United States Postal Service LSSA User Manual

Lead Sales and Services Associate (LSSA) Training
Participant Guide
Course 2019DLOP4190CC01
NSN 7610170005827
May 2021
Learning and Development
Participant Guide
United States Postal Service Learning and Development 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW Washington, DC 20260-4215

Use of Training Materials

These training course materials are intended to be used for training purposes only. They
have been prepared in conformance with existing USPS policies and standards and do not
represent the establishment of new regulations or policies.
Copyright 2021 by the United States Postal Service, Washington DC 20260-4215
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without
permission, in writing, from Learning and Development.
Certain parts of this publication may contain copyrighted materials from other sources,
the reproduction of which for this specific training use has been interpreted not to exceed
the fair use clause of the copyright regulation (Ref. 371.5 ASM).
A Commitment to Diversity
The Postal Service is committed to fostering and achieving a work and learning environment that respects and values a diverse workforce. Valuing and managing diversity in the Postal Service means that we will build an inclusive environment that respects the uniqueness of every individual and encourages the contributions, experiences and perspectives of all people.
It is essential that our work and learning environments be free from discrimination and harassment on any basis.
In our classrooms, on the workroom floor, in casual conversation and in formal meetings, employees and faculty are asked to encourage an open learning environment that is supportive of everyone.
Course materials and lectures, classroom debates and casual conversation should always reflect the commitment to safety and freedom from discrimination, sexual harassment and harassment on any prohibited basis. Instructors and class participants are expected to support this commitment.
If you find course material that is presented in the classroom or in self­instructional format that does not follow these guidelines, please let an instructor know immediately.
If classroom discussions do not support these principles, please point that out to the instructor as well.
Diversity is a source of strength for our organization. Diversity promotes innovation, creativity, productivity and growth, and enables a broadening of existing concepts.
The Postal Service’s policy is to value the diversity of our employees, customers and suppliers, and to do what is right for our employees and the communities we serve, thereby ensuring a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.
Table of Contents
Module 1: Introduction ............................................................ 1-1
Introduction ........................................................................................ 1-3
Welcome to the Lead Sales and Services Associate
Training Course. ........................................................................... 1-3
Icebreaker ..................................................................................... 1-3
Course Overview .......................................................................... 1-3
Summary ...................................................................................... 1-4
Module 2: LSSA Role and Responsibilities ........................... 2-1
LSSA Role and Responsibilities ........................................................ 2-3
LSSA Position Description .......................................................... 2-3
Using Resources ................................................................................. 2-5
Essential Links ............................................................................. 2-5
Manuals ........................................................................................ 2-8
Handbooks ................................................................................. 2-10
Publications ................................................................................ 2-11
Forms ......................................................................................... 2-12
Postal Bulletin ............................................................................ 2-12
Retail Communications .............................................................. 2-14
Activity – Tag ............................................................................ 2-17
Lobby Assistant ................................................................................ 2-18
Self-Service Kiosk ..................................................................... 2-20
mPOS ......................................................................................... 2-20
Function 4 .................................................................................. 2-21
Activity – Scheduling ................................................................. 2-22
Summary .................................................................................... 2-23
Module 3: World-Class Customer Experience ...................... 3-1
World-Class Customer Experience .............................................. 3-3
Retail Customer Experience (RCE) Program .............................. 3-4
Activity – Brand Experience ........................................................ 3-7
Activity – Expediting ................................................................... 3-8
Activity – Wait-Time-In-Line ...................................................... 3-8
Activity – Greet .......................................................................... 3-10
Activity – Engagement ............................................................... 3-10
Activity – Inquire ....................................................................... 3-13
Activity – Suggest ...................................................................... 3-14
age i
Lead Sales and Services Associate (LSSA) Training
Activity – Thanking ................................................................... 3-15
Activity – Problem Recovery Roleplay ..................................... 3-16
POS Survey ................................................................................ 3-18
Activity - RCE Perfect Transaction ........................................... 3-21
POS Survey Customer Feedback ............................................... 3-21
Customer Experience at Selected Retail Units .......................... 3-24
A Positive Retail Customer Experience .................................... 3-24
Summary .................................................................................... 3-27
Module 4: Unit Operations ...................................................... 4-1
Unit Operations .................................................................................. 4-3
Types of Offices .......................................................................... 4-3
Manage Stock .............................................................................. 4-4
Receive Unit Stock .................................................................... 4-10
Return Unit Stock ...................................................................... 4-13
Cash Credit ................................................................................ 4-18
Activity – Establish Cash Credit ................................................ 4-18
Activity – Return Stamp Stock (Manual/Obsolete) ................... 4-22
PS Form 3959, Stamp Stock Transactions and Daily Recap ..... 4-24
Activity - PS Form 3959, Unit Reserve Stamp Stock ................ 4-27
Unit Cash Reserve ..................................................................... 4-29
Clerk Closeout Procedures ........................................................ 4-30
Total PRU Stamp Accountability .............................................. 4-32
Activity – Unit Cash Reserve Count ......................................... 4-36
Stamp and Cash Credit Files ...................................................... 4-38
ReadyPost® and Expedited Packaging Counts .......................... 4-38
Ordering in eBuy+ ..................................................................... 4-40
Summary .................................................................................... 4-41
Module 5: Daily Unit Financial Report .................................... 5-1
Daily Unit Financial Report ............................................................... 5-3
Page ii
Unit Close Out ............................................................................. 5-4
Prepare Deposit Ticket ................................................................ 5-7
PS Form 3533, Application for Refund of Fees, Products
and Withdrawal of Customer Accounts ..................................... 5-10
Summary .................................................................................... 5-14
Lead Sales and Services Associate (LSSA) Training
Module 6: Leadership ............................................................. 6-1
Leadership .......................................................................................... 6-3
Activity – Leadership Pizza ......................................................... 6-3
Building Leadership Skills ........................................................... 6-4
Activity – Effective Leader Traits................................................ 6-4
Activity – Trust Battery ............................................................... 6-5
Activity – Emotional Intelligence Action Plan ............................ 6-7
Building Relationships ............................................................... 6-12
Activity - Coaching Techniques................................................. 6-17
Activity – Coaching ................................................................... 6-17
Activity – Building Rapport with Your Supervisor ................... 6-20
Summary .................................................................................... 6-20
Page iii

