5.8GHz Image rejection mixer
Ref. : DSCHR01000161 -9-Jun-00 2/6 Specifications subject to change without notic e
Route Départementale 128 , B.P.46 - 91401 ORSAY Cedex - FRANCE
Tel.: +33 (0)1 69 33 03 08 - Fax : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 09
Electrical Characteristics
Tamb = +25°C
Symbol Parameter Test
Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Fop Operating freq uency range 5.725 5.8 5.875 GHz
IF frequency band DC 50 MHz
Cg Conversion gain, RF to I or RF to Q (1) -4 -2.5 dB
NF Noise figure (DSB), RF to I or RF to Q
Pif_1dB I or Q IF output power at 1dB
compression gain
-5 dBm
Plo LO input power 5 8 dBm
I/Q phase unbalance 10 15 °
I/Q amplitude unbalance 0.5 1.0 dB
Vd Positive bias voltage 4 V
Id Bias current 15 25 mA
(1) Conversion gain will be 3dB higher after I/Q combination.
Absolute Maximum Ratings (1)
Tamb = +25°C
Symbol Parameter Values Unit
Vd Positive supply voltage 6 V
Vg Negative supply voltage -2 to 0 V
Pin Maximum peak input power overdrive (2) 10 dBm
Top Operating temperature range -50 to 70 °C
Tstg Storage temperature r ange -55 to 155 °C
(1) Operation of this device above anyone of these parameters may cause permanent damage
(2) Duration < 1s.