United Monolithic Semiconductors CHM2378a-99F-00 Datasheet

Ref. : DSCHM23781269 -26-Sep.-01
Specifications subject to change without notice
United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S.
Route Départementale 128 - B.P.46 - 91401 Orsay Cedex France
W-band Dual Channel Mixer
GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC
The CHM2378 is a dual channel mixer. Each mixer cell is a balanced structure based on a six quarter wave ring. The non­linear devices are high quality Schottky diodes providing low conversion loss and very low 1/f noise. This circuit is manufactur ed with the BES­MMIC process: 1 µm Schottky diode device, air bridges, via holes through the substrate, stepper lithogr aphy. It is available in chip form.
Main Features
n W-band LO and RF frequency range n Low conversion loss n IF from DC to 100MHz n High LO/RF isolation n High LO/AM noise rejection n Very low 1/f noise n Low LO input power n Automatic assembly oriented n Chip size: 1.98 x 2.07 x 0.10 mm
Dual channel mixer block diagram
75 75,5 76 76,5 77 77,5 78
LO frequency (GHz)
Conversion gai n (dB)
Typical conversion characteristic
LO power = 8dBm ; IF=10MHz
(measurement in test fixture)
Main Characteristics
Tamb. = 25°C
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit
F_lo, F_rf LO,RF frequency 76 76.5 77 GHz
F_if IF frequency range DC-100 MHz
Lc Conversion loss 7.5 9.5 dB
I_lo/rf LO/RF isolation 25 dB
N_if IF noise @ 100kHz -162 dBm/Hz
ESD Protection : Electrostatic discharge sensitive device. Observe handling precautions !
W-band Dual Channel Mixer
Ref. DSCHM23781269 -26-Sep.-01
Specifications subject to change without notice
Route Départementale 128 , B.P.46 - 91401 ORSAY Cedex - FRANCE
Tel.: +33 (0)1 69 33 03 08 - Fax : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 09
Electrical Characteristics Full operating temperature range, used according to section “Typical assembly and bias configuration”
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit
F_lo, F_rf LO,RF frequency 76 77 GHz
F_if IF frequency range DC-100 MHz
Lc Conversion loss 4.5 7.5 9.5 dB
|(d(Lc)/dT)* T|
Conversion loss difference f rom chip to chip versus temperature
(to be confirmed)
P_lo LO input power 4 7 11 dBm
P_RF_1dB RF input power at 1 dB -3 0 dBm
LO port VSWR (50)
2:1 2.5:1
RF port VSW R (50)
2:1 2.5:1
IMP_if IF load impedance (1) 200
I_lo/rf LO/RF isolation 20 25 dB
I_rf1/rf 2 Isolation between RF channels 25 30 dB
I_rfi/rfj Isolation between RF and IF
25 30 dB
R_lo_am LO AM noise rejection (SSB) 25 30 dB
Noise figure for I F=1kHz (2) 34 39 dB Noise figure for I F=10kHz (2) 28 33 dB Noise figure for I F=100kHz (2) 20.5 25.5 dB
Noise figure for I F=200kHz (2) 17 22 dB
+V Positive supply voltage (3) 4.5 V
+I Positive supply current (3) 1.5 2.5 mA
Top Operating t em per ature range -40 +100 °C
(1) The IF optimum load f or c onversion los s is 200. For minimum nois e figure this load can be lower, the best results have been obtained on 50Ω. (2) Measured on 200 IF impedance. (3) An external resistor controls the bias current (see section “Typical Assembly and Bias Configuration”)
W-band Dual Channel Mixer
Ref. DSCHM23781269 -26-Sep.-01
Specifications subject to change without notice
Route Départementale 128 , B.P.46 - 91401 ORSAY Cedex - FRANCE
Tel.: +33 (0)1 69 33 03 08 - Fax : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 09
Absolute Maximum Ratings (1)
Symbol Parameter Values Unit
+V Supply voltage 6 V
+I Supply current (for one input ) 2.5 mA
P_lo Maximum peak input power overdrive at LO port (2) 12 dBm
P_rf_cw Maximum input power at RF port (3) 3 dBm
Tstg Storage temperature range -55 to +125 °C
(1) Operation of this device above anyone of these parameters may cause permanent damage. (2) Duration < 1s (3) Continuous wave mode.
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