Module 1: Introduction

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:
Explain the ground rules during training.
Describe the course structure of the Lead Sales and Services Associate
training program.
Time Allocated for Module:
1 hour
Instructional Methods:
Participant Material Used:
Participant guide
Media Required:
PowerPoint presentation
ACE computer
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Lead Sales and Services Associate (LSSA) Training


Welcome to the Lead Sales and Services Associate Training Course.


The facilitator will ask you to stand. Then they will ask a question and prompt you to choose a side.
To illustrate the importance of consistency by utilizing customer
service standards and to instill an appreciation for having rules and an understanding of why they are important to follow, let’s line everyone up on one side of the room.
Our goal is to reach the other side of the room. To do so, you must
meet certain criteria that you call out. For example, “take three steps forward if you are wearing red.” Give about three instructions such as that one.
Then, on the fourth round, select some of the people from the back
and move them to the front.
o Select someone from the front and move them back several
o Continue to play the game in this way until someone
reaches the other side.

Course Overview

Lead Sales and Services Associate Training consists of three eLearning courses (RSS Back Office/Administration, mPOS, and SSK), 16 hours of classroom training and 16 hours of on-the-job training (OJT). Classroom instruction incorporates active learning experiences through role-play, presentations, demonstrations, discussions, and hands-on practice.
Upon completion of the classroom training, you will participate in 16 hours of one-on-one training with a retail coach specific to the tasks you perform as an LSSA during on-the-job training (OJT).
The classroom course consists of six modules:
LSSA Role and Responsibilities
Creating a World-Class Customer Experience
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Unit Operations
Daily Unit Financial Report
The next two days of classroom instruction are designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to perform the duties of an LSSA. Some topics may be familiar and some build upon your current knowledge. Certain procedures and information presented are best completed in the on-the-job portion of your training. Although some items may be introduced in the classroom, training for these items will take place during your OJT. This course is designed to increase your customer service and leadership skills and provide tools to help you lead your team as the captain at the counter line.


