Patient Alert
Bed & Rail Fall Prevention System
Follow these simple instructions to set up
your system
Step 1. Positioning the Sensor.
Positioning the Sensor Strip is the most
important aspect of this unit. It could be
placed along the edge of the bed to alarm
when the patient swings their legs over to
exit the bed. It should be placed from
waist level down towards the feet. Place
Sensor Strip directly against the mattress
using the Velcro tabs provided. Peel off
the Velcro and mount opposite side from
label. This unit provides no discomfort to
the patient who is free to move around in
the bed without alarming the unit. Route
the cord down and underneath the mattress towards the back of the bed.
Step 2.Connect the cord.
Uncoil the cord and insert the connector plug on
the end of the Sensor Strip into the socket on
top of the Patient Alert unit as shown.
If Unit Fails to Operate - Replace Battery.
Test System Before Use
Replace Battery Periodically.
PA-1 May be placed on Top of Bed Rails to
Detect Attempted Exit. Attach by wrapping
Sensor Strip and top rail together at ends
and center of Sensor Strip with adhesive tape.
Step 3. Position the Alert Unit.
With the Patient Alert still in the off position,
attach the Patient Alert unit to the bed-rail,
to the back of the bed or to a leg of the bed
using the Mesh Bag provided.
Step 4. Operate the System.
A- Momentary Activation ( MOM)
Place patient on bed and switch Alert
unit to MOM position. This will activate
Alarm when patient attempts exit bed.
The Patient Alert unit will Automatically
reset and silence alarm when patient
releases pressure or weight from sensor
strip or unit turned off by caretaker.
B- Continuous Activation ( CONT)
When switch is in the CONT position
and patient activates sensor strip, the
Patient Alert will sound alarm continuously until unit turned off by caretaker