routing of each wire to reach each wire entry o n the
connector backplate. Strip 1/4 --in (6.4 mm) of insulation from each wire.
S Match and connect thermostat wires to proper terminals on control backplate.
dSee wiring diagrams in Section 8.0.
S Push any excess wire into the wall. Seal hole in wall to prevent any air leaks.
Leaks can affect operation.
S Attach Evolution Connex Control to the mounting plastic by lining up the
plastic guides on the back of the control with the opening on the mounting
plastic and push on.
S Perform installation of all other system equipment (i.e. dampers, humidifier,
ventilator, UV lights, etc.). See the equipment and device installation
instructions for details.
S Turn on power to equipment.
4.4.1.Shielded Wire
If the thermostat wiring will be located near or in parallel with high voltage wiring,
radio, TV or Ethernet wiring, then four conductor, twisted--pair, shielded cable can
be used to reduce or eliminate potential interference. The shield wire should be
connected to the C terminal, or ground, at the indoor unit. The shield wire should
NOT be connected to any terminal at the Evolution Connex Control. Connecting
the shield to ground at both ends can cause current loops in the shield, reducing
shield effectiveness.
Connect one pair of the two--pair (minimum) cable to the A and B communication
terminals, and another pair to the C and D terminals at both ends of the cable. The
shield wire should ONLY be connected at the indoor equipment ground or C
terminal. Note that some outdoor units only require the A and B connections. See
the outdoor unit installation instructions for more information.
4.4.2.Damper Control Module (zoning systems only)
All wiring is run back to the Evolution System Damper Control Module
(SYSTXBB4ZC01). Select a location near the furnace or fan coil where wiring
from the control, each Remote Room Sensor or Smart (Zone) Sensor, each damper
actuator, and the equipment itself can come together easily. The Damper Control
Module is approved for indoor use only and should never be installed with any of
its components exposed to the elements. The Damper Control Module (and zone
dampers) may be installed in any area where the temperature remains between --4_F
to 158_F(--20_Cto70_C), and there is no condensation. The cover must be
installed to prevent damage from other sources. Do not locate where it will be
accessible to children. It may be mounted in either vertical or horizontal position.
Remember that wiring access is likely the most important consideration.
Failure to follow this caution may result in personal injury.
To prevent possible damage to the Damper Control Module,
DO NOT mount on plenum, ductwork, or flush against
furnace or fan coil.
First become familiar with all plastic assembly pieces shown on the following page.
The Evolution Connex Control will snap together with the standard backplate
supplied with the wall control. Attach backplate using only a small hole in the wall
allowing a four wire connection to pass through. Mount the front assembly to the
standard backplate. The figure below shows the optional decorator backplate
installed with the standard backplate, described in Section 4.5.1.
NOTE: Once Evolution Control is secured to wall with the backplate assembly
(snapped together), care must be taken not to bend or break the interlocking tabs
when removing.
4.5.1.Decorative Backplate
Sold separately, a thin decorative backplate is available to hide any marks/screw
holes left from the previous thermostat. This decorative backplate (or beauty ring)
is used by snapping it onto the back of the mounting plate before securing the plate
to the wall.
NOTE: Once the Evolution Connex Control is secured to wall with the backplate
assembly (snapped together), care must be taken not to bend or break the
interlocking tabs when removing.
4.6.Humidifier Connections
A 24VAC bypass or fan powered humidifier may be installed.
NOTE: Do NOT use a traditional humidistat to control humidifier operation. If a
humidifier is installed, let the Evolution Connex Control operate humidifier.
4.6.1.Bypass Humidifier
A bypass humidifier should be wired directly to the furnace or fan coil HUM and
24VAC COM terminals. The Evolution Connex Control will automatically energize
the HUM output during a call for humidification.
4.6.2.Fan Powered Humidifiers
Most fan powered humidifiers produce internal 24VAC in order to energize upon a
switch or contact closure. For this application, a 24VAC N.O. Isolation Relay
(DPST) MUST be used to prevent mixing the internal humidifier power with the
indoor equipment transformer. Applying 24VAC isolation relay coil to furnace or
fan coil HUM and COM terminals will allow the Evolution Connex Control to
automatically energize the HUM output during a call for humidification. The N.O.
relay contacts will be used to energize the humidifier. See fan powered humidifier
installation instructions for more details.