As you’ll discover in your two days of training, an exceptional customer experience (at every level) is at the heart of the strategy for the Postal Service. Your dedication and leadership as an LSSA speak to the very fact that every interaction is a customer experience, whether you’re dealing with customers or interacting with your SSAs.
While you can make things happen, you want more than that – you want the performance that only passion and engagement can produce. In this LSSA Training Program, you rise from authority-driven compliance to passion-driven commitment in yourselves and the SSAs you lead.
We hope that, no matter how brilliant your plan or how important your goal, nothing will happen until you follow through with consistent action. Our goal throughout this training program is to bring the practices that drive accountability and follow through, despite a whirlwind of competing priorities. Your “can do” attitude and offer to assist SSAs transforms YOU as the extraordinary, NOT just ORDINARY, leader.
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Module 2: LSSA Role and Responsibilities

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:
Identify the duties and responsibilities of a Lead Sales and Services
Locate and utilize directives such as the Domestic Mail Manual
(DMM); International Mail Manual (IMM); Pub 52, Hazardous,
Restricted, and Perishable Mai;, Handbook PO 209, Retail Operations, Handbook F-101, Field Accounting Procedure; Postal
Bulletin, and Postal Explorer.
Reference the Retail Digest, Retail website, Postal Merchandise
Catalog, RSS memo messaging, posters, and translators.
Define the responsibilities of a Lobby Assistant.
Explain the types of transactions that can be conducted on the Self-
Service Kiosk (SSK).
Summarize eligible transactions using the Mobile Point-of-Sale
(mPOS) device.
Describe LSSA Function 4 responsibilities.
Time Allocated for Module:
3 hours
Instructional Methods:
Group discussion and activities
Participant Material Used:
Participant Guide
RIP chart
Media Required:
Projector and PowerPoint presentation
ACE computer
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Lead Sales and Services Associate (LSSA) Training

LSSA Role and Responsibilities

LSSA Position Description

Functional Purpose:
Performs a variety of sales and customer support services for products including: stamps, stamped paper, postal cards, philatelic products, and special promotional items with or without direct supervision. May work alone or as a working leader, providing administrative and technical guidance to one or more clerks assigned to retail and Post Office operations.
1. Performs any variety of sales and customer services at a retail
window, such as maintaining sufficient inventory of and selling stamps, stamped paper, other retail products, passport acceptance (where applicable) and other retail services; may use a computerized system, accepting and delivering packages and accountable mail; issuing and cashing foreign and domestic postal money orders; accepting and responding to customer claims and inquiries, and providing information to the public regarding postal regulations. Rents Post Office Boxes, receives rental payments, conducts reference checks, and completes related forms. Performs lobby assistance that includes monitoring the retail line, directing customers to the self-service kiosk (SSK) (where applicable) and/or using Mobile Point of Service (mPOS) transactions (where applicable).
2. Communicates and provides administrative and technical guidance
to retail and Post Office operations employees assigned to the unit, informing them of changes or clarifications in policies, procedures, operations, schedules, and regulations. Ensures that work is performed efficiently.
3. Forecasts and maintains a separate stamped inventory to fill
requisitions submitted by other retail clerks assigned to the offices
4. Prepares a local bank deposit and/or a consolidated funds bank
deposit. Prepares and maintains unit accounting records of retail activities.
5. Conducts or witnesses transfers of fixed credits between
employees as required, assisting in the physical count of stock. Reviews fixed credits periodically and recommends adjustments if necessary. Examines and ensures the integrity of security containers assigned to employees for the storing of their fixed credit and reports lack of conformity with security regulations.
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6. Conducts product inventories by counting items on hand, accounts
7. Processes and/or accepts and verifies applications for redeemed
8. Instructs and advises individual employees in correct financial and
9. In accordance with the directives of the supervisory presence,
for items on display, and verifies and records sales floor inventory and shrinkage. Brings inventory discrepancies and shrinkage reports to the attention of the appropriate supervisory presence. Maintains an adequate supply of materials required for the operation of a retail office.
stamps and stamped paper. Prepares and submits necessary stock for destruction.
retail sales procedures.
plans, directs, organizes, and monitors retail related programs/ projects and the work of people to meet unit goals, including coordinating and scheduling work-hours. Supplies leadership necessary to secure a customer friendly environment, encourages professional appearance and work habits to accomplish effective and pleasant customer relationships. Makes Supervisor approved entries to correct time and attendance records and retains required supporting documents.
10. Provides product and service information to customers, including
informing customers regarding special offers and the layout of the store; refers customers to sales and promotional programs by promoting products based on customer needs. Answers customer inquiries.
11. Maintains appearance of store by setting, arranging, and
replenishing displays and merchandise racks; ensures display and selling areas, work stations, and storage areas are presentable to customers. Checks and maintains Post Office Self-Service Kiosk.
12. Trains new employees to ensure quality service.
13. Maintains records, files and submits reports, as assigned.
14. May verify presort and bulk mailings of all classifications;
computing and maintaining current basis mailers' credit balances.
15. May perform passport duties as assigned, including verification of
identification and photograph, administering oath, reviewing application for completeness, affixing stamp or seal on application, and ensuring all documents are stored securely and mailed promptly.
16. May assign and clear accountable items and distribute mail as
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Lead Sales and Services Associate (LSSA) Training
17. Performs other duties as assigned.
Review the position description of an LSSA and record any differences you find between the duties and responsibilities of an LSSA compared to an SSA in the space provided.
Look at the first qualification to be an LSSA. Use your resources to maintain a comprehensive working knowledge of regulations ruling, policy, and procedures relating to all phases of retail services. And provide technical guidance to retail employees assigned to the unit, informing them of changes or clarifications in policies, procedures, operations, or regulations.

