The CHA5215a is a MMIC multifunction
integrating a 3-stage medium power
amplifier, a gain control and an output
detector. A high saturated output power
allows a linear operating point for
multichannel communication applications.
The output power can be controlled thank s
to the combination of a detected output
voltage and an important gain control
dynamic range.
The circuit is manufactured with a standard
0.7µm implanted power MESFET, air
bridges, via holes through the substrate
and electron beam gate lithography
process. It is supplied in chip form or in
ceramic flat-pack packag e.
FopOperating freq uency range55.87GHz
GlinLinear gain ( Gc=-5V)25dB
GdrGain control dynamic range1015dB
GcGain contro l voltage-50V
PoutSaturated output power27dBm
SdetOutput power monitor sensitivity-5mV/mW
VrefReference monit or voltage550mV
RLinInput return loss (full band) (2)712dB
RLoutOutput return loss (2)6dB
VdPositive supply voltage (1)9V
IdPositive supply current330400mA
VgNegative supply voltage-1.4V
IgNegative supply current15mA
(1) Depending on the application a trade-off can be obtained between linearity and power
consumption by adjusting the positive supply voltage (from 6 to 9V).
(2) The return loss can be improved by using a simple matching network (available on request).
Absolute Maximum Ratings (1)
Tamb = +25°C
VdPositive supply voltage10V
VgNegat ive supply voltage-6 to 0 (3)V
GcGain control voltage-6 to 0.6
PinMaximum peak input power overdrive (2)20dBm
TopOperating temperature range-50 to +70°C
TstgStorage temperature r ange-55 to +155°C
(1) Operation of this device above anyone of these parameters may cause permanent damage
(2) Duration < 1s
(3) Choose Vg in order to have Id ≤ 400mA when Vd is applied
Ref. : DSCHA52150160 -08-Jun-002/12Specifications subject to change without notic e