United Monolithic Semiconductors CHA5297-99F-00 Datasheet

37-40GHz High Pow er Amplifier
GaAs Monolithic Microwave IC
Vd1 Vd2 Vg3 Vd3


The CHA5297 is a three-s tage monolithic high power amplifier. It is designed f or a wide range of applications, from military to commercial communication systems. The backside of the chip is both RF and DC grounds. This helps simplify the assembly process.
The circuit is manufactured with a PM-HEMT process, 0.15µm gate length, via holes through the substrate, air bridges and electron beam gate lithography. It is available in chip form.
Vg1 Vg2 Vd2 Vg3 Vd3

Main Features

Performances : 37-40GHz
28dBm output power @ 1dB comp. gain
10 dB ± 1dB gain
DC power consumption, 1.6A @ 3.5V
Chip size : 4.16 x 2.6 x 0.05 mm
Main Characteristics
Tamb. = 25°C
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit
Fop Operating frequency range 37 40 GHz
G Small signal gain 10 dB
P1dB Output power at 1dB gain compression 28 dBm
Id Bias current 1.6 A
ESD Protection : Electrostatic discharge sensitive device. Observe handling precautions !
Ref. : DSCHA52972149 - 29-May-02 1/4 Specifications subject to change without notic e
United Monolithic Semiconductors S.A.S.
Route Départementale 128 - B.P.46 - 91401 Orsay Cedex France
Tel. : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 08 - Fax : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 09
37-40GHz High Power Amplifier
Electrical Characteristics
Tamb = +25°C, Vd = 3.5V Id =1.6A
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit
Fop Operating frequency range (1) 37 40 GHz
G Small signal gain (1) 10 dB
Is Reverse isolation 40 dB
P1dB Pulsed output power at 1dB compression (1) 28 dBm
P03 Output power at 3dB gain compression (1) 29 dBm
VSWRin Input VSWR (2) 3:1
VSWRout Output VSWR (2) 3.5:1
Tj Junction temperature for 80°C backside 152 °C Id Bias current @ small signal 1.6 2 A
(1) These values are representative for pulsed on-wafer measurements that are made without
bonding wires at the RF ports.
(2) Value representative for CW on jig measurement.
Small signal gain flatness (1)
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Tamb. = 25°C (1)
Symbol Parameter Values Unit
Vd Maximum drain bias voltage with Pin max=18dBm +4.0 V
Id Maximum drain bias current 2.2 A
Vg Gate bias voltage -2 to +0.4 V
Ig Gate bias current -5.5 to +5.5 mA
Vdg Maximum drain to gate voltage (Vd - Vg) +6.0 V
Pin Maximum input power overdrive (2) +22 dBm
Tch Maximum channel temperature +175 °C
Ta Operating temperature range -40 to +80 °C
Tstg Storage temperature range -55 to +125 °C
(1) Operation of this device above anyone of these parameters may cause permanent damage. (2) Duration < 1s.
Ref. : DSCHA52972149 - 29-May-02 2/4 Specifications subject to change without notic e
Route Départementale 128 , B.P.46 - 91401 ORSAY Cedex - FRANCE
Tel.: +33 (0)1 69 33 03 08 - Fax : +33 (0)1 69 33 03 09
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