Using Resources

Essential Links

Postal Service directives are available online via the Blue page. The four directive links we will explore are Forms, PolicyNet, Postal Bulletin, and Postal Explorer.
You can access the Blue page by either typing blue.usps.gov into the address bar or clicking the home button on your web browser. You will click on “Essential Links” in the left-hand column to view all available links.
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Postal Explorer
Postal Explorer (PE) is a virtual library of postal information and tools designed for customers, business mailers, and employees. Postal Explorer puts a wealth of postal requirements for mailing and shipping domestically, internationally, and to APO/FPO/DPO destinations, at your fingertips in an easy-to-use format.
Postal Explorer is more than a reference website; it is part of the Postal Service’s continuing effort to make using the mail system easier and simpler for all customers.
PE Tools are a collection of tools available to aid customers with calculating postage for domestic and international mail, to review mailing and shipping restrictions, and to locate Post Offices.
The Publications link provides access to guides and manuals outlining domestic and international mailing guidelines and provides information to assist with business mailings.
Although there are several directives available, the Postal Explorer website provides access to the Domestic Mail Manual; International Mail Manual; Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail; and other references. These materials are available in both HTML and PDF versions. Both links contain the same information, however the HTML version is recommended because it is easier to navigate and quickly find information.
PolicyNet provides access to other important resources, such as Administrative Support Manual (ASM), Postal Operations Manual (POM), and the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM).
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PolicyNet is a hub for all the Postal policies and procedures. You may be required to locate a particular form or notice for review. Read the list at the right-hand side of the page under “Published Forms and Directives.”
These are links to:
Management Instructions (MI)
Memorandums of Policy (MOPs)
Publications (PUBs)
Vehicle Modifications Orders (VMOs)
Vehicle Maintenance Bulletins (VMBs)


