Foil revision, process values, cable types, cal and
factory mode
May 8, 2018
Updated process equations and factor menus
April 25, 2018
April 2, 2018
March 22, 2018
September 20, 2017
September 17, 2017
MANUAL #: 013
No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval
system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without prior written
permission of United Process Controls Inc.
The PROBE BUDDY is to be used by the industrial operator under his/her direction. United
Process Controls Inc. (UPC) is not responsible or liable for any product, process, damage or
injury incurred while using the PROBE BUDDY. United Process Controls Inc. makes no
representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any
implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for any purpose.
For all questions or concerns regarding the operation of the PROBE BUDDY, please consult
the last page of this manual for contact information.
The United Process Controls Sensor Simulator and Tester (PROBE BUDDY) has been
designed for the maintenance or system engineer in mind. The PROBE BUDDY gives the
operator a valuable tool for testing any UPC oxygen sensor as well as the ability to simulator a
working sensor connected to process control systems.
The important features of the tester are:
• Operates as sensor test/meter or sensor signal simulator
• Accepts selectable TC and mV inputs from any oxygen sensor
• Outputs selectable TC and mV signals to simulate an oxygen sensor
• Performs a sensor impedance test when connected to the sensor
• Computes carbon, dewpoint or oxygen in input or output mode
• Low power LCD display for HMI
• Small hand-held package
• Easy access connections on the top panel
• Operates on standard 9V battery
LCD Graphic Display
The LCD display is a low power 132x32 Pixels graphic display, equivalent to 4x22 characters.
Signal Connectors
There is a sensor millivolt and sensor thermocouple connector located on the top of the
PROBE BUDDY. The standard T/C connector is a B type standard mini-thermocouple plug
with alligator clips. The millivolt connector is a standard banana plug with alligator clips.
Optional cables are available that provide mating connectors for UPC probes – Carbonseer,
Quicksilver, AccuCarb, AtmoProbe – and other sensors and installed cables. See the table in
the reference section of this manual for a list of available cables.
The PROBE BUDDY keyboard has eight keys that operate as individual keys or in
combinations of two keys.
These keys are separated into two groups, the mode group and the navigation group.
Figure 1 Mode Group Keys
Figure 2 Navigation Group Keys
Each key has a principal function, but combo keys can be used for additional operations.
1.3.1 Single Key Functions
TC / mV toggles between the TC and mV selection when configured for output mode.
It also serves to move the cursor from the TC to the mV values. Use the arrow keys to
position the cursor and change the digit value.
IN / OUT selects the IN/OUT mode. Both the millivolt and T/C signals shift from input
to output when this button is toggled. Output levels for either signal can be adjusted, if
ramp mode is not active. When input mode is selected, the actual signal levels are
displayed and are not adjustable.
Setup allows access to the setup menu. Press and hold for 5 seconds to enter Setup
Enter / ON starts up the simulator and allows data entry in the setup mode. Press and
hold the Enter key for 1 second to turn on and 5 seconds to turn off. The Enter key
sets values or parameter selections, once required changes have been made. The
Enter key will shift to different display windows when the PROBE BUDDY is in output
Left Arrow moves the digit cursor to the left in output mode or moves left through the
main menu selection in setup mode.
Down Arrow deceases the selected digit value in output mode or moves down the
selected setup menu.
Up Arrow increases the selected digit value in output mode or moves up in the
selected setup menu.
Right Arrow moves the digit cursor to the right in output mode or moves right through
the main menu selection in setup mode.
1.3.2 Dual Key Functions
Enter / ON + Right Arrow
Pressing the Enter and Right Arrow keys simultaneously starts or stops the sensor test.
Enter / ON + Left Arrow
Pressing the Enter and Left Arrow keys simultaneously opens the Service mode on the
Normal Operation
The following figure shows the PROBE BUDDY display layout.
1. SIGNAL DIRECTION ICON - Changes the signal direction of both the thermocouple and
millivolt signal by pressing the IN/OUT key. Left arrow (pointing out) indicates output mode.
Right arrow (pointing in) indicates input mode.
2. TEMPERATURE – Display of thermocouple signal is based on the thermocouple type and
temperature scale (°C/°F) selected in the setup menu.
3. TEMPERATURE SCALE – Indicates the temperature scale
4. PROCESS VALUE – Selected process is displayed here based on the temperature and
millivolt signals, either inputs or outputs. The scale will change according to the process.
5. RAMP – Indicates that the selected output signal is ramping from a selected start and stop
range. The ramp function is enabled in the SETUP / OUTPUTS menu. One or both outputs
will ramp if enabled. Changing values are displayed.
6. PROCESS – Indicates the selected process: DPT for dewpoint, %C for carbon, %O2 for
oxygen, and PPM for %O2 values below 00.01% oxygen.
7. SENSOR MILLIVOLTS – Shows the measured or set sensor millivolt output.
8. DIGIT CURSOR – Cursor indicates the digit selected to change. The cursor shifts from
temperature to millivolts when the TC/MV key is pressed. The arrow keys change the
cursor position and digit value. The cursor is only available when the signal output mode is
9. BATTERY LOW ICON– Indicates when the battery power is low and should be replaced.
Standby Mode
The PROBE BUDDY is in standby mode when the display is blank. The unit will turn on when
the Enter key is pressed for 5 seconds. The unit has an adjustable wake state time that can be
selected in the SETUP / DISPLAY / SLEEP MODE SHUTDOW parameters. This setting
determines how long the unit will remain on, without any key being pressed, during the
specified period of time. This feature is available to minimize power drain on the battery.
Input Mode
1.6.1 Using Input Mode
Input mode is used to check or test the outputs of a sensor in a working furnace. The sensor
should be at or above its minimum temperature range 1100°F (600°C). Disconnect the sensor
from the monitoring or control system and connect the PROBE BUDDY to the TC and mV
signal connections from the sensor.
If you are using the cable set with alligator clips, there will be a cold junction error introduced to
the temperature measurement, but the intention here is to confirm operation of the TC and
confirm the process value.
Output Mode
The input function has been selected with the calculated oxygen
display for the thermocouple and millivolt input signals.
Pressing the Enter key cycles between the available displays
The output function has been selected with the calculated oxygen
display for the selected thermocouple and millivolt outputs.
Pressing the TC/mV key cycles between the TC/mV output
values. The ◄ or ► keys move the cursor on the digits of the
value selected.