This section addresses initial power up (or commissioning) of a new Evolution
Connex Control. The control will communicate and identify all components in the
Evolution System. The following is a typical example for a communicating
variable-- speed furnace / fan coil with a 2--stage air --conditioner / heat pump
(including HYBRID HEATr dual fuel system). The process may vary for other
types of systems. See the Evolution System HVAC equipment Installation
Instructions for more details, as provided.
5.1.Searching for Indoor Unit
The Evolution Connex Control will light up and begin the commissioning process
by displaying “Searching for indoor unit”.
NOTE: If the Evolution System--compatible indoor equipment (package unit
indoor section, gas furnace or fan coil) cannot be found, the control will display
“Indoor unit not found”. This MUST be corrected before the initial power up
sequence can continue, by proceeding to the next section, “Searching for outdoor
unit.” If it is not corrected, the Evolution Connex Control will go into its DEMO
operating mode.
5.2.Searching for Outdoor Unit
The Evolution Connex Control will then proceed to communicate with the outdoor
unit by displaying “Searching for outdoor unit”. This includes Evolution small
packaged products (SPP) and Evolution System geothermal units.
NOTE: If the outdoor unit cannot be found, the control will display “Outdoor unit
not found”.
S Select the appropriate unit installed; then, touch NEXT.
d AC1Stage – 1--stage air conditioner
d *AC2Stage – 2--stage air conditioner
d *HP1Stage – 1 --stage h eat pump
d *HP2Stage – 2 --stage h eat pump
d None – No outdoor unit installed
NOTE: For some communicating products (SPP and geothermal package units),
the selection screen may not be needed and may not appear.
S The installer will first be instructed to select the appropriate size of the outdoor
unit; then, touch SELECT.
*Network Interference Module (NIM) may be required for these selections to be displayed.
5.3.Indoor Evaporator Selection
If a furnace is installed with a variable capacity heat pump or an 18VS heat pump or
19VS air conditioner, a screen will appear to select the installed indoor evaporator
coil. This selection is used to adequately calculate the refrigerant charge required
while in the heat pump charging screens under Refrigerant Charging, Section 6.6.
Select “other” for non --Bryant evaporators.
5.4.Electric Heater Selection
If the indoor equipment is a fan coil, the control will display “Searching for heater”
until one is found. If the electric heater is not self--identifying, the select heater
screen will appear. Touch the appropriate heater size; then, touch SELECT.
5.4.1.Hydronic Heat Application
The Evolution Connex Control supports two types of Hydronic Heat applications:
1. Hot water coil in combination with an FE fan coil and heat pump, or hot
water coil as sole heat source with an FE fan coil.
2. Non --zoned FE fan coil combined with radiant hot water heat.
In either application, a Hydronic Heat kit should be installed in place of an electric
heater. See FE fan coil Product Data for accessory part number. The system will
self--identify that hydronic h eat has been installed during electric h eater selection.
The system will treat the hot water coil as either auxiliary heat in a heat pump
application, or the sole heat source. Setup options for Hydronic Heat applications
are described in the setup section of this instruction.
NOTE: The daily airflow verification test will take place even when the radiant
hydronic heat option is selected.
5.5.Searching for SAM Module (If Applicable)
“Searching for SAM Module” will appear on the screen to determine if a System
Access Module, used for home automation only, is connected to the system.
The SYSTXBBSAM01 is not compatible with this control. The compatible modules
are SYSTXBBRCT01 and SYSTXBBRWF01. The SAM is used for home
automation purposes. The Evolution Connex control must have at least Version 8
software or newer to be compatible with the SAM.
NOTE: For more information regarding the SAM Module, reference the latest
version of the application specification entitled “SAM Remote Access Application
Specification, ASCII Protocol Information”, available on HVACpartners.com, or
the System Access Module Installation Instructions.
5.6.Searching for Zones (If Applicable)
“Zoning -- Searching” will appear on the screen to determine if any zones are
present. The screen will show Zone 1, Zone 2, etc. and indicate all zones having
either a Remote Room Sensor, or smart sensors associated with them. If the system
contains smart sensors, they must be assigned a zone number b efore continuing.
See the Smart Sensor Installation Instructions on how to assign Smart Sensors to
their respective zones. After each zone has been identified, touch NEXT.
5.7.Filter Type Selection
The installer will next be prompted to select the air filter type installed with the
Evolution System. After the selection is made, touch NEXT.
S Air Filter: 1--in. to 4 --in. media filter
S EAC: high voltage electronic air cleaner
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