Manuals provide official Postal Service policies and procedures for all aspects of postal operations. The manuals that you will use most often are the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) and International Mail Manual (IMM).
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)
The Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) sets forth the policies, regulations, and procedures governing domestic mail services. Information contained in this manual includes postage prices, classes of mail and the standards for their use, and conditions governing the use of Extra Services.
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Lead Sales and Services Associate (LSSA) Training
Domestic mail is mail transmitted among:
United States of America
U.S. territories
Army Post Offices (APO)
Fleet Post Offices (FPO)
Diplomatic Post Offices (DPO)
The United Nations, NY
For example, a customer approaches your window with a question about mailing packages. They want the package to be a surprise and want to know if it is okay if they do not use a return address. They are sending the package using Priority Mail. Access the DMM for the policy.
Use the DMM to complete the following sentence:
1. A _____________ must be available on all mail for the address,
postage (permit imprint, postage stamp, or meter stamp), postmarks, and postal endorsements.
2. In which section will you find information on mail preparation for
International Mail Manual
The International Mail Manual (IMM) sets forth the policies, regulations, and procedures governing International Mail services as they apply to each country. The IMM is the equivalent of the DMM for International Mail.
Information contained in the IMM includes the policies and procedures pertaining to treatment of outbound international mail and mailing conditions specific for each individual country. The IMM also contains an Index of Countries and Localities.
For example, a customer presents a package addressed to a foreign country. You can consult the IMM to review restrictions and prohibitions that apply to packages mailed to that country to ensure that the contents are mailable to that country. To further enhance the customer’s experience, you could also let them know that the IMM is available for their use by visiting the Postal Explorer website.
Commercial First-Class Mail?
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Use the IMM to answer the questions below.
1. Name the restrictions listed for mailing to Bahamas.
2. Look at the items prohibited for mailing to Canada. Can you mail
Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM)
The Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) sets forth the personnel policies and regulations governing employment within the Postal Service. Subjects addressed in the ELM include employment and placement, pay administration, employee benefits, training and development, safety, health and environment, and labor relations.
Postal Operations Manual (POM)
The Postal Operations Manual (POM) sets forth the policies and procedures that govern operational functions of field organizations within the Postal Service. The operational functions covered are retail, philatelic, collection, mail processing, transportation, delivery, and vehicle operations. For example, a volunteer from a local non-profit organization, whose goal is to encourage people to get involved with local politics, would like to know if their organization can conduct voter registration on postal premises. You may access the POM to find the policies.
new lighters without fuel?
1. Are voter registration activities allowed on postal property?


Postal Service handbooks supplement information contained within Postal Service manuals. Handbooks are identified with a combination of letters and numbers. The prefix included in the title of the handbook indicates the related major manual. More detailed information on subjects is included in handbooks than in the corresponding manual.
Handbook PO 209, Retail Operations Handbook
This handbook serves as a tool for providing Postal Service employees information about retail operations. The handbook is the cornerstone to understanding the policies and procedures for day-to-day retail management.
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Handbook F-101, Field Accounting Procedures
By following the standard procedures contained in this handbook, Postal Service employees can perform financial transactions efficiently while creating consistent and accurate financial data.


Publications support subjects that cannot be fully addressed in manuals or handbooks. Publications appear in a variety of formats, such as books, brochures, and reports. Generally, they are not focused on policy as extensively as manuals, nor on task descriptions as extensively as handbooks.
Publication 28, Postal Addressing Standards
This publication provides guidance on the proper way to address a mailpiece.
Use Pub 28 to answer the questions below.
A customer visits your window with a rural route mailpiece addressed:
1. Is this an acceptable Rural Route Address format?
2. According to Pub 28, in Puerto Rico URB is used for what
Publication 348, Window Services Crime Prevention Booklet
For information on policies and procedures related to window transactions, use this publication.
Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
This publication provides important information to help determine what may be mailed and how certain items must be packaged to keep the mail safe. Pub 52 also provides guidance to Postal Service employees on mail acceptance.
Rural 8 Box #42
Purcell, OK 73080
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Postal Service forms can be accessed by clicking Forms located under Essential Links on the Blue page. The Forms webpage contains electronic
versions of official Postal forms. Forms can be selected using the form title or form number.
A link to Publication 223, Directives and Forms Catalog is also found on the Forms webpage. Publication 223 lists and identifies the most current versions of all national Postal Service directives and forms, as well as non­postal government forms and documents used by the Postal Service.
The Forms page also provides links for access to forms at the following agencies: Office of Personnel Management (OPM), U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Office of Worker’s Compensation Programs (OWCP).
When you browse forms, you will notice that some forms have icons to the right of the title. Each icon represents one of the following:
Print only forms – Blank forms that you print locally and complete
Automated forms – Electronic forms that you can complete, print,
save, and email using FormFlow.
Automated Forms Adobe LiveCycle – Electronic forms that you can
complete, print, save, and email using Adobe LiveCycle.
eIWS Online Forms – These are electronic forms that you complete,
print, and submit using the eIWS Online Forms application.

Postal Bulletin

The Postal Bulletin is the official source of updates to Postal policies and procedures. The Postal Bulletin details updates and amendments to current directives. Retail updates are included in the bi-weekly Postal Bulletin. Access the Postal Bulletin through the PolicyNet webpage by clicking the Postal Bulletin website link found in the left-hand column.
Information found in the Postal Bulletin includes fraud information including: list of missing, lost or stolen US money orders and invalid USPS Corporate Account numbers; policy, procedures, and form updates; and organizational information, such as stamp announcements.
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Lead Sales and Services Associate (LSSA) Training
book or brochures.
and publications.
and manuals.
Match the directive to its description by writing the directive name next to the description in the answer column on the left side of the chart. Possible answers include PolicyNet, Postal Explorer, POM, IMM, DMM, Forms page, Handbooks, Publications, and Postal Bulletin.
Directive Description
Contains information governing international mail.
Supports subjects that cannot be fully addressed in manuals or handbooks, but appear in a variety of formats, such as
Covers operational information, such as retail, philatelic, or mail processing.
Hub for all postal policies, procedures, handbooks, manual,
Contains information governing domestic mail services.
Virtual library available to customers that contains PE tools
Contains electronic versions of postal forms.
Official source of updates to postal policies that is updated
Contains supplemental information within postal manuals.
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Knowing the products and services available to meet the needs of our customers will help to ensure our customers will continue to do business with the Postal Service. Gaining knowledge also ensures you are comfortable completing transactions with all customers, even the most challenging. When you are able to understand and identify the customer’s mailing needs, you have made the interaction successful. You will feel empowered in your job, leading to greater job satisfaction. In order to gain knowledge, you should explore the various channels where retail information is communicated. This will ensure you have the most up-to­date information available regarding product knowledge and availability.

Retail Communications

There are many retail communication channels available to you. Accessing them on a regular basis will increase your knowledge and assist you in meeting the needs of our customers.
Retail and Customer Service Operations website:
Provides information about a variety of topics, including Access
Channels, Communication, Customer Service, Policies, and Products and Services
Retail Digest
- Weekly electronic publication that consists of a collection of
tactical messages originating from headquarters organizations and relevant to the field retail organization. The design streamlines communication by categorizing individual messages and distributing them in weekly batches to the field retail organization.
- To be added to the Retail Digest distribution, please do so via
eAccess (click on “Distribution Lists,” then search for and request “Retail Digest Subscriber”).
- https://blue.usps.gov/retail/retail-digest-about.htmH
Accounting Services website
- Contains retail equipment toolkits (i.e., 1412, RSS, etc.).
- http://blue.usps.gov/accounting
The Huddle Board communicates pertinent information relevant to
managing a retail unit and heightens awareness of the Lean Retail program among front-line employees that work the retail window.
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As part of the Lean Retail program, all Retail Customer Experience (RCE) offices are required to have a dedicated huddle board in a location that is accessible to all retail employees but not visible to customers.
The huddle board communicates pertinent information relevant to managing a retail unit. The board is used to heighten awareness of the Lean Retail program among the front-line employees, in particular, Sales and Services Associates (SSAs) and Postal Support Employees (PSEs) that work the retail window. The huddle board can also be used as an opportunity to give a shout-out and thank you to employees for a job well done.
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RSS Message Center
News Link
- Communicates important information from USPS Retail to
RSS users
- Poster 138, Keep the Mail Safe
- Poster 74, Packaging Pointers
- Poster 81, Shipping a Reused Box?
- Poster 194, Registered Mail Security
- Poster 620-SSA, It Begins with a Smile
- Poster 37, Is Your Package Safe to Mail?
- The online news source for postal employees
- The daily link shows up in your Outlook mailbox and archives
can be accessed online
- https://liteblue.usps.gov/news/link/archive.htm
USA Philatelic
Local Messaging
Check with your Area or District
Multicultural Outreach
Outreach contains information, guides, and product fact sheets in several languages to assist those who use USPS products and services but are not native English speakers.
Additional information can be obtained through the Human Resources Inclusiveness Website such as:
Products and Services Translator
HAZMAT Question Translator
HAZMAT information in the Safety Toolkit
Product Fact Sheets
Extra Services Translation Guides
Passport Fairs and special events
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+ 114 hidden pages